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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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Step out the door this morning to feed the chickens, horse et. al. A roadrunner is standing by my front porch, we stare at each other, I then proceed to shriek, "OH WOW!" at the top of my lungs, because where once we saw these birds everywhere they are now somewhat of a rare sighting, at least where I live.


Said roadrunner then turns tail and runs away like I am Wile E. Coyote as I am frantically tossing seed down trying to lure him back.


So annoyed with myself right now. I love roadrunners. A friend has two that show up at her house all the time for handouts. I've just blown one of my dreams (I want roadrunners to hang out at my place, heck I already have quail and bobcat, so why not right?) all to shreds with my big mouth. And I know better.

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Step out the door this morning to feed the chickens, horse et. al. A roadrunner is standing by my front porch, we stare at each other, I then proceed to shriek, "OH WOW!" at the top of my lungs, because where once we saw these birds everywhere they are now somewhat of a rare sighting, at least where I live.


Said roadrunner then turns tail and runs away like I am Wile E. Coyote as I am frantically tossing seed down trying to lure him back.


So annoyed with myself right now. I love roadrunners. A friend has two that show up at her house all the time for handouts. I've just blown one of my dreams all to shreds with my big mouth. And I know better.


[video=youtube;QKnHYcSG9Po] ]

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Meep meep indeed. Here's my favorite video of these magnificent birds. Plus other desert creatures, it's just an awesome video.


Okay, the good stuff out of the way the media these days is seriously torquing my ire up and up. While I agree we need to know what is going in the world we do NOT need to know lurid details of people's last moments that will fill us full of nightmares. I find it disrespectful and done only for the shock value and that just seems like such a dirty trick. Dirty laundry indeed.

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done only for the shock value and that just seems like such a dirty trick.


Yes, even public radio likes to slip in audio clips of gunfire, explosions, people screaming, and let it play out longer than in the past. They do it without warning, and it is unnecessary. That, and when they have clips about restaurants, cooking, and food they play audio clips of people eating, chewing, slurping, gulping, clanking their silverware (just short of belching). Clever, not.

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That, and when they have clips about restaurants, cooking, and food they play audio clips of people eating, chewing, slurping, gulping, clanking their silverware (just short of belching). Clever, not.


Oh god, I can't stand that. Off with their heads, off with their heads! So over the top annoying.


I'm on a news media break right now, because I just can't handle the lurid disrepsectful manner in which the media treats people anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It annoys me when people say rude dismissive things about others who reached out to them and were being kind like it doesn't matter because they think that person will never find out but people never really know how many people or who others know and who tells them what. Worse when someone comes off nice and then says something harsh and mean but wouldn't once think it was mean because they think the person(s) on thew receiving end are meaningless to them. These people need to adjust how they see and treat others. Everyone has feelings and hurts. Food for thought.

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Boring polls. Boring polls for everything in election season.


Boring poll is doing well with people who don't have college degrees." Better poll: Is x doing well with people that buy truck nuts?


Boring poll: "Y has the 55% amongst married men/women." Better poll: How's y doing in the beard demographic?

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I never thought I'd find myself defending Kim Kardashian (!) but a "friend" of mine today said she thought it was "hilarious" that she'd been robbed. In no uncertain terms I told her that no matter what, she did not deserve that. And when her kids were there too. Awful thing to say. Really upset me it did.

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Yeah thank god it was just the one time and i was emptied out probably....but not fun! Never had it so bad that it just came out both ends at the same time lol.....my mom brought me food last night since I'm in bed with the dizziness and headaches, gonna tell her, well mom if you wanna cook for me again.......lol

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