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Was this guy testing me?


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I've been chatting to a guy online for about a year now. Anyway, I messaged him and it took him an hour and half to reply, which he has never taken that long, always been straight away. Before this i signed in, then signed back in about 2 hours later. The reason was because I was hoping I could had got a pre approved payment through PayPal to chat to him. He was chasing me a lot at the beginning so I know he's definitely interested in me.


I'm thinking that he was thinking I was wanting to chat to someone else and not him because we was both online.


He asked me if I like fishing, go fishing. I don't like it but there's a thing of fishing online by sending messages to a lot of other people. I know 100% he's not a scammer, catfishing.


Does this seem like there's a possibility that my intuition is right, he was testing me?



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Some questions: Have you two met in person? If not, are you planning on meeting?


I think unless you two meet there’s no way of knowing anybody’s intentions.


Right now it’s all fantasy. I was in a relationship’ with someone online and it was a waste of time. When I finally met him there wasn’t any connection or chemistry! In fact he was stuck up. In the months before meeting him I built him up.


So you should ask if he is testing you is it really relevant? You should find people near you to date.

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Why would you have to pay to chat with someone?

I've been chatting to a guy online for about a year now.


The reason was because I was hoping I could had got a pre approved payment through PayPal to chat to him.

I don't like it but there's a thing of fishing online by sending messages to a lot of other people.

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limichelle, we have discussed about meeting up. He lives in Russia and i am from the UK so it's kind of difficult at the moment. I do feel a strong connection with him. I know online it can be different than meeting up in person. Only time will tell of his intentions!

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Is there a language barrier? Are there local matches for you on this site? Is this a marriage/bride site that provides translation services?


Is there no messaging apps or social media he has suggested or provided numbers/access to? After a year of chatting don't you think it's odd to still need to rejoin a dating site to chat? What is he "testing" you for?


How are you 100% sure he is not catfishing or scamming, since there is no offsite communication or videochatting?

I know there's free dating sites but this is the one site I chosen to join.
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Why would you have to pay to chat with someone?


On 90 Day Fiance there was am American guy who was conned by a woman in Russia and he paid for her to use a chat service there that had a big fee. He apparently paid over $100K in fees to chat with her! I'll stick with WhatsApp which is free but maybe it doesn't work in Russia. People get scammed all the time.

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Do you mean you could see he was on the dating app and not talking to you?


I think the bigger problem is that it's been a year and you still haven't met. Pandemic restrictions might make any in-person meeting a long time into the future. I wouldn't put yourself on hold for this guy, in other words. Online communication gets old after a while. It could simply be that he's losing interest in keeping this going when there is no meeting possible in the foreseeable future.


Keep you eye open for local guys, OP. The logistics of this make it unlikely to work out in your favour, unfortunately.

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Since after a year , you have to pay to chat to him , cut him off.

He certainly is not paying money just to talk to you!


And since communication has ONLY been through this site , he clearly has not validated who he is by added pictures , video chat etc.


Scam written all over it.

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