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Is this odd behavior or should I just trust my fiance b/c its't this weird??

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First of all let me say that I been in almost 3 years relationship now and have warn him right from the beginning when we first g/f and b/f that I wouldn't tolerate cheating, nor lying, or any type of mistreatment and if so I would be gone right away, no counseling, no therapy, no forgiveness, NADA (spanish word for "nothing"). Yes I do trust him and currently I'm living with him for about 6 months now, but lately for the past 3 months I notice him with boxes of heart shaped chocolates and a perfume, but it makes no sense cuz it's not valentines nor anybody's b-day, it's not a special occasion. I did questioned but he informs that it's for a very special old lady from work, a friendly one, says that she's about 78 years old and that she's nice, they're friends. Now I'm not a jealous type girl nor overract nor suspect to much of people, but I clearly stated that I believe his words, I believe what he was saying, but if I find out it's not true, that's he's going behind my back, or is up to no good, then I'm gone for good, no forgiveness. Yes, he's my first relation and I do love him, but I'm not going to stay with one who cannot commit or goes behind my back. That was the second time I made it clearly, I don't think he needs no explation. Like I say I do trust him, but isn't that kinda weird, heart shape chocolate, perfume, and stuff for an old lady. I told him to bring her in, I would like to meet him, he say she's too fraile and that she has lots of grandchildren to take care of. What do you think people?? Srry, gotta go, but I'll be here tomorrow.

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A friend of mine in England used to visit a 98 year old lady. He would take my kids often when they were little and she liked that - but she didn't like adult strangers visiting because she was intimidated and preferred to only meet people she knew.

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Do you recall what kind of perfume it was? It could be close to a dead giveaway to who it's for. A woman who is almost 80 years old would not be wearing Paris Hilton's fragrance line, etc. It could help you find the way to some answers.. do you happen to remember the kind?

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First of all she works with him and then she's to frail to come and meet you? That sounds suspicious to me but as the others are saying it could be possible? I agree that you should ask if you can go with him to meet her.


I hope you find out he's telling the truth.


Good luck

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it's VERY odd behaviour and you are right to be suspicious. getting chocolates for an old lady is one thing, but why are they heart-shaped? that doesn't sound appropriate. and perfume for an elderly lady?????? i don't think so.


you need to go with him or find a way to meet her b/c this sounds very shady.

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I agree with most of the other posts. I suppose its possible he is telling the truth. ON the other hand, it is kind of strange that she is not too frail to work at age 78, but is too frail in his eyes to meet you


It just all sounds a bit suspicious in nature. The heart shaped box of candy and perfume just sounds a bit much for a "little old lady" at work.

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