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MM wife stalking me

Guest Anonymous

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MM wife has been in her car parked and following me around sometimes.  It's quite creepy. 

MM hates her but he's too much of a coward to leave.  He keeps telling me he will yet a year has gone by and no separation yet!

Should I report her to the police?  I've never actually spoken to the woman and don't ever want to!!



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3 hours ago, Guest Anonymous said:

 He keeps telling me he will yet a year has gone by and no separation yet!

Delete and block him and all his people from ALL your social media and messaging apps.

Never get involved with a lying cheater. He has no intention of leaving her.

Stop having sex with her husband and find  decent honest single men to date.

You created this problem for yourself by willingly and knowingly seeing a married man.

What are the police going to do? You and this creep are in the wrong here. She may have followed her husband to your house.

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OP put yourself in her shoes....you would be doing the same thing. And btw your MM is lying to you. He doesn't hate her and things are not as bad as he is saying....because that's what they all do to get sympathy and you on their side to have an affair....making it seem justifiable. It's typical. He's lying to you, and he's lying to her.

make it stop? stop seeing him and that will quickly clear things up.

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10 hours ago, Guest Anonymous said:

MM wife has been in her car parked and following me around sometimes.  It's quite creepy. 

MM hates her but he's too much of a coward to leave.  He keeps telling me he will yet a year has gone by and no separation yet!

He's a coward, you got that right.

as mentioned... walk away from all of this!

He IS married fps!

No separation.. no divorce... = No involvement.

You be waiting a lonnngggg time to see anything progress with this one.  Give yourself some self respect and be involved with someone who is actually Single.


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