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What are you thinking thread? round two, Part 4


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Humoring myself... Bored and a wee bit hyper tonight..


do we actually get wiser with age when it comes to our feelings? or do we just stop giving a flying ... um Hoot?


When someone hurts me, or someone I know, I shall speak up | straight out, can't be bothered with fluffing around anymore, bugger the drama's of he said she said.


There are three sides to an story, your side, their side and then the truth. BOOM!


I need my mind to be stimulated, it's idle and bored.

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I'll go out with Angelina Jolie now...but she has to get rid of all those kids first


Now, now. You never know. You might get to liking the kids so much Angelina is in the corner pouting, "He never pays attention to me, just wants to go do things with the kids now. Humph!"


You have a nephew who appears to be the love of your life, so don't try to tell me you wouldn't love hanging out with those kids SPM!


P.S. I'm going to presume you play "Wanted" every other day and it's a favorite movie. And if it isn't then I really am disappointed in you.

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The education specialist at my son's OT clinic and I were discussing aids for students with special needs and not being toilet trained in a ged ed environment. I don't know how we got to this but she told me of a 16 year old girl she had that had physical disabilities and was still diapered and non verbal. She could use her communicator and cognitively she was functioning typically. She told the EP that the aids made fun of her when they changed her diaper and how they would make fun of her because she ate so slow. How could people do that? And omg how helpless she must have felt, being unable to defend herself with her words and be at the mercy there as they made fun of her because she had almost no mobility. How terribly humiliated she must have felt.


How can people even do such things? It makes me so enraged.

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The education specialist at my son's OT clinic and I were discussing aids for students with special needs and not being toilet trained in a ged ed environment. I don't know how we got to this but she told me of a 16 year old girl she had that had physical disabilities and was still diapered and non verbal. She could use her communicator and cognitively she was functioning typically. She told the EP that the aids made fun of her when they changed her diaper and how they would make fun of her because she ate so slow. How could people do that? And omg how helpless she must have felt, being unable to defend herself with her words and be at the mercy there as they made fun of her because she had almost no mobility. How terribly humiliated she must have felt.


How can people even do such things? It makes me so enraged.


That is evil, really. To hurt someone with whose care you've been entrusted. Why be in that line of work at all.

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She told the EP that the aids made fun of her when they changed her diaper and how they would make fun of her because she ate so slow. How could people do that? And omg how helpless she must have felt, being unable to defend herself with her words and be at the mercy there as they made fun of her because she had almost no mobility. How terribly humiliated she must have felt.


How can people even do such things? It makes me so enraged.


This makes me so angry I have no words. And it's exactly why I won't ever let my mother go to a nursing home, because if I ever caught someone treating her like that I'd be in jail for the rest of my life.


It also goes in keeping with my thought of the day: "What the F is wrong with people?" I see such selfish meanness in the world now and a part of me wants to say, "Well, this has gotten worse." But then another part of me remembers humanity has always been savage to one degree or another and I'm probably no better.


I hope someone reported what was going on and stuck up for that poor girl.

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