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Im back from Hell...I thought for a minute there that I was in heaven. I went out to eat with my ex last night and it was great while it lasted. After dinner he came back to my apt and slept over...In the morning he accompanied me to run some errands and then there came the question from me...so whats it going to be???? Oh BTW...yesterday he had told me "whats goin' on? I felt like we were together by the way we were talking all day from work..emails and all" I was like I really didnt put much thought to it...he then started with we cant do this...blah blah...back to square one..so it cont'd this afternoon...it was horrible...!!!!! I dropped him off at home and I have to say we ended realllly bad!!!!!!! Once again im back at square 1!!!!!!!!!! Im lonely and sooo sad...And now he's promoting his Friend at a club which is a DJ...I cant take it anymore...when i try the NC it doesnt work for either of us....He's an a**hole...when I got home I called him and was like ur using me !!! HE was like I am get the point already!!! F'IN D***!!!!!!!!! Yes...thats what he said...hes would say anything and everything to hurt me...it soooooo hard to let go...and though he tries to play tough thats his way of not being able to handle anything!!!!!! Please help with positive adcise...Thanks sooo much!

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Im back from Hell I can't take it anymore. He's an a**hole...when I got home I called him and was like ur using me !!! HE was like I am get the point already!!! F'IN D***!!!!!!!!! Yes...thats what he said...hes would say anything and everything to hurt me.!


Learn these words by heart - every time you think of him, repeat them back to yourself. Every time he calls, repeat them as he is talking. Every time you want to call him, repeat them.


Your own words are telling you what you need to know

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He sounds like he's not very good for you, to say the least. You need to cut him off, COMPLETELY!!!! Listen, life is full of pain - death, cancer, taxes. A relationship is supposed to be something that enriches you, lifts you up, not give you more heartache. Go back to NC, but for good, and for real. Go out and read the book, "He's just not that into you." Best book ever. You need to pull yourself back together. Why do you keep wasting your precious heart and mind on this guy? I mean, us women are the ones with the biological clocks. Why are you so stuck on this one - he's been so bad to you. There are millions of terrific guys out there. Forget this one and move on.

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I'm sorry you are going through this with a class A jerk.


Your situation is exactly why I believe a clean, complete and final break is the best way to go when exiting a relationship. It's exactly why I don't even bother going the "let's be friends" route with my exes. They're exes. Meaning in the past. And that's where they should stay.


I'm guessing you've learned your lesson, here. Don't be hard on yourself...we've all made mistakes. Make a promise to yourself that you will do better next time, then follow through. Cut this guy out of your life completely...no excuses, no exceptions...and move on with a clean start.

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another one of life's harsh lessons. And it does make you sad. I know it's not much consolation to say that life also gives much more pleasurable lessons - but it is true. and you will not be sad for ever.


Kicking ex-bf to the curb is a start on getting over being sad.

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Okay, so you've given him chance after chance, and he still is a jerk. Actually he even admitted that he was using you. No, don't think he is just saying it to hurt you. Stop making excuses. He said it because he most likely means it. I know it's hard to let go of someone that we love, but do you want to be dealing with this crap your whole life, when you could have so much more?


Get rid of him, go into no contact again, but mean it this time. Walk away with your head held high knowing that you did everything you could... some people were just born jerks and will never change. If he tries to contact you, ignore him. If he gets and angry and demands to know why you won't speak to him... well, to use his own words "get the point already", and then add some things in about being a loser and that you have no time or interest in his childish ways anymore.

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