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Was it Just a One Night Stand?


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I went on vacation to Budapest with one of my friends and met a guy and ended up having sex with him.


My friend and I are 18 and from the United States so drinking and going out was very new for us.


I met the guy at a club (I know, I know) on Thursday night/Friday morning. There was a lot of chemistry. Let me just start off by saying that he is sooooo hot and charming. He is also was very nice and genuine. He's 32 so there is a bit of an age gap but that seems to be what I go for. Anyway, we talked for a bit and I found out that he was going to be coming to the exact town I'm from in the U.S. in a few weeks. It was so crazy, I couldn't believe it. He's a lawyer/judge and he also teaches a few classes at a university in Budapest and he's coming to the U.S. to the exact town I'm from (a college town) to be apart of a mock trial at the university here.


We talked about it for a while and I told him how I wanted to be a lawyer. So we ended up making out a bit at the club but I told him that I couldn't go home with him because I was there with my friend and I wasn't going to just leave her. He understood and we exchanged emails. He emailed me immediately and was very persistent about us getting together. He messaged me back really quickly and was disappointed a few times when I said I could meet up with him but got busy instead. I didn't actually end up seeing him again until three days later which was Sunday night/Monday morning.


I met him outside of the club at 11:20pm on Sunday night and we walked to his apartment together which was like 30 seconds away. We got inside and we started making out and he even even poured us some champagne. I kept telling him that I wanted to talk a little more before we, ya know, just because I wanted to know him more. He wasn't really interested in that though and honestly I didn't mind that much.


Long story short we ended up having sex, multiple times, and it was great. Like reaaaally great. In between having sex we cuddled and talked. We had very deep and personal conversations. I even told him about the "relationship" I had with a 52 year old man when I was 15 and about the trial I had just had because of it. He was very understanding (because he's a judge) and he made me feel better about it.


One weird thing did happen though. When we were laying there he told me he loved me. I laughed and was like "no you don't" and he laughed back and was like "yeah I do". He obviously doesn't love me though and I know he was only saying it because he thought it would be something I would like to hear. He almost looked relieved when I laughed and told him that he didn't love me.


One thing I didn't tell him though was that him and the other guy were the only people I've had sex with. I think he was under the impression that I was more experienced than I really am. But in reality I have like no experience and it wasn't normal for me to be having sex with a guy I had met three days prior in a club.


So we were laying there and it was like 3:30am and he was like "I have to meet with a client at 6am and you probably have to pack..." (because I was leaving that morning). So I guess he kicked me out? I definitely felt like he was suggesting that I leave so that's what I did. Is that normal?


I got dressed and he walked me back to the corner we had met at and then he kissed me goodbye. When I got back to the apartment he had already emailed me saying that he had a really good time. I responded the next day saying that I had had a good time too and that I had just landed back home.


That was exactly one week ago and he still hasn't sent me a message back or anything... I was under the impression that we were going to meet up again when he came up here for work. He's leaving the 24th so that's about a week from today.


Should I message him? Like I don't want to message him again but I also want to see him again when he's here in a week. I know I don't have a lot of experience but it felt like more than a one night stand.


He was just so nice and he seemed like he really cared about me and what I had to say. He also seemed interested in the fact that I was going to be in the same town he is traveling to.


Going into this I told myself that I wasn't going to get attached and that it was just going to be about the sex but now I really like him.


I would love if some of you guys could share your opinions and maybe help me out with what I should say to him.

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No! He is a playa! He used you for sex.


I can't believe that he said that he loved you. UGH!


I doubt the story is true about the mock trial, but in case it is, I am certain he will reach out for some booty.


I know that you are young, but don't be so gullible.

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Is there any way to turn it around? I want to message him but I don't want to risk him not responding or me coming off as clingy... Or would messaging him be totally weird and out of place? I have no experience with this and I'm not sure if there's some sort of ONS etiquette I should be following

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I would love if some of you guys could share your opinions and maybe help me out with what I should say to him.


I'd be very surprised if you ever hear from him again. I'm sure he's looking at this as "mission accomplished," over and out. With that said, after rehearsing the line, "I'm a judge, and I'm coming to your hometown soon for a mock trial" he seems to have success with that in obtaining booty calls.


I'll just say, you need to be more cautious when dealing with strangers.

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His silence speaks volumes.


If a man likes you, nothing will stop him from reaching out. His inaction shows you that he was not honest and was looking for a ONS.


Please do not reach out to this guy. You have nothing to gain, and he also lives on another continent.

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Treat this for what it was, a holiday fling. People do it all the time, every day of the week. Nothing new about holiday flings! Also, you were not forced, and you say you enjoyed the experience. So...?


I am a bit intrigued by this remark:



My friend and I are 18 and from the United States so drinking and going out was very new for us.


You are telling me no 18 year-olds go out in the USA?!

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What made it clear? I feel so stupid but I'm honestly not sure. Was it him insinuating that I should leave?


The whole experience makes it clear, but especially this "I kept telling him that I wanted to talk a little more before we, ya know, just because I wanted to know him more. He wasn't really interested in that though"[/b]. It doesn't mean you're stupid, just a bit naïve which is natural for your age. As time goes by, you'll become an expert at reading these players

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What is said during a vacation hook-up may not materialize. It's for fun and sex.

I went on vacation to Budapest with one of my friends and met a guy and ended up having sex with him. My friend and I are 18 and from the United States. I met the guy at a club He's 32. I kept telling him that I wanted to talk a little more before we, ya know.He wasn't really interested in that. we ended up having sex, multiple times.That was exactly one week ago and he still hasn't sent me a message back or anything.
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