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So... February 14th is nearly upon us...

Kevin T

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Yes, good old St. Valentines' Day.


I was wondering how many people here are dreading this occasion; seeing it as a curse and a day that only irks you even more so?


And how many of you are beginning to look forward to this day; seeing it as a day to either spend with your special someone or as an opportunity to meet someone before then (with over two weeks away - there is still time, you know.)


Let me know what you think about this upcoming Valentine's Day!

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Let me know what you think about this upcoming Valentine's Day!


I think that if you are single and feeling down- you should make a point of it to be sure that your Valetine's Day is special.


The day is about love and thoughfulness. That love does not have to be romantic in nature. You do not have to buy into the commercializtion of Valentine's Day. Think outside the box.


You can simply do something loving for another person- whether it is a family member, friend, or somone in need. You can do something loving for YOURSELF too.


with over two weeks away - there is still time, you know


I agree. That means you have 2 whole weeks to make some good plans for that day and get out of that rut of negative thnking. Make plans to go out that day- have a good time, or spend some time with family or doing a good deed. Buy something nice for yourself, see a movie you wanted to see, read a book, do something you've been wanting to do, etc. etc. etc.


Life is what you MAKE it. You don't inevitably have to dread February 14th and feel down unless you want to. You can turn it around.


The first step to doing that is actively trying to turn negative thoughts into positive ones.



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personally this day means nothing to me. being single just allows me to save the money that i would otherwise have to spend on a lavish gift just because we came up with this "special day." I personally always hated vday and much rather do something special for my gf (when i have one) on some other completely random day.

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There are no tears lost on this v-day for me. I actually do not care about the holiday this year because... one I am single and two I can save oodles of cash $$$


It is like BellaDonna stated earlier about making it what you will. So go out there and forget the dumb Hallmark holiday and do some fun things. If you really want to then do something nice for a family member or a person in need.

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Last V-day, I was single so I didn't have much stuff to do. I know that my co-worker was 4 hours behind on some work, so I secretly decided to sit down and just do it for him while he was out with his girlfriend. He was very happy the next day that the work was done!


Maybe you can make someone else's day special?

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Valentine's day only irks me because of the rampant consumerism....oh, no, wait...that's EVERY day.


Really, it's never been a significant day for me at all. I don't care one way or the other if my husband (and in the past, bfs) got me anything at all.


Then, again, I've never been big on getting gifts on socially sanctioned occaisions (Christmas, birthday, anniversary, etc) anyway.


You don't need to tell me I'm an odd sock. I've known that for quite some time.

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Incidentally, if you are one of those people who feels Valentine's day is a big deal, why not try this....


Shower the love of your life with presents that day...whatever they like -- chocolates, flowers, video games, pokemon stuffed critters, whatever...take them to a nice dinner...then find a mirror and tell that special someone how much you love and appreciate them.


After all, you've been there with you from the beginning, and you will be with you until the end. You ARE your original life partner....treat yourself like you are the love of your life.


It beats the heck out of sitting around making yourself miserable.

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OK, so I am a hopeless romantic and although it bites me in the butt, I would rather be a hopeless romantic than not. When in a relationship I have always done something special/romantic to celebrate the one day a year geared for love and the possibility of love and the whole history of the day. The years I have not been with someone I don't cry over it. I find something to do for myself. Nice dinner, movie or whatever. Hell 2 years ago I painted my living room. No matter what, I also do something special for my boys, because after all the day is about the love of your life. If they are home with me that day, they too get the royal treatment: candles, nice dinner, desert, catawba etc...


So, I guess I am in the minority on this one but my silly little hopeless romantic notions get in the way LOL

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Incidentally, if you are one of those people who feels Valentine's day is a big deal, why not try this....


Shower the love of your life with presents that day...whatever they like -- chocolates, flowers, video games, pokemon stuffed critters, whatever...take them to a nice dinner...then find a mirror and tell that special someone how much you love and appreciate them.


After all, you've been there with you from the beginning, and you will be with you until the end. You ARE your original life partner....treat yourself like you are the love of your life.


It beats the heck out of sitting around making yourself miserable.

haha! nice one but yeah I definitely hate V-day cuz I never had a gf in any valentines day with me, I had a gf last year but it was a long distance so we were on the phone.. It sucks to see other couples holding hands, walking down the streets lol I get jealous But yeah.. whatever I'll just ignore them pretend they're not there as usual lol

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I think I'll egg my ex'es house,

Send him some dead roses......

then go beat up some elderly person.....


Ok ok I'm kidding!!!!!

I'm going to look in the mirror....and say "Hot damn girl, you look good!!"

Then I might even kiss the mirror...LOL...depends on how "romatic I feel that day!!!

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Two years ago I embarrassed myself on a hot date the day before v-day, and last year, two days after valentine's day my ex called me just to "see if i was there". we started seeing each other again right after. another disaster. figures he'd call me after he doesn't have to buy me something.


but my mom always does something nice for me on that day and friends send me little cards that I paste up on my wall. so i suppose I like valentine's day. And when I do get married or whatever, it'll be a good excuse to do something special.

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People complain about this consumer holiday all of the time.


Many say "why only express your love for someone because it's a holiday?" Point well taken. You should do special and romantic things all of the time and at random for the people you love and for yourself. Come on, everyone deserves to be pampered sometimes!


Still, many would be upset if they didn't get a little something on V-Day if they were with someone. You all know you'd be pissed if your bf didn't atleast get you an "I Love You" card or something. Don't lie.


My father has gotten me a heart-shaped box of chocolates every year since I was little. I hope everyone has someone who loves them EVERY DAY of EVERY YEAR and not just on the 14th of February.

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My father has gotten me a heart-shaped box of chocolates every year since I was little.

Mine too! lol


I've never been a daddy's girl (far from it) but I must admit- last year was the first year my dad didn't get me one because he moved out of state, and I felt so bad. I missed my dad ...


This year my dad is going through a rotton divorce, so I decided I wanted to sent him a Valentine from me, my husband, and our cat. Yeah...I know it's kind of dumb and I'm buying into Hallmark's holiday- but I think it would be a nice gesture.


It's not always about romantic love, either.


Plus for somone like me, I enjoy commercialized holidays because they give me the chance to be sappy and sentimental without ruining my image . lol



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I think I've only had one romantic V-day back in college with my first boyfriend. Those sweet, innocent days, ahhhh!

My feelings are mixed...one year I felt all warm and fuzzy, enjoyed watching people get stuff...the next I'm a pure cynic.

It's my mom and stepdad's 25th anniversary, so I'll do something special for them.

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How do you really feel Kyoshiro Ogari LOL LOL

I know, I should express myself more clearly.


You have a way of turning a phrase.

Well I had to keep it clean for our younger audience out there, otherwise my true rant would've looked like this Yosemite Sam tirade...


* * * * this stupid * * * *ty * * * * * * * * * * * *ty * * * * * * * * * * * *ing stupid meniacle * * * *ty * * * * * * * * * * * *er * * * * * * * * dumb * * * mother * * * *ing * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * filled butthole day!!


So I chose the safe route.

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