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That interview time on Friday isn't bad.. you could even have one beforehand for.. erm... Dutch courage!


no, don't.. you will nail it!


well done on the feedback, it all helps for future..


yes, the thoughts will come and go for a while.. it just recedes through time (also helps when others approach!)


Great work on the gym buddy. Yeah, getting out and about on the weekends always helps too.


Hitting the bubbles tonight?

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Im so happy i found this site. Having others to chat to has helped amazingly, we are in this together 😁


Im actually talking to my friend about his relationship trouble and using the things inhave learned on here to guide him in what he should do.


Its nice that through my own heartbreak i am able to help another person in need. Much like a lot of members on here. Helping others is a wonderful feeling

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Yh im kicking myself all the time not following my own advice.


So how am i feeling today?


Okay actually. Wrapped in my duvet after a good session at the gym with my trainer.


Might go shopping in a bit or just chill and play some ps4, havent decided yet. To comfy to move at the moment.


Thoughts of the ex are still there. Trying to push them out of my brain but its hard. Gotta keep at it.


Gonna prepare for my phone interview. So i am fully equipped for what is to come.

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Glad you're feeling a bit better man. Don't try and force the thoughts away just one day they'll be less and you'll be like huh I haven't thought of her for a few hours that's weird


well done for trying to stick to the gym if nothing else it'll give you confidence in the future with other women! my friend did the same thing after his breakup, got more into it and now his girlfriend is stunning and he wonders what he was ever doing with his ex so good times to come for you!

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I do definitely feel more confident in myself. Lost 5st in total about 2 and a half since the split.


Anyway. The gym high has worn off. I need to start my diet as at the moment i eat about once a day and its just crap.


I know there is a correlation between diet and mood so if i eat bad i will feel bad.


I would be feeling better if i didnt have so much free time. It is hard to fill it. All my friends work full time and current financial standing means i cannot start any new hobbies. I really wanna do rock climbing.


Think saturday ill have a really good clean of my room. Time to throw some stuff away i think.

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Throwing away stuff is really cleansing...Man, the stuff I found after I moved out...I found a crate with some old dial up modems from the early days of the internet. I mean, seriously..?


Since then I can't even begin to explain how much stuff has gone...and there's still a little bit to go....


'Don't want to over bubble'....Got a good laugh out of that one...


You're doin' great P*....You're gonna come out of this real good....


Just don't forget me when you go shooting past me on your way out of the tunnel....I'll be in here for a little while yet*



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Think i was about 7 when we had dial up. Just rember you couldn't use the phone and the internet at the same time. Hace come a long way since then.


Im tempted to bin so much. Clothes all the crap i don't need. Im gonna put teh stuff from the ex in a box and hide it away. I read thats better because if i burned it i cant take that back but forgeting about it then finding it and throwing it away because i can id more healthy.


Thanks for saying im doing great but im not sure if i am. I think of her alot, maybe to much. I just had a cry a moment ago. Not a long one maybe 3 minuets but to be honest i needed it. I put on be yourself by audioslave and the tears just came.


Dont worry about me forgeting you Carus, thats not gonna happen. I not only have a great memory (bit of a hindrance at the moment) but how can i forget someone that helped me in my time of need. That goes for alot of people here and they know who they are. They will hold a place in my heart for an age.


Feel like I'll be here for a little while longer as well but it will take as long as it takes. Im just taking each day at a time and being as honest with myself as I can be.

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Hello Piaresssss,


Yes, certain songs make we gonna go at any minute! Not just about the break up though, it's just the effect they have.


I am also planning a good clear-out/ spring clean this weekend too.. Can't wait to sort my flat out.


Anything sentimental from the ex just hide away in a box mate.. in time you will look at it with fondness, not hurt :)


"Dont worry about me forgeting you Carus, thats not gonna happen. I not only have a great memory (bit of a hindrance at the moment) but how can i forget someone that helped me in my time of need. That goes for alot of people here and they know who they are. They will hold a place in my heart for an age."


Same here buddy. Same here

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Thats what i plan on doing with all the stuff i find.


To today. I feel alot better. I have had my down moments that one would expect but other than that im feeling good.


Managed to pick up an extra shift tomorrow so will have to clean my room Wednesday.


Im all preped for my phone interview tonight. Hoping I smash it. This is the one I really want.


Its good to be feeling better today.

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So some good and bad news.


The bad news first. The phone interview had to be cancelled due to the interviewer having to deal with a client.


To the good news. On the strength of my first interview I have been put through to the final interview next thursday. Which is amazing.


Feeling so good. Im on a high right now.

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Nice one buddy! Very proud of you


Now you can relax and enjoy your weekend!


Any plans?


Thanks Sputnik. Feels really good


Im at work both days this weekend but im not to bothered, its something to do.


Weeks packed out. Work then on two days off an interview each day they personal training the other day.


See you already have your weekend plans in place

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Mate, goo call, we saw Paddington 2 as soon as it came out.


I went with low expectations.. I was so surprised and both loved it!!


He wants to see Coco next.


I am probably gonna take the nephews to that too. Bags me some good uncle points and i get to see them too. Plus i love pixar.

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I love up. That begining is just amazing.


I actually had a good day. Played with my bros dog. Had a chat with his tenant. He is a great guy. Helped me alot when i first split. He has the view that i should go to japan as its something ill probally not do again. I told him at this point in time im firmly in the not going park.


Then i went to work. The girl i flirt with was in and low an behold we start flirting again. Like i said i cannot read people very well so im not sure if she is flirting back but i enjoy it anyway so thats a positive.


The flirting did get a bit sexual so i suppose she is flirting back.


Im getting excited for next week and my interviews. Im gonna smash them. Then got my theory test on Wednesday. This will be the 6th time i have taken it. I missed it four times because i kept over sleeping and failed it twice once on questions and once on hazards. Im actually going to revise this time so i can pass and then take my test.

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Hey buddy,


I hope you had a good one, like yesterday


Yes, as I said, a little flirting can definitely go a long way!


That's fantastic news on the provisional test.. It's such a wonderful avenue that opens up when you get driving, even if you live in London. Just make sure you have gone thoroughly the accompanying materials and ask a friend or relative to test you a little on the book. Subconsciously, you will remember alot more than you may think! The hazard perception section is relatively easy mate.. you can't really click too much, so be trigger happy


I'm also sure you will smash the interviews. Will keep everything crossed for you on both counts


S x

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Yh was actually another okay day.


I realised if i get this new job, tomorrow would be my last day which is a great feeling.


Im thinking of her still but not as much as I was which is better.


I actually have an app on my phone that im taking practice tests on.


When i pass i should be driving within the month i think.


Hope you had a great weekend my man

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