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I feel like I am being stringed along.


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I have a weird situation. I have talked to this guy who is divorced father of 2. We have seen each other a few times. After the first time we had sex I didn't hear from him for several weeks then he contacted me and started back texting. We decided to go on a trip together, we had a great time. When we got back he said wanted to get together again. I told him I really liked him and wanted to see how things would go with us. That if he wasn't interested to let me know. He said he wanted to take it slow and see how things went. I didn't hear from for a couple of days so I texted him and asked had he changed his mind and wasn't interested in me. He said he hadn't changed his mind. I have given him 2 chances to say no let's walk away. I texted him Friday, he took his kids out of town. Told him hoped he had a great time. He replied thanks. I sent a text saying when he got back from his trip for us to grab dinner and hang out one night this week. He never replied. I haven't sent him anything else. I am assuming since he didn't respond that he doesn't want to see me. He hasn't mad contact with me since the 2nd day back from our trip. I have made contact. Before he would talk more now it is more of a short text. What is going on. Why does he tell me he wants to take things slow and see what happens but doesn't make a effort to talk to me or see me.

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I agree with jennylove.


Based on your posts, it seems like, on top of sleeping with these men way too soon, you give them the power to dictate where things are headed, the two may be connected, i dont know.


You feel like you're being strung along... is that what you want? If not, you can make the choice to walk away, you don't have to wait until he rejects you. Is his level of interest enough for you? If not, find someone who matches your level of interest. You don't have to wait for them to admit their treating you like an option, you can throw in the towel yourself. It makes it sting a little less too, btw

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He IS "taking things slow".


That means he will contact you on his own timeline.


That does NOT mean you have to sit around waiting on him.


If you want things to move as a faster pace, or you want a relationship, this man is probably not the right one.

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If someone disappears after sex, you should not just reply them again.

He was silent for weeks.

You go on a trip, sleep with him some more and then he disappears again?

He doesn't text you but replies with an one word answer?


He isn't stringing you along. He's making it crystal clear he isn't interested. Might hit you up once every few months just for sex though.

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Yes, I have known him along time. I know his ex-wife.

So you know he's actually divorced and not still with her even in a casual, ex-sex sort of way, then.


Anyway: His actions are showing you that he considers what you two have going on as a casual, sexual relationship so you shouldn't expect anything other then what he's been offering.

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If I've seen a woman "a few times" and she tells me not once but multiple times to tell me if I've changed my mind about her or am not interested, then that's a level of insecurity I don't really wanna deal with. I can't say whether he was genuinely into you or not, but I think that sealed the deal.

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