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Emotional support group Covid19


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I was out sick with laryngitis for a month before this hit, and now they want me to stay home another 2+ weeks? Really annoying timing, but I have to count myself lucky that I generally like being alone. My girlfriend got sick and it's only a week but she's missing people terribly. She especially misses me because she didn't see me much while I was sick.


Also lucky that neither of us has corona. Since I was already quarantined I wasn't anywhere that I would have caught it, and it seems like she managed to miss it even though there was someone in her office who had it.


The big thing now is we are hoping her school will close as they are one of the only schools in the area that hasn't. It's putting a strain on a lot of the employees, and the students as well, especially knowing someone there had already tested positive.


The thing that sucks the most for me is that I'm in a community orchestra and I was so looking forward to the songs we were practicing for the winter season. We had gotten everything ready but then had to cancel all of our performances (we perform our concerts for free in rest homes, which is where people have been dying from covid). We started looking at our spring music, but now had to cancel our practices as well. We may not be able to play together again until fall.


Music being one of my main non-video game hobbies I'm feeling a lot less well-rounded all of a sudden.


But I feel silly complaining when so many are struggling with genuine financial and health related worries. I'm healthy, and even though I felt the drop in the stock market, I'm rich enough to be able to feel that drop so it's all kinda relative. And my job is very work from home friendly so I have no actual personal worries.


When my girlfriend is better we're going to try and see how we can help others who are actually struggling.

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I was out sick with laryngitis for a month before this hit, and now they want me to stay home another 2+ weeks? Really annoying timing, but I have to count myself lucky that I generally like being alone. My girlfriend got sick and it's only a week but she's missing people terribly. She especially misses me because she didn't see me much while I was sick.


Also lucky that neither of us has corona. Since I was already quarantined I wasn't anywhere that I would have caught it, and it seems like she managed to miss it even though there was someone in her office who had it.


The big thing now is we are hoping her school will close as they are one of the only schools in the area that hasn't. It's putting a strain on a lot of the employees, and the students as well, especially knowing someone there had already tested positive.


The thing that sucks the most for me is that I'm in a community orchestra and I was so looking forward to the songs we were practicing for the winter season. We had gotten everything ready but then had to cancel all of our performances (we perform our concerts for free in rest homes, which is where people have been dying from covid). We started looking at our spring music, but now had to cancel our practices as well. We may not be able to play together again until fall.


Music being one of my main non-video game hobbies I'm feeling a lot less well-rounded all of a sudden.


But I feel silly complaining when so many are struggling with genuine financial and health related worries. I'm healthy, and even though I felt the drop in the stock market, I'm rich enough to be able to feel that drop so it's all kinda relative. And my job is very work from home friendly so I have no actual personal worries.


When my girlfriend is better we're going to try and see how we can help others who are actually struggling.

I am sorry to hear that you and your girlfriend have been sick. I hope you both get better soon. It is true well-rounded life things like hobbies are being cut very short. That is important for good mental health to have hobbies that we enjoy. I’m sorry to hear that yours has been cut short for now.

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Thank you for creating this thread, Seraphim. It's helpful to read others thoughts on this.


You walked 5 km? Awsome! I'm so glad you're feeling well enough to do that.


FIO, I hear ya, I am a bit of a germ-o-phobe too and although I do have a few Lysol wipes, I know they won't last long and not much chance right now of buying more. But..just gotta do what you can, right? I'm glad that you found some bleach though.


TWT, omg, can you believe the madness of it all? I have my socks on standby..lol. Have we really gotten this depraved? Lawdy. But glad you'll be getting some bum wipe soon.


Bolt, am getting over a bad head cold too. Staying home (just in case). Lucky I have that option. I hope you feel better soon.


Grandy, me too....yes, me too. My husband and I had ideas ages ago on what could have happened/should have happened that would have stopped things from getting this out of hand. You really just have to shake your head at it all. In my humble opinion, I don't feel it needed to get this out of hand. So many things could have stopped it before it got to this point. Even now I am wondering why the stores are not putting limits on items to stop one person from having cases of things and another person to having nothing. Sigh.


All we can do is take it one day at a time, right?

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Thank you for creating this thread, Seraphim. It's helpful to read others thoughts on this.


You walked 5 km? Awsome! I'm so glad you're feeling well enough to do that.


FIO, I hear ya, I am a bit of a germ-o-phobe too and although I do have a few Lysol wipes, I know they won't last long and not much chance right now of buying more. But..just gotta do what you can, right? I'm glad that you found some bleach though.


TWT, omg, can you believe the madness of it all? I have my socks on standby..lol. Have we really gotten this depraved? Lawdy. But glad you'll be getting some bum wipe soon.


Bolt, am getting over a bad head cold too. Staying home (just in case). Lucky I have that option. I hope you feel better soon.


Grandy, me too....yes, me too. My husband and I had ideas ages ago on what could have happened/should have happened that would have stopped things from getting this out of hand. You really just have to shake your head at it all. In my humble opinion, I don't feel it needed to get this out of hand. So many things could have stopped it before it got to this point. Even now I am wondering why the stores are not putting limits on items to stop one person from having cases of things and another person to having nothing. Sigh.


All we can do is take it one day at a time, right?

Yes , all we can do is take one day at a time and stay away from big crowds of people as much as possible.

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I am having so much trouble sleeping whereas before all this I was starting to get in such a good sleep have it better than in my whole life. There are points in days were my panic is getting close to crisis level. But I am communicating that to my husband so he can help.

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I am having so much trouble sleeping whereas before all this I was starting to get in such a good sleep have it better than in my whole life. There are points in days were my panic is getting close to crisis level. But I am communicating that to my husband so he can help.


Same here. And I'm so damn tired of people posting the obvious - like posting to me how many cases are in areas near my city - really? You think I'm not checking regularly if not hourly (in response to a post where I wrote that in my city we have no confirmed cases......YET). People need to think before they type about this situation. I need to think before I stop scrolling by lol.


I hope today is much much better for you.

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Same here. And I'm so damn tired of people posting the obvious - like posting to me how many cases are in areas near my city - really? You think I'm not checking regularly if not hourly (in response to a post where I wrote that in my city we have no confirmed cases......YET). People need to think before they type about this situation. I need to think before I stop scrolling by lol.


I hope today is much much better for you.


I hope it is better for you too. I think too what prompted part of this thread was the fact that people are making fun of people’s feelings about the situation on social media. Here we can all emotionally support each other and at least not be in close physical contact. It is one of the ways we can still be close and have social distancing. In times of crisis it’s natural for people to want to run together but in this instance we cant .

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I'm going to try to shut most of it off too, it's causing anxiety.


I've already deactivated Facebook and I will only look at my local news paper once a day, to keep informed.

Other than that, I will try to turn the rest of it off.

Yeah , I have pulled back as well.

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Sher, thank you for that. I'm glad I'm not the only one.


My sleep has been crap too. And exactly what you said Batya, yes! I'm trying to do the same as you all, as otherwise it just feeds into my anxiety.


It must be double challenging while trying to be a calm support for children. I'm thinking of you guys.

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I think provincial announcement is coming. They just closed all casinos.


Here they are broadcasting all these casino promotions. Restaurants are emailing $20 coupons and posting special prices. Shops are posting specials and sales and asking people to come shop. Yet the government is telling us to stay home.


I get they are probably feeling terrible financial stress, but I don't think they should be encouraging and/or asking us to patronize their businesses right now. They should probably just close down until this crisis is more under control. And hopefully their landlords will give them some kind of break.

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Sher, thank you for that. I'm glad I'm not the only one.


My sleep has been crap too. And exactly what you said Batya, yes! I'm trying to do the same as you all, as otherwise it just feeds into my anxiety.


It must be double challenging while trying to be a calm support for children. I'm thinking of you guys.


We all have it hard in different ways. Our son is holding his own for the most part, just wailed about not being allowed to hunt for ladybugs on the slide at a playground (don't ask.....)- we're not overly scared about getting sick (and I am a bit relieved that today is two weeks since I was on a domestic flight and we all feel fine). It is hard navigating this new world of pseudo home schooling. Thanks so much for your thoughtful insights!

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Here they are broadcasting all these casino promotions. Restaurants are emailing $20 coupons and posting special prices. Shops are posting specials and sales and asking people to come shop. Yet the government is telling us to stay home.


I get they are probably feeling terrible financial stress, but I don't think they should be encouraging and/or asking us to patronize their businesses right now. They should probably just close down until this crisis is more under control. And hopefully their landlords will give them some kind of break.


No ,they shouldn’t be encouraging people to congregate.

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I went for another long walk with hubby. We saw a fox who was staring at us intently and we scuttled on home.


We've been doing walks in our gorgeous park down the block -with appropriate social distancing (very easy to do) and yet.... so many posts urging everyone to never go out other than for food. We are not on lockdown where we are, at all. Just a social distancing thing. For many people getting outside is near essential for mental health (including for my mom who is totally typical/normal/no signs ever of any depression etc and she knows she needs her fresh air, "power walk" at 85 -good for her! -with social distancing. Tired of the judgment. Will continue doing what I know is safe and healthy for our family.

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I just paid 23 bucks for a 24 pack of Kleenex cotonelle toilet paper. I use common folk tissue not the frou frou crap but it was all I could find. Its still on sale online at office depot of all places, 20% off purchase too if you qualify.


(holy sh*t, I went to go grab the link and its ALREADY sold out, it couldn't have been more than 15 minutes...people are quick...)

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So, there are no cases in my city at the moment.


And the mail person had a parcel for me. She placed the pick up notice in the mailbox but I had seen her and went to let her know that I was home if she wanted to drop it off.


Honestly, you'd think I was poisonous. She literally ran away, yelling "that they were told not to get close to people" and "she's sorry but she can't give me my parcel".


Grrrr, now I have to go down to the depot and try to get it.

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So, there are no cases in my city at the moment.


And the mail person had a parcel for me. She placed the pick up notice in the mailbox but I had seen her and went to let her know that I was home if she wanted to drop it off.


Honestly, you'd think I was poisonous. She literally ran away, yelling "that they were told not to get close to people" and "she's sorry but she can't give me my parcel".


Grrrr, now I have to go down to the depot and try to get it.


What? If she’s handling the mail she’s already exposing herself, she can drop the parcel down in your hands without even touching you.


Sorry that stinks

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