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Date has photos of her ex still on her social media - red flag?


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So , after it turned out the last girl I went on 2 dates with had a boyfriend (she said she doesnt love him though,they are together short time ,etc) and I sent her away, my friend said one of his college coleagues likes me (she has seen me when I came to pick him up) and if I'd like to go out with all of them to meet her (so it's not actually a date but she expressed the desire to meet me).


She is cute so I checked social media of her and found out she still has some pictures with her ex, which she ditched like 3 months ago,my friend says it's nothing to worry about since he frauded her for some money and she will not be back with him. But I've seen a lot of those unhealthy relationships where girl would constantly go back to her abusing boyfriend so I dont want to be a rebound to her if this is a red flag.


What do you think?

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There is that strong possibility you could be the rebound since she hasn't taken him off of her facebook pictures. Whether he owes money or not he shouldn't be on there. If she fully moved past him, she would have deleted those. Its okay to keep pictures of an ex in a box tucked away in the back of a closet, but right out there on social media?


I think it is a red flag to be honest.



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I've never been the kind to go around ripping up all that was my ex, deleting pics, etc. I just don't feel that way. They were a part of my past. Having said that, they ARE just a past. By the time we part ways, there is no going back and I just don't feel anything about them at all other than complete indifference. I've never gone back for round two either. It's over, done, finished. That means that I don't feel compelled to obliterate them from things precisely because seeing their pic does nothing for me.

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Thank you for responses, I didnt really go deep into search, just looked at her profile and they are there and it's quite a few of them.


I'll see where it goes. I just dont want to ramp my hopes up and then get told "oh sorry I'm going back to my ex".

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Thank you for responses, I didnt really go deep into search, just looked at her profile and they are there and it's quite a few of them.


I'll see where it goes. I just dont want to ramp my hopes up and then get told "oh sorry I'm going back to my ex".


That can simply happen. There are no guarantees. I'd be more concerned if the person is still very touchy and emotional about their ex. The fact that they can see the pics and not break down crying or ranting kind of indicates indifference to me and that's a good thing.

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I wouldn't remove a photo of an ex on Facebook unless I personally thought that it was inappropriate or painful for me. Facebook is kind of like a map of my life that I can look back on... I'm not going to try to erase my past... I rarely delete anything from Facebook.

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The only red flag to be concerned about is the fact that it's only been 3 months from her breakup!

Seeing that you are not that acquainted with her "yet" shouldn't be to much of a problem. Just think of it as "we're just dating" and continue it until you feel that you would like to be devoted.

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There is that strong possibility you could be the rebound since she hasn't taken him off of her facebook pictures. Whether he owes money or not he shouldn't be on there. If she fully moved past him, she would have deleted those. Its okay to keep pictures of an ex in a box tucked away in the back of a closet, but right out there on social media?


I think it is a red flag to be honest.




Totally disagree. Pictures are part of your past. As long as it's not a picture that's overtly sexual in nature, then it's just a memory. If it's still his profile or cover picture, or something like that, then sure, red flag, but if you only find it by superscrolling to the bottom of his timeline then it's a different story.


I used to 'burn' my past whenever a new girl came along. Was disappointed that they never did. Never do it now. Even tell girls I'm friends with some exes. And if they don't like that, they're welcome to find someone else they're more comfortable with. I'm not a crutch for their low self-esteem.

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Sorry, that sucks. Do you think your friends set you up on a date to help her to "get over him".

Well,tough luck, went out with them yesterday, it turns out she and her ex are on talking terms again. It seems like life just likes to throw bricks at me.
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