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I have been posting to this site for a while about the same guy. My ex boyfriend who i really loved broke up with me almost a year ago. Months after the break up he would tell me that he wanted to work things out but would stop contact as soon as I tried to make plans for us to meet. He would poke at me on social media and text me here and there but every time I would ask him what his motives were he would blow me off by not saying anything which would put me in the crazy limbo state. I decided to delete everything facebook, phone numbers, text messages because i felt like i was starting to go crazy. We ran into each other at a going away party for a mutal friend I stayed away from him but he came over to me anyway and asked why I was avoiding him. I told him why and then he kissed me. I thought all was forgiven and we were getting back together so we went back to his place and we slept together and he told me he still loved me. I never heard from this guy again and It was like getting stuck with a knife in my side I even went to hypno therapy to get over it which helped. So 5 months later I feel like Im doing ok and Im just really focused on my career and dating has kind of taken a backseat in my life for now , dont get me wrong it still hurts but the world hasn't stopped but at 1am last week I get a text message from him

the guy: How's it going?

me: I got a new phone .... who is this?

the guy: Nevermind

me: Um, ok have a nice night.

the guy: Its (his name)

me: (his last name)?

I really couldn't believe it was him

the guy: Ya, nevermind goodnight

me: Alright, take care

if you look at my past threads i have posted to this site several times about this guy but i also still really care about him despite the emotional rollercoaster ride he had me on. In the last few months Ive had alot of success at work besides social media I have been on TV and in the news papers and alot of people that i havent seen or heard from in years are starting to come out of the wood work. I wonder if i did the right thing by not trying to engage with him any further beyond that point. I just really don't want to be taken for a ride again. My head says to leave it alone but my heart wants me to say "Im sorry, Its just been a while. how are you doing." its a tough spot to be in and Im wondering if my chosing to do nothing is the right thing or if i should open up communication with him again (because i really do want to). Or maybe it hasn't been long enough and I still need more time.

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Worst spot to be in. I hope you can get through it. I have no problem with telling someone how i feel but if they wont do the same for me after i ask so many times it get to the point where its just not worth it and insanity feels like it starts to take over.

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I thought all was forgiven and we were getting back together so we went back to his place and we slept together and he told me he still loved me. I never heard from this guy again and It was like getting stuck with a knife in my side I even went to hypno therapy to get over it which helped.


I think you did the right thing in leaving him for good. You gave him several chances and he messed them up. You don't need that in your life.

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Waiting for someone to come back and commit is a one way ticket to a nervous breakdown. You need to make up your mind it's over for good and stick to that. Otherwise you're just picking at the wound and it won't heal.


I really do want to talk to him but I think he got mad because i didn't have his number anymore. How would you even try to contact him again what would you say? I realize having expectations with your ex is the worst thing you could possibly do I have no idea if he would even be a the right person for me anymore but it might be too late to find out (its been a week)

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Are you kidding!


This guy has strung you along and treated you like garbage, and you are considering a reengagement. Why?????????????


He does not care about, or respect you - also, by reaching out at 1 AM was for a booty call. He only wants the attention and enjoys screwing with your head.


Don't you think it's time you blocked him!

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Are you kidding!


This guy has strung you along and treated you like garbage, and you are considering a reengagement. Why?????????????


He does not care about, or respect you - also, by reaching out at 1 AM was for a booty call. He only wants the attention and enjoys screwing with your head.


Don't you think it's time you blocked him!


I know i must be crazy. The thing is everything was 100% amazing until we broke up I had never been happier with anyone. Thats why it still messes with my head. I think he got scared and can't decide what he wants but theres no way I'm ever going to know.

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It doesn't matter why he ended it. He did, which proves he did not value you. If he cared about you, he would be with you.


I'm certain everything was amazing, BUT in the last year, he has been vey hurtful with his manipulative and selfish behavior. You need to focus on that.


Don't you think that it is time that you moved on with your life. Block him!

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