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Does the guy at the pharmacy like me back?!


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Hi! I like a guy at the pharmacy and don't know if he likes me back. I'll just tell you all and see what you think.


I'm 27 years old. I went to his pharmacy before to buy vitamins and ibuprofen since it's litteraly underneath my apartment.


But just recently my doctor told me I need a specific medication for my uterine fibroid which is hard to find in my country and I know his pharmacy has a lot of options so I went to ask him if his pharmacy has it. I always thought he was cute but never thought much of it.


Anyway I asked him and told him I just want to know about the price he said he knows he can order it if I wanted it but he doesn't know all the details of the price but he asked if I can leave a number and he'll sent me a message and tell me. I said okay and gave him my number but never asked for his.


I waited for 3days he never sent me the message. I went and asked him why he hadn't written to me he said that he had asked about the price of my medication and everything but just forgot to sent me the message and inform me. Anyway, he gave me the information and I said can I order it today and get it tomorrow he was like no you have to pre-pay meaning pay ahead of time because it's a lot of money and he might be losing if I never go back to buy it and his order would go to waist. So I said I'll think about it. I was annoyed that I had to prepay and annoyed that he didn't sent me the message.


I went back after two days and payed. This time he was much nicer and said we make costumers pre-pay because we have been burned before. I was like does this mean I have to trust you more than you trust me. He was like I can give you a letter just to be honest that you have prepaid and your medication will be here in an hour. I went back and got it after two hours..he was like you're a little late I told you after one hour and smiled; I was like I didn't want to come too early and got the medication said thank you; so did he and came home.


In the letter that he had given me that I had pre-payed for the medication was written his name and so once I came home I added him on facebook. He accepted me.


Then wanting to iniciate communication again I found an excuse to write to him on facebook and see if he is interested to get to know me more.

I wrote him and asked him if he has some vitamins "I was looking for" (I didn't really need those vitamins). He responded saying his pharmacy doesn't have those but recommended some other vitamins which he thought were nice and his pharmacy had. I said that I was just asking for my mom and if my moms wants to buy those vitamins he was recommending I'll tell her to come and buy them haha. He was like okay. I was like okay bye; he was like bye and that was it.


Anyway did he take a hint? He doesn't seem interested otherwise he would have asked me something or want to talk a little more on facebook. Or he would have sent me the message with the information in the first place since he had my number.


What do you all think? Should I forget this whole thing. I have never asked a guy out before and if he wanted to he would have asked me.


I really can't; can not ask any guy out. I am a very proud person. Plus the guy is supposed to do that.

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I really can't; can not ask any guy out. I am a very proud person. Plus the guy is supposed to do that.


What does being "proud" have to do with asking a guy for coffee? And where is it written that guys are "supposed" to do that?


I don't particularly like asking guys out first either (different reasons from yours), but your response is so antiquated, it makes me want to start asking out every guy I like from now on!


"Hey I'm heading out to get some coffee, care to join"?


That's not even asking a guy "out".... it's asking him to join you for coffee.

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Well keep doing what you're doing then. Seems to be going great.


What does being "proud" have to do with asking a guy for coffee? And where is it written that guys are "supposed" to do that?


I don't particularly like asking guys out first either (different reasons from yours), but your response is so antiquated, it makes me want to go out and start asking out every guy I like from now on!


"Hey I'm heading out to get some coffee, care to join"?


That's not even asking a guy "out".... it's asking him to join you for coffee.


I don't know...in this case I would feel a little forced upon him. I don't like to feel forced upon anybody and plus I did enough. I was the one that added him on facebook.


He had two chances to let me know if he was interested. One to write me a message and inform me about the medication(that would also mean giving me his number) and two ask me out on facebook or at least talk to me a little longer if he really wanted to get to know me.

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Or maybe he'd rather be a professional and not use the workplace to pick up customers.


If you want to get to know him and he's not asking, then you can either ask yourself or sit on here for the next few days talking to us about it while it festers. If your ego is that fragile that a "no" is really that much worse than sitting here anxiously, that's not a good thing.

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Well keep doing what you're doing then. Seems to be going great.


What does being "proud" have to do with asking a guy for coffee? And where is it written that guys are "supposed" to do that?


I don't particularly like asking guys out first either (different reasons from yours), but your response is so antiquated, it makes me want to go out and start asking out every guy I like from now on!


"Hey I'm heading out to get some coffee, care to join"?


That's not even asking a guy "out".... it's asking him to join you for coffee.


Or maybe he'd rather be a professional and not use the workplace to pick up customers.


If you want to get to know him and he's not asking, then you can either ask yourself or sit on here for the next few days talking to us about it while it festers. If your ego is that fragile that a "no" is really that much worse than sitting here anxiously, that's not a good thing.


It could be that he wants to be a professional and not use the workplace to pick up customers; but this can't be right since I transfered the communication to facebook and I was the one that added him. So I think if he was interested that would have been his chance since it was no longer his workplace where we were communicating.

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It would be grossly unprofessional of him to slip in his personal number when asking about a medication at his pharmacy. Asking about vitamins at his store is also a professional communication. Just accept that he's not the one to date. He sounds too smart to make passes at clients, leave him alone.

He had two chances to let me know if he was interested. One to write me a message and inform me about the medication (that would also mean giving me his number) and two ask me out on facebook or at least talk to me a little longer if he really wanted to get to know me.
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It would be grossly unprofessional of him to slip in his personal number when asking about a medication at his pharmacy. Asking about vitamins at his store is also a professional communication. Just accept that he's not the one to date. He sounds too smart to make passes at clients, leave him alone.


I'm fine with accepting that he is not the one to date. But I find it a little interesting that you can in no way date someone who came to buy medications. What if he sees someone that he really likes is it in any way a no no? I thought this is how people meet. How else are you supposed to meet someone? You can't always meet at a coffee bar or through mutual friends or on facebook...

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He has a professional boundary to maintain. You've got no such boundary. You would need to be the one to make that leap and ask him out. But you say that's something you don't do. So this is going nowhere.


I agree with Wiseman. Leave it be. It's best not to set yourself up for failure with these convoluted "hints."

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It would be grossly unprofessional of him to slip in his personal number when asking about a medication at his pharmacy. Asking about vitamins at his store is also a professional communication. Just accept that he's not the one to date. He sounds too smart to make passes at clients, leave him alone.
Since he sounds too smart to make passes at clients; he's probably smart enough to have taken a hint. In my way...I have already asked him out. He's probably smart enough to know I have done my part


I agree with Wiseman. Leave it be. It's best not to set yourself up for failure with these convoluted "hints."


I will let it be you all for your comments.

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He is bond by ethics and isn't going to loose his job over your crush. Most people would view it as really creepy if someone who has all their personal medical data including personal contact info abused that to get dates.




What's wrong with dating apps or other places to meet peers with whom you do not have a professional relationship?

I find it a little interesting that you can in no way date someone who came to buy medications. What if he sees someone that he really likes is it in any way a no no? I thought this is how people meet. How else are you supposed to meet someone?
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He is bond by ethics and isn't going to loose his job over your crush. Most people would view it as really creepy if someone who has all their personal medical data including personal contact info abused that to get dates.




What's wrong with dating apps or other places to meet peers with whom you do not have a professional relationship?


I know that and I understand work ethics...but in this case I opened the door for him and I'm saying that if he wanted to he would have taken the chance and no one would have found out....anyway I don't like online dating and don't use it. I like meeting people on person. But I don't go out that much cause I have to study alot. Anyway someone else some other time.


If I ever go back there to buy something and get closer to talking I'll have to think about if I want to ask him out or not but I doubt it. Because like I said in my way I have already asked him out. He seems smart enough to know that I wanted to get to know him more.


Thank you all have a good day.

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Absolutely nothing in your post indicates that he is remotely interested (imo). Nothing. I would back off at this stage because soon it will become very obvious that you are "chasing after him" and it becomes a little too creepy and too pushy. I don't think this guy is interested. Best to move on and shop elsewhere.

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OK, forgive me. But there was absolutely no hint of interest in anything that you wrote. Nothing you did wrote about your communication showed any sort of interest on either one of your parts. I mean, if I were him, I would think you added me to Facebook to message/badger me about medical questions.


And, if I were him I'd feel weird about even asking someone out when I have a sense of their medical issues.


So, yeah, I would move on from this guy.

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Kenda. It hasn't occurred to you that you just may not be his type?. It happens.


It has occured to me that's why I wanted to get closer and see if he wants to or not. The title of this story I wrote is a question wether he does and it says "Does the guy at the pharmacy like me back" meaning I am not sure if he does or not. And if he doesn't it means I am not his type and he's not that in to me. I didn't see any other thing stopping him from getting with me other than me not being his type.

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