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Life in the Driver’s Seat (extended)

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I will leave a Merry Christmas in advance here. 2020 has brought so much more change than I can tolerate and this is just more intolerable change. I don’t do change well. My brain just CANT wrap around the visual changes. It actually makes my brain hurt. 


Most likely will be back at some point but whatever made it “ home” went poof with no warning. I can’t deal with one more thing with the raging dumpster fire that is this year. 


Peace and love . ❤️

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1 hour ago, Jibralta said:

Be well. Merry Christmas.

Yeah, looking at the layout is giving me a blinding headache within 5 minutes every time.  And it doesn’t matter what layout phone or iPad .  So I can’t say I want a blinding headache every day .  There are just some things my brain and eyes just refuse to process .  And I guess this type of forum layout is just one of them . Sad, but nothing I can do. 

I am also irritated we weren’t told the forum was going to move. As I said I don’t process change well. Mine to delio with I realize. But I HATE HATE HATE change , it causes enormous anxiety and I have more than enough right now. 

The whole layout doesn’t fit my physical and mental and emotional  needs and as close as I am to  cliff right now it is not wise to push beyond what I can bear. So most likely I will be back in short bursts at times, it might be all I can do due to visual processing. 


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On 12/13/2020 at 11:05 AM, Seraphim said:

Yeah, looking at the layout is giving me a blinding headache within 5 minutes every time.  And it doesn’t matter what layout phone or iPad .  So I can’t say I want a blinding headache every day .  There are just some things my brain and eyes just refuse to process .  And I guess this type of forum layout is just one of them . Sad, but nothing I can do. 

I am also irritated we weren’t told the forum was going to move. As I said I don’t process change well. Mine to delio with I realize. But I HATE HATE HATE change , it causes enormous anxiety and I have more than enough right now. 

The whole layout doesn’t fit my physical and mental and emotional  needs and as close as I am to  cliff right now it is not wise to push beyond what I can bear. So most likely I will be back in short bursts at times, it might be all I can do due to visual processing. 


Don't feel alone, it hurts my brain, too, somehow.  Very unpleasant feeling looking and trying to type. Maybe it's the brightness?

I'm SO happy for you with your husband being back.  I'm sure there's an adjustment period where you all have to figure out how to live life again together, but I'm so glad you're happy and that he's home!

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2 hours ago, maritalbliss86 said:

Don't feel alone, it hurts my brain, too, somehow.  Very unpleasant feeling looking and trying to type. Maybe it's the brightness?

I'm SO happy for you with your husband being back.  I'm sure there's an adjustment period where you all have to figure out how to live life again together, but I'm so glad you're happy and that he's home!

This time we are lucky there has been no adjustment period. But his last deployment there was because he came home all jacked up but it was high stress because it was a gray ops. 

For me it is the whole forum layout is a hindrance but I am trying. The layout is not user friendly at least to me. 

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Soooooooooo all Christmas plans have gone the way of the dumpster fire. Yesterday I had to find a stuffed Butterball turkey because that is the only kind my son will eat. I had to go the next city over. 

We are driving 3 hours to exchange gifts with family in the parking lots of their apt buildings because the fine is too high to go inside . I won’t see my brother. In other words a 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Covid crap Christmas. 

The gifts never arrived for my girlfriend/worker and her daughter and won’t arrive until AFTER our little get together. Of course 

I am normally a rip snorting excited Christmas person but blank this. If I don’t get to see my mom for a normal Christmas next year.... I can’t even tell you..... 

Oh and it’s the first Christmas without my dad. I am stopping at his grave and both sets of grandparents and my son’s grave. 

And we can’t go to church. 

Merry 🤬🤬🤬Christmas

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