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What is your Correct Height?


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I didn't find out about "height loss" until recently. We all shrink from a half an inch to over an inch daily. And after reaching age 40, we shrink around a half an inch per decade from aging. It's more after age 60. What i also recently discovered, is somewhat bothersome. I'm tallest standing on my right leg. On my left leg, I'm about 3/8 of an inch shorter. Should humans height be measured standing on both legs? It's not going to be correct or equal. Use your heels. It should be closer to your left leg than your right leg. The discrepancy is probably because of your heart or possibly because your left handed or right handed. Your tallest after waking up. As the day progresses, your height will decrease from pressure put on your back. Before going to bed, your height will be significantly shorter than after waking up. It happens daily. During sleep, your body regains it's normal height. After waking up, my height is 5 feet 6 and half inches. Before going to bed, it is around 5 feet 5 and 3/4 inches. That's 3/4 of an inch height decrease which is normal. I'm 60 years old. Height decrease supposedly increases at this age. There are several ways of measuring your height. It's important to measure your height after waking up and also just on your left leg and right leg. Your correct tallest height should be on your right leg. However, since your right leg is longer, your height measured standing on both legs, will be closer to the length of your left leg which is awkward. Stretch exercises may prevent height decrease. As for weight lifting, you may want to avoid it, if you want to stop height decrease. Lifting weight is not good for your back. If your in your 40's and older, instead of weight lifting, do stretch exercises. They may prevent height decrease. You want to expand out. Not down. What does lifting weights do? The added weight, will decrease your height as well as strengthen your muscles.

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Sorry to hear this. You need to get to a doctor for an evaluation of possible physical conditions but also to rule out Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

On my left leg, I'm about 3/8 of an inch shorter. Should humans height be measured standing on both legs? height is 5 feet 6 and half inches. Before going to bed, it is around 5 feet 5 and 3/4 inches. I'm 60 years old.
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If you've got concerns about your back or spine, you should see a doctor.


More generally, the best thing you can do is maintain or increase the strength of your muscles to continue supporting your spine. It's inevitable the spine will begin to curl, but it's often exacerbated as people get older due to a lack of fitness and muscle atrophy.

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Op: Why are you obsessing about your height? You started a thread about it in July and now you are here again about the same subject. What, if anything did your doctor find out as to why you are shrinking? Are you insufficient in calcium due to your anorexia? What did he/she discover about your particular height decrease?


Also: There is a lot of "Fake News" in your opening thread so please talk to your health care professional to get the true (not alternate) facts.


Good luck.

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If you've got concerns about your back or spine, you should see a doctor.


More generally, the best thing you can do is maintain or increase the strength of your muscles to continue supporting your spine. It's inevitable the spine will begin to curl, but it's often exacerbated as people get older due to a lack of fitness and muscle atrophy.


... and calcium deficiency which causes bone density loss. Op: What did your doctor say? Your last post (in July on the same subject) indicated that you were under a doctor's care but you never returned to that thread to clarify.

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It happens to everybody. Not just me. Measure your height standing on your left leg. Then measure your height standing on your right leg. Either the height discrepancy is because of the heart or if one is left handed or right handed. This height discrepancy is fascinating. I just recently discovered it. Doctors already know about it. That's why they went to school. However, i don't trust doctors. They have known how to bring dead animals and people back to life for near 100 years. One case involved a dead animal that was dead for two weeks. They brought it back to life. It did well for a while then deteriorated.

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Measure your height standing on your left leg. Then measure your height standing on your right leg. There should be a difference. Possibly because of the heart or if one is left handed or right handed. Not quite an obsession. It's awkward. I did not know we all decrease in height daily then regain normal height during sleep, until recently. Though we don't learn new things daily, once and a while we are put on the right train. That's how we advance education.

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Doctors already know about it. That's why they went to school. They have known how to bring dead animals and people back to life for near 100 years. One case involved a dead animal that was dead for two weeks. They brought it back to life. It did well for a while then deteriorated.
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Measure your height standing on your left leg. Then measure your height standing on your right leg. There should be a difference. Possibly because of the heart or if one is left handed or right handed. Not quite an obsession. It's awkward. I did not know we all decrease in height daily then regain normal height during sleep, until recently. Though we don't learn new things daily, once and a while we are put on the right train. That's how we advance education.


Please get a referral to a psychiatrist... you will be less obsessed with this and other things like what Wiseman has quoted as well as helping you out of your eating disorder. If you are already seeing a psychiatrist, what do they say about your OCD thinking on this and other (apparent) fake news?


Be well and be advised that gravity alone will cause what you are fixated on.

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Are you trying to be a good girl? Your confused! My user name is samsnames (they usually change it for some reason). That 19 year old with the user name Sammspiess (use caution when a person includes spy or spies in their user name because that person could be a federal agent or possibly an augur) is the one your interested in. I'm 60 years old. I did not include "Fake News." What i wrote is true. I did not know about Height Loss until recently. That's largely what my post is about. You should not have included a terrorist threat. Why should anyone see a psychiatrist, when Height Loss is a part of daily life.? It's not Fake News. It's a Fact of Life. I'm a Conjuror! Google "Define Conjuror." I advise you not to use Terrorist Threats. First, investigate what the subject is about. If you do that, you will learn that Height Loss is a Fact of Life. We all decrease in Height daily. Anywhere from a half an inch to an inch. In some cases it's more than an inch. During sleep we regain our normal height. After waking up, that's when we are tallest. Within 6 or so hours, we will have decreased in Height by 5/8 of an inch to 3/4 of an inch. We may actually commence to regain height shortly before going to sleep. DO NOT USE TERRORIST THREATS! Look for Sammspiess post again. I don't know about that person. When a person includes "Spy or Spies" in their user names, they are not to be trusted. If you don't know what an "Augur" is, investigate what "Augur" means. Our leaders are "Augurs." They are used like prophets are used. You know what "In-'au-gur'-a-tion" means. It means our leaders are being used. They are sworn in to be Puppets. First investigate! If you are convinced it's yet bogus, you are too stubborn. Like Grandma Walton! Next thing to do after you investigate, is measure your Height after waking up and before going to sleep. In fact, measure your Height at least 3 times a day for a moon or month, than determine if they are wrong or if you are on the right train. It's your decision. No one can make your decisions. Unless, you happen to be doing time. Now we know Grandma Walton would find this absolutely ridiculous! She will make a good Prison Guard. Better yet, she will be better are ruling Prisons. Would you like to know Grandma Walton? I can preordain it. She will even teach you how to Play Muslim or act. Now that can be good reason to use a terrorist threat. However, I'm a Conjuror. I request. I am not used or i am not an "Augur." For some darn reason people love to Spy. In fact, we all love to Spy. Looking through that peep device is "Awesome." Spy on women while they "Excuse Me." We all do it! For most, that's when we are quite young. Some become so infatuated with "Spy Work" they actually make it their living. Do your investigations! That's how we advance.

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Now we know Grandma Walton would find this absolutely ridiculous! She will make a good Prison Guard. Better yet, she will be better are ruling Prisons. Would you like to know Grandma Walton? I can preordain it. She will even teach you how to Play Muslim or act. Now that can be good reason to use a terrorist threat.

Conditions that Lead to Speaking a Word Salad





Receptive aphasia

Anoxic brain injury

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No! All humans have one leg that is shorter than their other leg. It may be because of the heart or if one is left handed or right handed. Measure your Height standing on your left leg. Next measure your Height standing on your right leg. There will be a difference. Compare the measurements with your Height Standing on both your legs. The leg that is closer to the Height you measured standing on both your legs, is the leg you favor or the leg you place most your weight on. Your correct tallest height is the leg that has your tallest height. However, since your leg that is shorter than your longer leg, is almost equal to the Height you measured standing on both legs, they always use that Height as your actual Height. Your actually taller though. It's awkward yet a part of life. Nearly all doctors keep it confidential or don't tell their patients. Discovering we all lose from an inch to over an inch in Height daily, is actually beneficial. We humans like a challenge. It may lead to certain cures.

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Melancholy123: It's more a fascination than an obsession. I just recently discovered that we all lose from a half an inch to over an inch in Height daily. We regain our normal Height during sleep. It deals with the back. More so women than men. If your left handed, measure your Height standing on your left leg only. Then measure your Height standing on your right leg only. There will be a difference. Then compare the measurements with the measurement you did standing on both your legs. If your left handed, your left leg measurement may be closer to the Height you did standing on both your legs. Either it's because your left handed or it's because of the heart. If your right leg is closer to the Height you measured standing on both your legs, it possibly means it's because of the heart. Use a hardback book. Place it firmly against a wall then lower it gently to the top of your head. Draw a mark. Do so for all three measurements. Both legs than your left leg and next your right leg. The leg that has your tallest Height is your actual tallest height. However, the shorter leg is the leg where weight is placed more frequently. There's no way to make an accurate measurement using your tallest leg. It's because your weight is mostly on your shorter leg. If you actually do the measurements, reply back. This Height Loss is fascinating. Doctors are keeping this confidential.

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Who used a "terrorist threat"?


Should I go get some tin foil??


And I can't imagine being this focused on my height unless it's a dramatic change that my doctor advises requires further exploration. I can't even remember the last time I measured my height.

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boltrun: You don't have to worry about a terrorist threat! That's because you were not a target. I'm a target! Did you know all humans decrease in Height daily. Anywhere from a half an inch to over an inch. They regain their normal height during sleep. It was ThatwasThen that used the Terrorist Threat. If you don't know about daily Height decrease, that's what much of this attention is about. ThatwasThen thinks it's Fake News. First investigate before using insults or terrorists threats. Google or youtube "daily Height loss." Since ThatwasThen is too stubborn to investigate this fascinating Subject, your correct about Nothing Changes. It is a fascinating Subject. Not to ThatwasThen who thinks it's Fake News.

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boltrun: You don't have to worry about a terrorist threat! That's because you were not a target. I'm a target! Did you know all humans decrease in Height daily. Anywhere from a half an inch to over an inch. They regain their normal height during sleep. It was ThatwasThen that used the Terrorist Threat. If you don't know about daily Height decrease, that's what much of this attention is about. ThatwasThen thinks it's Fake News. First investigate before using insults or terrorists threats. Google or youtube "daily Height loss." Since ThatwasThen is too stubborn to investigate this fascinating Subject, your correct about Nothing Changes. It is a fascinating Subject. Not to ThatwasThen who thinks it's Fake News.


Can you please quote the exact words ThatWasThen used that were a terrorist threat? I've scoured the post and didn't see anything remotely threatening.


And again, I am not concerned with checking my height because I see a doctor regularly and he has not told me that he's concerned about me experiencing height loss. I do not measure myself daily because I honestly don't see any reason to.

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ThatwasThen: Alarm the public about daily Height loss that we regain during sleep? I don't trust doctors! Most people may not trust doctors. Since they know how to cause cancer and other diseases, they also know how to cure them. Be weary of doctors (not all because most don't know what's going on) and choose those that are ridiculed. Doctors have power. They can either kill you or save you. They've known how to bring dead people back to life for near 100 years. Doctor Cornish is the infamous Miracle Worker. The Defibrillator is a conception derived from Dr. Cornish. He thought if he could get a dead animals or a dead humans heart beating again, they would be brought back to life. He was correct. It don't matter. We will all die from old age. What did Dr. Cornish get for his achievements? Insults! They called him a Mad Scientist. Possibly because of Frankenstein. This is from Samsname.

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ThatwasThen: Alarm the public about daily Height loss that we regain during sleep? I don't trust doctors! Most people may not trust doctors. Since they know how to cause cancer and other diseases, they also know how to cure them. Be weary of doctors (not all because most don't know what's going on) and choose those that are ridiculed. Doctors have power. They can either kill you or save you. They've known how to bring dead people back to life for near 100 years. Doctor Cornish is the infamous Miracle Worker. The Defibrillator is a conception derived from Dr. Cornish. He thought if he could get a dead animals or a dead humans heart beating again, they would be brought back to life. He was correct. It don't matter. We will all die from old age. What did Dr. Cornish get for his achievements? Insults! They called him a Mad Scientist. Possibly because of Frankenstein. This is from Samsname.


We know your posts are from you because your user name is directly to the left of your posts.


That is NOT a terrorist threat! Holy cow...

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