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Gave notice at career job, just want a mindless non-career job now

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Not sure if my current job will want me to work out my entire notice or if they'll let me go earlier. Still some things up in the air. But right now I need to get some ideas for what else I can do.


What are some good jobs that don't require too much thought? I'm thinking physical labor of some kind, or something that involves being outdoors. I don't care if I take a 50% or more pay cut. Just want something that isn't all-consuming. I don't want my job to be my life.

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What are some good jobs that don't require too much thought? I'm thinking physical labor of some kind, or something that involves being outdoors. I don't care if I take a 50% or more pay cut. Just want something that isn't all-consuming. I don't want my job to be my life.


Are you in a warm climate?

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A good job but mindless. I doubt that actually exists. Working in fast food can be pretty mindless and it's not particularly a good job. Construction can be very well paying but you have to be on the ball and do it right, it is not mindless. Selling encyclopedias door to door would be mindless and frustrating and you won't likely make any money that way.


Sounds like you need some career counselling. Should you go back to school and learn a trade?

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A mindless job that makes good money doesn't exist. In fact, I had a couple mindless jobs. If i played my cards right, I could have studied, read, done something else to better myself while i was at that job (one was to babysit an empty office where the phone rang twice a day). I got so bored that i eventually quit. I know it was kind of dumb to quit maybe but i wanted to be useful.

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I've heard professional line-sitting is now a lucrative thing. https://www.thepennyhoarder.com/make-money/side-gigs/professional-line-sitter/


I would say pet-sitting, but I have friends who own a pet-sitting business. They have no complaints about the pets, but mainly the people - either their clients or employees being flakey.


What about your current job drove you crazy? Was it the hours or having to do very complex tasks?


You could look into taking up a trade.

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