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My ex just turned up at my house with her new partner !!!


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My ex had litterally turned up at my house with her new partner, too give my sister a present... Is she taking the ing piss!!!!! I popped my head out too see who it was, saw her, didn't say anything, didn't give her any dirty look litterally, went back in side and went out back to the shops, as I returned back, she's pulling off with her new bloke !!! I'm glad he waited around the corner, because I would butchered the idiot ... So angry now, I'm glad I completely ignored them

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Well I don't think she should be catching up with your sister anymore if you're not together now, and especially come to your house, with her new boyfriend on top of all of that! She needs to have at least some consideration for you and be more sensitive towards your feelings. I'm not sure if maybe she thought two months was enough time for you to start moving on? Which isn't really enough after having a two year relationship, it's too soon. Do you know if your sister said anything to her about her behaviour? If she didn't, maybe you should contact your ex just once and just say politely that you think what she did wasn't cool at all?

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I'm actually very in love with my ex, I want her back.... But I'm

refusing too be a door Matt an let her hurt me... I'm trying very hard to be strong an keep my head up, she's only 18 an this scum bag is 30 apparently he's just a friend, an they're not dating.. But I saw all the messages they was sending...


But my sister is only 17 she's very young minded, for some reason she's friends with all my previous partners, so that really pisses me off... So if I say one thing, she'll do another... I said too her why didn't you tell her to come on her own!!!?? She replied, she didn't want too walk, my ex lives 15/20 mins tops from me, an theres also a train from her end that takes you around the corner from my house

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I would not contact her or say a single word to her.


However, is your sister actually still friends with her and if not really, do you think she could let your ex know that she is not welcome anymore? It would be so much better and more effective if your sister was willing to do that.


Other than that.....wow what an a hole move on your ex's part. Yikes and good on your for removing yourself from the situation. Continue to ignore and realize that that will probably burn her up. A reaction from you would actually just make you the a hole instead. Don't fall for that, don't go there. Head high and forward and onward. As far as you are concerned, she is just an empty space.

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She is very immature to pull a stunt like that. Sounds grade school to me what she did. You are much better off without somebody that disrespectful. She could have not needed to bring your sister a gift that's uncalled for. No matter what terms you are on with the family you have to leave them as well when you break up.




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The real sad thing is I really love this girl, an would of have her everything, we was together 2 years, first year me living in the same city, the 2nd year I moved away, job promotion, I returned back home like 60-65 days ago now, she left me after a week of being reunited with me .... And was messaging someone else.... I seriously don't know what the I should do, I'm just becoming a ghost now, just trying too ignore her existence as much as possible even tho I wanna reach out too her ..

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I met her when I was 21 and she was 16, both met a college ... 5 years difference .. Was together 2 years, but unfortunately we're over now..


I think that you should stop messin' around with babies. She may be very intelligent, but emotionally she's a kid. So, try to keep your distance so you can move on and date women closer to your age - chronologically and emotionally.

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I would have gone out and introduced myself to the fella and said :


"She's not a bad runner, tends to overheat pretty easily, and don't forget to give her an oil change at least once a year. Also, be warned, a full service can be rather expensive, if you know what I mean".

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I would have gone out and introduced myself to the fella and said :


"She's not a bad runner, tends to overheat pretty easily, and don't forget to give her an oil change at least once a year. Also, be warned, a full service can be rather expensive, if you know what I mean".


I'd have popped out and told him to watch out for her genital herpes.

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I think that you should stop messin' around with babies. She may be very intelligent, but emotionally she's a kid. So, try to keep your distance so you can move on and date women closer to your age - chronologically and emotionally.


She's far from a baby.... And I wasn't messing her around at all, I cared for her very much, she's changed since meeting him..

It's him who's caused this....


And babies, it's sound like you're trying too call me something... All my previous partners was always between 18/21 ... You don't choose who you love, we just clicked..


But it's alright for her too be dating a dirty 30 year old, ms Darcy?

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Gonna leave it now...

I loved, an still love her very much.. I took care of her, never pushed drugs, or booze on her... I just wanted her to be happy..

I don't wanna put her down, what she's done is wrong. I want her back... Her mind is made, just gonna try my best too get back into reality an life an move forward..

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She's far from a baby.... And I wasn't messing her around at all, I cared for her very much, she's changed since meeting him..

It's him who's caused this....


And babies, it's sound like you're trying too call me something... All my previous partners was always between 18/21 ... You don't choose who you love, we just clicked..


But it's alright for her too be dating a dirty 30 year old, ms Darcy?


I think you are being way over-dramatic. I didn't say you were "messing her around." I said "messin' with" which means "dating."


In general, I would advise dating someone who is closer to your age and life experience. I think the age/life experience gap is too much between 21 and 16. And I think some of the immaturity has come out in her recent actions.

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