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What country should I travel to if I had one choice


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I was interested in traveling. What country have you been to (outside of yours of corse) that struck you well, and why. In other words, why for example is Rome the place to go vs Italy in the Mediterranean area, historical aspects aside. Is one more of a "vacation" spot and one more of a "travel to" spot. Know what I mean? I want to go to a place that I won't come home feeling like a traveler with a camera who got a few souvenir . Maybe its a weird question, but I hope someone gets what Im getting at

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Well, what sort of things are you interested in? I've traveled to any countries and enjoyed all of them, but it really depends what one is looking for. Are you looking for landscapes and nature, exciting cities, ancient culture, adventure, a relaxing time on the beach, a party scene, museums and art galleries, etc ...? I'd be happy to give some recommendations if you can give a bit more detail about what you're looking for.


In general, if you don't just want to "feel like a tourist", it's best to go to areas in countries that are not the most famous tourist highlights. In my opinion, the highlights are the highlights for a reason, so on a typical trip I like to see some of the most famous attractions and then also find a nice off the beaten path place to explore. These days, it's hard to find a place anywhere in the world that is truly untouched by tourism, but there are definitely some spots more quiet than others.

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If it was me, I'd be heading to Asia.


Otherwise I've never even been away abroad, in my adult life. Barcelona was fun apart from all the salesmen asking you to buy their t-shirts for £5... But if you don't want to do it for £5 they will offer it for £3... Sound guys.


For me it would be Korea/Japan.

I'd actually love to visit North Korea to be honest, there are some amazing YouTube documentaries where people have gone and it really made me want to go because of how interesting it is. Obviously, safety is important too.

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OP said:


"I want to go to a place that I won't come home feeling like a traveler with a camera who got a few souvenir "


So, OP, you need to be prepared to travel to out of the way places, on the local transport (not the usual coach trip with guide along if you see what I mean!).


Which Continent had you in mind?


Take a look on Google




and maybe get some ideas here.



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OP said:


"I want to go to a place that I won't come home feeling like a traveler with a camera who got a few souvenir "


So, OP, you need to be prepared to travel to out of the way places, on the local transport (not the usual coach trip with guide along if you see what I mean!).


Which Continent had you in mind?


Take a look on Google




and maybe get some ideas here.




I'm a terrible reader. Sorry OP.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd choose a country with a different political regime, a different spiritual understanding or maybe not a very affluent country. I'd try to rent a small flat instead of staying in a hotel and stay for a bit to make acquaintances in neighbourhoods that are not right in the city centre. I think these would give more experiences than what is served to tourists all the time. Of course, in most of these places you are a "tourist" even if you consider yourself something else and I wouldn't mind that.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I agree that it depends on what experiences you want to have. Are you into the idea of backpacker culture - meeting people from around the world at hostels?


Do you want to get to know people locally?


Do you want to go somewhere with a different language?


Some places will be more impenetrable if you don't speak the language, and others, such as India or some European countries will have many English speakers even though it is not the main language.


You can also do a language exchange for a relatively low cost in some countries, which can be a good way to be more immersed, though some programs are too touristy.


Do you want to visit a developing country?

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  • 6 months later...

It depends on what you want to do....go and sit in a cafe and talk with the locals....meet them, go out with them and see where that takes you. If you give people time Most are very accomodating and you will come home with friends and experiences that a normal holiday won't give you?

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  • 2 weeks later...


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