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bf had sex with another woman while i was in the same room

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I have been broken up with my bf for about 3 months. This weekend we had set a date to try and resolve or issues. While I was waiting for my bf to arrive my drunken neighbor had came over to visit. I felt sorry for her at the time and told her it was o.k to stay. My bf arrived and we sat around a drank a few beers.


my neighbor was getting really waisted and was sorta of starting to make some move on my bf. she ended up falling asleep on my couch. and my bf and i had went into my bedroom. while we were getting undress she came into the bedroom and my bf asked me if i was ok with this. i told him not really and asked him why it didn't bother him and he said that he felt sorry for her.


i ran out of the room and came back and saw her naked on top of her. i started yellling and grabbed a knife and slit up my arm and came close to death.


he came to look at my arm and told me i was a * * * * * * * and called the abulance. he took off before the abulance arrived and i haven't seen him since..


I am so hurt because he never went to er with me or even called to see if i was o.k. I don't want to get back with him but i would really like to know why he done something like this?

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is he your bf or your ex? if you two were technically broken up with at the time, it's not cheating if he hooked up with someone else.


however, he had sex with a drunk woman who couldn't consent. that is rape.


so, he raped another woman while in the same room as you. and he called you a bad name and didn't go to the ER with you.


he sounds like the world's biggest jerk. that is why he did this. don't waste another second of your time on him!

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You are better off without this jerk. I can't believe that he was having sex with the neighbor in your bed after you left the room. What a creep! Was she even awake or passed out? Then he didn't go with you to the ER and you haven't seen him since. You just need to move on. It probably hurts, but you will be better off without him.

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If you guys been broken up for 3 months then he didn't cheat, b/c there is no relation so you can't really expect him to commit then there is none. And if the nieghbor didn't consent to this, then his in a whole bag of trouble. You don't need to be cutting yourself for a loser, you're better than that. How's your arm by the way???

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however, he had sex with a drunk woman who couldn't consent. that is rape.


Err... yeah right. If that would be true, there would be a lot more rape going on in the world than we realize.


Not to defend this guy's actions, but if a drunk woman makes a move on a guy (whether he is drunk or not), it's her own action and her own fault for being drunk and stupid. How can you possibly call this rape...

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Err... yeah right. If that would be true, there would be a lot more rape going on in the world than we realize.


Not to defend this guy's actions, but if a drunk woman makes a move on a guy (whether he is drunk or not), it's her own action and her own fault for being drunk and stupid. How can you possibly call this rape...


in the United States, if you are falling down/passing out drunk, you cannot legally give consent. if he had sex with her in that state, that is rape. that is the law.


I don't know how drunk this neighbor was, but it is possible she may have not been able to give consent depending on the state where she lives.


often, though, the women feel ashamed, so they don't take legal action.

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Hey Girl,


I hope that you are OK!


No guy (or girl, for that matter), is ever worth hurting yourself over, especially one who would do such a thing in YOUR house, with a women who was unable to consent because she was drunk.


I hope you are on your way to healing physically, but I also strongly urge you to seek counseling regarding your cutting episode, as you can see this is very dangerous behaviour and you could have died- is a creep like that really worth it?

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Wow, I hope your OK. Trust me it was him who deserved that knife for what he did, that is just wrong (though it is good you didn't do anything you might really regret).


I'll never understand why people insist on continuing contact with their ex's months after the fact, especially a jerk like this guy. PLEASE move on from this guy...Nothing good can come from continuing to see an ex.


On another note, you sound like a bright girl...I am puzzled how smart girls get themselves involved with people like this. referring to another thread now going on, there had to be some pretty serious flags hinting to run from this guy.

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I noticed that you are still referring to him as your bf. It is time for you to let this guy go. Start right now by calling him "the jerk who is out of my life for good!".


He is not your bf. Bf's don't treat their sweeties like this. You really, really, really need to get it out of your heart and head that there is any sort of future with this boy. There isn't! He is horrible. You are getting hurt so badly, hun. It will only get worse...and I fear for you. I fear for your safety and wellbeing.


How is that arm? Who was there to pick you up at the ER or to take care of you and ask about you after all that craziness? Whoever it was - that is a person who cares! That is a person(s) you can turn to now.

And you have here.


I hope you are alright. You deserve to be happy. To be treated like a queen. Don't ever forget it!

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