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Where do you cut???(a poll)

Moon Goddess

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Just copying and pasting what I wrote in response to an earlier article:



This is my first post to this message board. I normally don't even do this, but I noticed that no one has replied to you and think that I could at least say something on the matter.


My ex-girlfriend was a 'cutter'. I returned from the gas station one day b/c she wanted me to go out and buy some beer, and when I got back she was on the ground in tears with a blanket on her. She was already a pretty depressed girl, and I generally assumed that she was just crying over her past (which was pretty upsetting, to say the least). I later found out while in bed with her, that she was crying because she had almost killed herself by cutting her thighs so many times with an exact-o knife. Mind you, this was a day or two later... and there were so many scars down her legs that it scared me to death at first. She made me promise to never tell another soul about these cuts she did, and I kept my promise while still being with her.. whether that was right of me to do or not is an ethical question that I'll never know the answer of.


Anyways, I don't try for a minute to pretend that I can understand what you or she was going through, b/c I honestly don't. But I do know that hurting oneself is somehow connected to earlier experiences in life where pain was consistant, and becomes such that it is the only thing that can help a person deal with their haunting past. And this is normally something that wasn't your fault (i.e. molestation, incest, abortion, rape, etc). Instead of telling my ex that she shouldn't do it anymore, I rather tried to understand 'why' she did this. She always told me the same thing - 'it's how i deal'. Pretty vague excuse, I know - but I knew where she was coming from.


I am always better at analysis than giving advice about something, however, I guess I'll tell you what I would tell her if I ever saw her again and found she had this same problem occurring. --- Do some soul searching into your past and find what it is that you are feeling guilt about. And not only that, but confront the problem. Because odds are, it's an issue you've been suppressing and purposely avoiding dealing with for most or all of your life. And pain is the only solution to make you feel like you're okay. It's not much different than any addiction that we, as humans, carry with us throughout our day. Cigarettes, alcohol, anger, depression - they're all things that we relate back to in order to feel comfortable and in control of our world. You must learn to not only live without these things, but realize why you don't need them in order to be truly happy.


And lastly, make sure your boyfriend knows about this. No matter how much you're afraid of his reaction (if he doesn't already know)... let him. Talk to him and others about this as much as possible, even though it may be embarressing or difficult to talk about. It's the only way to begin letting go of this addiction you've had in your life for far too long.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know it is hard but please DONT cut, take one day at a time, or if you need it, one hour at a time. Keep busy, don't sit alone in a dark room and think too much. I know that helps when I cut, now I take it about 2 hours at a time. Small signs of progress are better than no progress, and remember, everyone slips occasionally.

Best wishes, let me know how you do.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I used to cut on my left arm, bassically everywhere on it, from my shoulder to my hand. I also cut on my stomach and my legs. I believe that when I cut on my stomach and legs, it was more because I hated myself, my body....everything about me. When I cut my arms it was more to deal with emotional pain.

...But I haven't cut in a bit more then 6 months!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I can't believe this post has been going for so long. I am sorry if it offends or if in someone way it's not right my intention was just for people to get things out and for others to notice that they are not alone. If you see someone on this topic who cuts you might want to help them out. Mainly everyone look around you are not that different you can reach out to anyone here. I haven't cut for months now and I can't say it's easy cuz yes it is addicting and once you start and realise you can it's very hard to stop. That's why it should never be encouraged but nonetheless it's here and most people have dealt or are dealing with it.


Anyone can PM me if they want I know I have been absent from the forum for sometime but it hasn't left my thoughts. And now I'm back to help. ^_^

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IM deffo not a cuting person... ive cut myself once and that was to stop my bestie... she always uct herself so to try and stop it i decided to cut while i was on the phone to her... i only did a scrtch.. a lil deep one.. and i was lyk "owww ok no way ill help her another way ow so not worth it owwww" ive still got the scar (its like a really really light faded browny line u cant tell at all unless i hold it up close and point to it) butman i could never do it. When im angry i sit down veryu still and cry. That makes me sound liek a woose but ive had a lot of pain in ym life. ive been abused inn more ways than one but i couldsnt and stil cant do anythign about it so i learnt to control my anger (i have anger management problems) andinstead of bashing things as i used to do i sit down very still and just make myself cry.. it releases the anger real good!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I try not to cut but sometimes I feel like my blood is tainted, like it's this thick, black goo and it feels like I cant breathe, like Im being posioned. So I cut to get rid of it so I can make new, clean blood. I know that sounds mental and weird and you probably think I'm crazy but thats why. I usually cut my wrist and use my watch to hide the scar.

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When I was younger... anywhere... normally my arms.

I used to scratch at myself as well.

Once my stomach... but that was insane.


When things got bad last year, up my right thigh... I tried to figure out a way to make it hurt as much as possible with as little damage as possible to my skin.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


I cut my fingers and my hands, it makes it easier to explain away, you know I was chopping something and the knife slipped. I cut because I use it as a pressure release. When things get too much if I cut myself and make myself bleed, the pressure in me is released and I calm down. Does anyone else hurt themselves accidentally on purpose? I know it sounds weird but sometimes when I'm ironing or something I'll be thinking I've got my arm too close to the iron and the next thing I know I've burnt myself. I think that inflicting physical pain helps to take your mind off the mental stuff.


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  • 3 weeks later...


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