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What is the weather right now in your city/town/village, Part 2


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  • 3 weeks later...

Things are so bad here. We had hurricane-strength winds and 200,000 people lost power. Thousands of people still don't have power here. Lots of trees and poles came down and we have shelters open everywhere to house people. Now we are supposed to get snow tomorrow...lots of it. I don't know.

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I am so scared for this winter storm. I was supposed to go to Canada with my mom to visit my uncle who is not well in his health. I want to be there for my mom but at the same time, driving in a blizzard is not a good idea. It's not like he's on his death bed. He's not in the hospital right now even. I am going to try and convince her to STAY HOME. It's not worth risking an accident or getting stranded and freezing to death.

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Things are so bad here. We had hurricane-strength winds and 200,000 people lost power. Thousands of people still don't have power here. Lots of trees and poles came down and we have shelters open everywhere to house people. Now we are supposed to get snow tomorrow...lots of it. I don't know.


Are you having cold temps, too? It's been colder than usual here, and windy (but not hurricane-strength, thank goodness).

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Are you having cold temps, too? It's been colder than usual here, and windy (but not hurricane-strength, thank goodness).

Well the winds are not really here anymore but the Temps are really low, yes. Tonight is the Bachelorette finale. I plan on getting the hell out of dodge when my shift is over around 7pm, when the storm will be happening. Maybe if 3pm rolls around and it is quiet (as in, I'm not busy) AND it is storming I'll ask my boss if I can skip out early. I am not sure. We will see.


Right now I'm at work and it's quiet and I was running late this morning, no coffee, so I don't feel that sharp. I'll get a $1 coffee from the machine later. I'm going to need it if I'm driving home in a Blizzard.

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it's so nice and spring-y here. too nice and spring-y. i need more gloom to match my inner cynic and make me feel less *****y for being perpetually half-depressed.


daffodils and violets all over the place and all that . like, go away, you pretty happy a-holes.

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