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He possibly has a baby coming by someone else


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Nothing but facts!!! I agree 100% and I know for a fact I don't deserve it that's why I made the decision

Two kids and this loser does not have a job! Nothing decent about that! Is that you want for yourself? Some creep that doesn't support his kids?


Why do you feel you deserve so little in a man? Why not seek a trustworthy, drug-free, goal-oriented and employed partner? Why would you want someone that has nothing to offer, except other women's children and a possible jail sentence. What's attractive about this?

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An all round decent guy doesn't sleep with an ex when they are in a relationship with you

An all round decent guy doesn't do "low life things"

An all round decent guy would have had a job at some point to support the child they'd brought into the world


I'm sorry but you can spend (waste) the next 5 years trying to "fix" him but nothing will change and one day you'll wake up and he's run off with another woman or you'll discover a number of other children he's had that you didn't know about


I fail to see how his history makes you feel like he cares for you he's cheated on you twice that you know if and I would highly suspect it's more than you know... I'd be asking the baby mama if he is the father because she is obviously just as guilty as he is if she knows about you and if she doesn't you might uncover a whole lot more than you bargained for

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1. He doesn't have a job

2. He "does low life things" (sell drugs?)

3. He doesn't have a car

4. He cheated

5. He never attempted to earn your trust back

6. He's willing to hide HIS BABY from you

7. He blatantly lied to youv(he meant to send to sister!? BS)


Where is decent covered in this list? I guess you have never met a decent man. Sets your standards much higher than this loser!


I've known plenty of 'nice' girls attracted to tossers like this prison fodder.

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