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The Random Thought Thread, Part 6


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  • 1 month later...

5 years in the UK and I have never been to Scotland.............What the f*ck am I doing?

Look at this landscape


Look at the highlands


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I need to visit those places........living in the UK and never been in those places, it's a crime. 

Without a car it's difficult to get there but I have to make it happen this year. 

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11 hours ago, dias said:

5 years in the UK and I have never been to Scotland.............What the f*ck am I doing?

Look at this landscape


Look at the highlands


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I need to visit those places........living in the UK and never been in those places, it's a crime. 

Without a car it's difficult to get there but I have to make it happen this year. 

We used to go on holiday to rural highland Scotland every year with my Mum and Dad - some of the wildest, best beaches! Some of the most breathtaking and majestic landscapes! It’s so untamed! Beautiful! You must go Dias, I think you would love it!


We have a friend who owns a castle there as well. I used to work in Edinburgh also, I used to commute there on a train everyday. The line it took was through the most beautiful countryside and having breakfast whilst people watching as hay bails roll by was so lulling. I miss those days in a way! Good times, and happy memories linked to Scotland.


Would recommend.


The Witchery is a cool restaurant in Edinburgh. So many beautiful hotels to stay in as well x

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I Have to agree with Lo, there are some definite rattlings especially after the SWIFT banking system sanctions bandied about. Look at the Colonial Pipeline in the US last year, and the problems that caused; so I would imagine something similar on a larger scale.

That said, and before the rush chokes supplies harder; I would encourage everyone to get some extra food stuffs maybe 2-3 weeks in addition to normal groceries. More a hedge against shortages than panic.




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3 hours ago, Coily said:

I Have to agree with Lo, there are some definite rattlings especially after the SWIFT banking system sanctions bandied about. Look at the Colonial Pipeline in the US last year, and the problems that caused; so I would imagine something similar on a larger scale.

That said, and before the rush chokes supplies harder; I would encourage everyone to get some extra food stuffs maybe 2-3 weeks in addition to normal groceries. More a hedge against shortages than panic.






I can’t believe it!


Someone has suggested to me transferring some money into a different currency, say, not pound Sterling but something else? What do you think about that? To guard against hyper inflation? 

I just wish someone knew for definite something! I hate not knowing which way this is gonna turn.



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That cash idea is a harder call. I'm not against it, but the question is what can you have that would retain value in such a situation? I went in the direction of silver and copper, it can be readily traded for cash currently; and unlike gold you have more spendable amounts per ounce.

I also know a lot of people advocate crypto currencies, I've not looked into very deep. Could be useful, but requires a working internet; which in the case of a cyber war becomes questionable.

I think in these situations it's important to focus on how to make sure you and your family can endure without being terrified.


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So this odd situation just confuses me. LOL I

Long story long, I'm on a some private gaming voice chats; and the one "internet" famous lady comes on semi regularly. We chat decently often about anything but why she's known, nothing more than friendly banter; so I think to myself I like her platonicly. On a different chat, with who turns out to be this lady's co-worker's girlfriend (Divide by the square root), who suggests in the midst of the conversation I should ask this lady out on a long distance date. After the flustering passes, I say no it's just platonic. A few days later chatting with friends and this lady, they blind side me with asking about my dating life.

I'm just scratching my head.  Part of me thinks it's coincidence, the rest... 

I don't think anything will really come of all this, but it's the order of those events.

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2 hours ago, Coily said:

So this odd situation just confuses me. LOL I

Long story long, I'm on a some private gaming voice chats; and the one "internet" famous lady comes on semi regularly. We chat decently often about anything but why she's known, nothing more than friendly banter; so I think to myself I like her platonicly. On a different chat, with who turns out to be this lady's co-worker's girlfriend (Divide by the square root), who suggests in the midst of the conversation I should ask this lady out on a long distance date. After the flustering passes, I say no it's just platonic. A few days later chatting with friends and this lady, they blind side me with asking about my dating life.

I'm just scratching my head.  Part of me thinks it's coincidence, the rest... 

I don't think anything will really come of all this, but it's the order of those events.

I’m sure they tease her about you. We’re you mysterious or did you bare it all??! 

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7 hours ago, Rose Mosse said:

I’m sure they tease her about you. We’re you mysterious or did you bare it all??! 

Some where in the middle, I just had fun with it and didn't think anything of being platonic. Apparently they are making a meme of this, more funny as time goes on.

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57 minutes ago, Coily said:

Some where in the middle, I just had fun with it and didn't think anything of being platonic. Apparently they are making a meme of this, more funny as time goes on.

That’s funny. It’s nice when you can tease each other like that with friends and no issues. Hopefully she’s ok with it also. 

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2 hours ago, Rose Mosse said:

That’s funny. It’s nice when you can tease each other like that with friends and no issues. Hopefully she’s ok with it also. 

It now seems she had a hand in perpetuating it,  making it even funnier. Kind of takes the “did I say something out of context “ less worrisome. Haha

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4 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

I love deep sea creatures. Some are scary looking but most are incredibly beautiful.

Me too. I agree.

They’re remarkable for their process of transdifferentiation. 

An excerpt from Wikipedia.org:

”Like most other hydrozoans, T. dohrnii begin their life as tiny, free-swimming larvae known as planulae. As a planula settles down, it gives rise to a colony of polyps that are attached to the sea floor. All the polyps and jellyfish arising from a single planula are genetically identical clones.[6] The polyps form into an extensively branched form, which is not commonly seen in most jellyfish. Jellyfish, also known as medusae, then bud off these polyps and continue their life in a free-swimming form, eventually becoming sexually mature. When sexually mature, they have been known to prey on other jellyfish species at a rapid pace. If the T. dohrnii jellyfish is exposed to environmental stress, physical assault, or is sick or old, it can revert to the polyp stage, forming a new polyp colony.[7] It does this through the cell development process of transdifferentiation, which alters the differentiated state of the cellsand transforms them into new types of cells.

Theoretically, this process can go on indefinitely, effectively rendering the jellyfish biologically immortal,[3][8] although in practice individuals can still die. In nature, most Turritopsis dohrnii are likely to succumb to predation or disease in the medusa stage without reverting to the polyp form.[9]

The capability of biological immortality with no maximum lifespan makes T. dohrnii an important target of basic biological, aging and pharmaceutical research.[10]”

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  • 1 month later...
14 hours ago, dias said:


Thanks for putting this up Dias!


I am BEYOND amped that he has bought the majority shares for the blasted TWITTER!


I will definitely make time to watch this tonight. I have always thought, the most forward and progressive and motivated people, are always optimistic. Even if they seem pessimistic, they are, underneath it, optimists.


Winston Churchill once had a brilliant quote for this:


“Most of the significant contributions that have been made to society have been made by people who were tired.”


Looking forward to watching this tonight. He is brilliant and definitely on the Asperger spectrum! And, looks so South African! 


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15 hours ago, dias said:

@mylolita https://self-publishingschool.com/writing-exercises/

You want to compete?  lol Last time I wrote a story was when I was 12 but I could find some time on the weekends for small exercises. 

Dias! Afternoon my dear!


I have JUST skimmed this website, it is giving me an anxiety attack! I’m no serious writer! These exercises, the thought of starting them is bLoWiNg mY mInD!!! 🥲


BUT! I am a competitive type of person 😉 We are in the same boat. I have never wrote a story! HA! So we are even Stevens! And both novices! I would love too! Where do you wanna put them? Submit them to the website and put them on your journal? Anyone else wanna get involved? @Jibralta? We all known you can spin a yarn young lady! 

I am starting to sweat at the idea of this!





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