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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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If by chance you are buying/giving this friend a bday gift, may I suggest chocolate coins. Lol.


I ain't giving her squat. I don't know her that well (casual acquaintance) so I do not feel the slightest bit obligated to do anything other than a happy birthday post.


Camber, I will be happy to write you a check. I will write it for $1,000. Please deposit it at your bank and then send me back $500 in cash. You can keep the other $500 for your gift :)

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I don't want to eat imitation meat. No.🍖🍗🥩😝


Lol I don't know why this makes me giggle.


One time the bf and I were eating at this vegan Chinese restaurant we have both been going to for ages, even before we met each other. The food is just good, the man who runs it so on the ball even after years and years.

Anyways, this guy is there beside us and he's live streaming his ' first time I'm eating fake eel, yo!' with all this manic energy and hamming it up for his phone.

He pretends he is going to spit it up, then ' ok, it's not bad, it's not bad, guys'.

It's such a quiet, tiny bare bones restaurant...the juxtaposition of this guy having a big show was too strange. The owner is looking at us with a what the foo is happening now' look. It was hilarious.


But I hear you. Fake meat isn't my thing either.


By the way, the vegetarian 'eel' is mushrooms deep fried in a crispy batter. Lol.

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Boltnrun is annoyed again today.


My doctor put me on a new medication that causes dizziness and a really bad headache. So much for enjoying my weekend. I had plans for a flea market and food truck event and have tons of household chores to do, but no...I have to be dizzy and headache-y. Lame.

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Boltnrun is annoyed again today.


My doctor put me on a new medication that causes dizziness and a really bad headache. So much for enjoying my weekend. I had plans for a flea market and food truck event and have tons of household chores to do, but no...I have to be dizzy and headache-y. Lame.


I hope you feel much better!!


Much lesser annoyance - having to check dates on food on the supermarket shelves because my market leaves expired foods on the shelves.

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I hope you feel much better!!


Much lesser annoyance - having to check dates on food on the supermarket shelves because my market leaves expired foods on the shelves.


Thank you!


Um, isn't that a lawsuit just waiting to happen?? I don't know if Canada is as lawsuit crazy as the US, but if someone here purchased expired food and got sick they'd be looking at a very large settlement.

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Thank you!


Um, isn't that a lawsuit just waiting to happen?? I don't know if Canada is as lawsuit crazy as the US, but if someone here purchased expired food and got sick they'd be looking at a very large settlement.


Yes I agree. I purchased store brand milk that was not expired, it was bad, apparently there was an issue with production (it was organic!) and no recall was issued which surprised me. We did not get sick but I suspected my son had some bad effects.

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Boltnrun is annoyed again today.


My doctor put me on a new medication that causes dizziness and a really bad headache. So much for enjoying my weekend. I had plans for a flea market and food truck event and have tons of household chores to do, but no...I have to be dizzy and headache-y. Lame.


I'm always dizzy... not fun at all, especially in public!

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People on the subway who put a bag on the seat next to them to deter people from sitting down, or the classic move, where someone sits in the aisle seat and they don’t shift their arse to the inside or adjoining seat in hopes of no one sitting next to them so they can enjoy both seats for themselves.


And it doesn’t matter how busy the subway is - blows my mind. Some people have a lot of gall.


Or, and this is a given, people who won’t get up and offer their seat to pregnant women, the elderly, disabled or parents with children & strollers...

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