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how can i make myself more attractive?

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Have a positive outlook on life. You can't buy this at a store - it does not come in a bottle. This is a result of the choices you make in your life. Generally, people who have a positive outlook on life attract others. People love positivity.


Take pride in your appearance/health. By simply adjusting your diet to a somewhat healthy overall diet, you will look and feel better. Participating in some type of fitness activity will not only make you look better in your clothes but it will reflect in your attitude. You can work out that stress and convert it into a real positive thing.


Smile. You don't have to smile at every person you see or even anyone for that matter. The mere act of smiling can actually change your attitude, even if you are upset or stressed about something. So, whether people are around or not, smile every once in a while.


Change your name. Reallydown? How bout ReallyUp or ReallyExcited? You can actually train your brain into being more positive and once it really starts happening, it's not a trick but the truth. I'm halfway kidding about you changing your name, but focusing on negatives can really bring us all down. Little things can bring more positivity into your life.


Good luck

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Hold your head erect, look upon this world with a smug smile if you must--show that you could care less what everyone else thinks, you are proud to be you (the courage and confidence will be very attractive)!



Took the words out of my mouth.


Excellent suggestions. My own suggestion is to not take yourself too seriously, and to not take everything else more seriously than it should be taken.


And yes, I used to believe that having a neutral/serious face would get you more attention for some reason, but having a smile on is much, much more affective.

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*Good posture- sitting up straight makes you look a million times less lazy... and thinner. ; )

*Walk with confidence. Ever notice those girls that can do really embarrassing things with confidence/easygoing-ness (for lack of a better word) and somehow it... doesn't look embarrassing? Insecurity doesn't attract the kind of guys you want to attract.

*Smile. It's been said a million times, but for good reason... I don't mean constantly having a huge smile on your face, but looking content/happy in general makes you seem more approachable and less likely to bite their heads off if they do talk to you.

*Take care of yourself. Not saying put on a face full of makeup, but showering, smelling nice... even getting a new haircut can make a huge difference in your confidence level and the way people see you.

*Let yourself laugh. I personally love it when guys aren't afraid to throw their heads back... having a sense of humor is never a bad thing.

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It's hideously cliched, but when you love yourself...so that covers working out and eating right, and developing yourself through interests, sports, socialising, and intellectual pursuits.


I firmly believe that a couple of hours reading every couple of days makes you much better conversation, and thereforeeee more attractive.

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I think the question needs to be changed:


Its not: How do I make myself more attractive?


its: How do I make myself feel more attractive?


And Antilove superstar hit the nail on the head. Love thyself, and others will love you.

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