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Hi everyone, I have not been on in a while, but I figured I would stop by and fill you all in on whats been going on since so many of you helped me through out my "issues".


Basically for all you that dont know my story My gf and I of 3 years broke up at christmas time. Well Last week we decided to meet up and go for a drink. Well guess what...............................














wait for it....





















.... I really am quite happy about this and the best thing is I followed no contact for quite some time and apparently it worked. She called me one day, then it went to 2 times a day then she basically told me she loved me still, had been doing a lot of thinking, wanted to be with me, couldnt be with anyone else....and so on. Well Since we have been having lots of good times together and it almost feels as if we never broke up. She has matured quite a bit since then and seems like she knows what she wants now. Its kind of weird but ya.


Anyways Thanx everyone for all the help and advice through out that * * * *ty time in my life, and wish you all the very best. I still log on once in a while so feel free to PM me if you need any advise or suggestions as well. ThanX again everyone.

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Thanx a lot for the replys guys and girls!!


There is not much to say but try to do things for yourself and try to forget about the one you lost. I know its hard but if you try to occupy yourself with things time will pass faster. I joined a gym, met new people, partys partys partys haha, got into soccer.....and so on. It really helps. Best of all try to make yourself look really good just incase there is a chance you might run into them

It was quite funny how all the sudden she called me and I didnt answer, then i get home and there is a msn msg. Next day same thing , phone call, i dont pick up, followed by a text msg and a msn msg. Finally I gave in the third day and we chatted for hours. Next day there was a couple hour long conversations, then the meeting. It was nice cause her sister and her bf came out as well and we went to the stampede ( this big show thing in calgary ) It kind of let me relax a bit more knowing If I didnt have anything to say to her i could go off and talk to someone else. The next day we went to a movie together ( superman


So there you have it, basically dont do anything. Stay positive, work on yourself, and before you know it they will be back in your arms ( if its true love that is )


Thanx for reading


If anyone has anything else to ask then please do, im happy to help where ever i can.


Take care friends.

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am sooooooo happy for you...in fact I cried when i read your post....


i wish you and your lover all the luck in the world....i really do...


i love hearing positive news......it makes me feel like there is hope....


i hope one day to post on here one day with news that my husband has come back to me..once he has worked thro this depression.....i trying to stay positive and as you say if its meant to be then it will happen....


heres hoping....!!


take care and loadsa love and luck for your future..


futy xxxxx

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awww that was sweet of you Im sure everything will work out for you! And Im sure he misses you a lot, like I said hun stay positive and look on the bright side of things.




PS : calgary kicks but ( but only during the summer....so 3 months a year haha )

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ya i do see myself as extremely lucky. This girl was my world and now its back, every day I wake up im so much more happy and full of energy, it rocks!!! I dont think its that rare though, I know quite a bit of people that get back together with their ex's, although sometimes it doesnt work in the end. Thanx for all the replys

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