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Seeing my boyfriend for the first time :P


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I was on the phone with my boyfriend earlier today so while we were talking he was also talking to his cousin and, yes this is guy I lied about my height to; I told him I was 5'9 when I really am 5'10 and he is 5'11. Also, this is the guy that my friend introduced me to well kind of, he told her to give me his number after he seen a pic of me and she showed me a pic of him.



*I really don't want to hear anything about him being my boyfriend too early or me breaking up with him. That's now what I want advice about.*


But anyways, well when he was talking to his cousin he was saying how he didn't like tall girls and girls that were taller than him. I felt some type of way about that because when I lied and told him I was 5'9 he said something about how he doesn't usually talk to tall girls which I kind of felt offensive about.



I didn't really want to talk on the phone with him anymore but he ended up saying he'll call me back later. Him not liking tall girls really bothered me but he also mentioned that he didn't care about height when it came to me but I know it does.



I'm nervous about going to see him. I wish I could wake up two inches but I know that won't happen till a certain age. I know I can't change myself sometimes I really do.



I do see myself being with him for a long while but I really don't know how to feel about this...I keep trying to talk myself into thinking that he'll accept me but I don't know. I am going to a doctors appointment next month and I'll be told my height, I hope I haven't grew any.

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You've already posted about this and got many good answers.


The main response was that you started off a relationship with deceit and you lied to him. It's not good and there is never a good enough reason to lie to someone.


Who knows if he will accept your height or not, but he will know you lied and that's what he could have the biggest problem with.

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You've already posted about this and got many good answers.


The main response was that you started off a relationship with deceit and you lied to him. It's not good and there is never a good enough reason to lie to someone.


Who knows if he will accept your height or not, but he will know you lied and that's what he could have the biggest problem with.


Come on, it's a one inch difference. Even my doctor's office cannot consistently tell me my EXACT hight in one number. It always fluctuates, and to list one reason is because of the "cushions" in your spine get compressed and depressed depending on certain conditions. I am about 5'9, but if I'm being super critical about the accuracy of my real height I'm floating around 5'8 all the time. I get different readings so I just tell people when I get asked I'm 5'9. I'm not a liar because I know I'm somewhere around 5'8 when I tell people I'm 5'9 and neither is the OP. My doctor even said you should round up in reporting your height. Even my weight, I technically lie all the time, despite it tends to fluctuate more often than height. Man, even my breast size fluctuates on my water/food intake! Gosh darn it, I'm such a liar aren't I? I know I'm really a different number than I state, my god! Should they take away my driver's license because I said I'm 5'9 instead of 5'8? The answer is no. It really is so insignificant.


OP....don't worry. Just tell your guy if he says something that you got an updated physical and report what it says. If he cares THAT much about a one inch difference even though he's taller than you, then he has issues. I bet if you asked him his penis size, what he says wouldn't be 100% true either. Guys either lie about their size or cannot measure accurately all the time when erect (amount of blood flow differs). Some girls say that matters to them. Now if you said you were shorter than him while you are considerably taller than him, that is a different thing and I can see how he would react negatively to such a difference and would feel tricked. This is not the case here. Screw him if he doesn't accept this thing with your height.

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I'm not talking about if the difference in height makes a huge difference. I am talking about how OP decided she needed to lie to someone in order for them to be interested or like her.

That's not a good thing.

Since when is lying ever okay? especially at the start of a relationship? That's all my point was.


And yatsue, mind your own answers and don't worry so much about criticising what others answers are. Sick of people attacking others posts!

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I'm not talking about if the difference in height makes a huge difference. I am talking about how OP decided she needed to lie to someone in order for them to be interested or like her.

That's not a good thing.

Since when is lying ever okay? especially at the start of a relationship? That's all my point was.


And yatsue, mind your own answers and don't worry so much about criticising what others answers are. Sick of people attacking others posts!


The beginning few sentances were meant to address your post. The latter was more so to make fun of the guy, being bothered by any little thing she's not accurate about to a fault in his standards of what his gf should be, if it turns out to be true for him. My exaggeration was meant to make OP feel better about the situation with related topics in a joking manner, not attacking you although I guess in plain text it may seem that way sorry.


While it is technically lying, everyone lies. You have lied, OP has lied, I have lied at any point in my lifetime. It is lying to say you have never lied before. It is human nature. It is all about the kind of lies and quantity; this is one harmless, white lie that is variable. When it comes down to it, he is going to see her in person and will choose her how she is or he won't. Her inaccurately stating her hight by a tiny margin should not make a difference unless if she is taller than him, which would in any guy's mind say "Hey! ?!" I mean, why do guys want a small gf? Because they want one that's shorter than them so they can be a big, manly man and do manly things for his girl and be perceived as so to others, in summary. It's harder to be perceived that way when the guy is shorter than his gal. So some guys get insecure over it. I believe OP will be fine because she is at least shorter than him and she stated a very small margin of inaccuracy for her answer. My bet is he won't even notice!

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Here's the deal - if one inch of height makes a difference to him then you two were never going to be right for each other anyways. You still may not be and it will have nothing to do with height. One inch is so trivial I don't even get why it's an issue. You are still not taller than him. Look drop-dead gorgeous when you meet, I'm sure he's not going to be whipping out the ruler to take your height and if he does leave, because that's just weird.


Really, this is much ado about nothing. But take this as a lesson of not lying to get something you want, because that always backfires. Really if he ends things with you it will be because you lied, not because of an inch of height difference. I say meet with him, don't say anything at this point unless he asks and then admit you lied and take it from there.


Just really I do not get this, 5' 10" in this day and age isn't considered that tall and height is deceptive anyways. This is not 1950 where we're all supposed to be helpless delicate females and anyone treating you like that needs to bounce.


Just go meet him already and get this done one way or another. The stress is causing you to build it up more than it is.

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A friend of mine (female) is six feet tall. Her boyfriend is probably about 6'3". She has an amazing smile and is fun to be around, so guys are always interested in her. Being much taller than the average woman hasn't held her back at all. She even played college sports, so her height was an advantage.


I have always envied tall women. I'm short and always have trouble in crowds (can't see anything but peoples' armpits lol), and it's hard for me to even see over the dash of my car. Pants are too long and I sure can't find a maxi-dress that doesn't drag on the ground.


Own and love your height!

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OP, honestly this thing about the height difference is much ado about nothing. You make it sound like a massive difference! Seriously, 1 inch??? Really?? Man, there are a lot worse things to worry about in life than a petty 1 inch height difference.


I know it seems like it's really nothing to y'all but it does mean something to me. When he said that he doesn't like girls taller than him that really did kind of hurt my feelings.

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I know it seems like it's really nothing to y'all but it does mean something to me. When he said that he doesn't like girls taller than him that really did kind of hurt my feelings.


No offense, but that's your problem, not his.


He doesn't have to like tall girls. You didn't have to lie about it.


I'm not interested in guys shorter than me. I'm 5'4" and wouldn't reach out to a guy shorter than that. If he lied and had his feelings hurt I wasn't interested later, that's his problem.

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