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Ex greed to get coffee!! I'm so confused.


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Yes I do. I went 4 weeks with NC and it actually felt good. This is so much damn drama. Spoke with friend and I really have nothing to gain from meeting, I'm aware of that. I show up, I get friend zoned!, and upset about the whole situation with her being with another guy, and back to square 1. So literally I have nothing to gain from this women cause I will not be friends with her. So, yes to answer your question I have the self control to never contact this person again. The relationship is so tainted at this point it wouldn't work anyways. It's like chasing a dead person.

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I received 3 more text messages from her number last night (who knows if it's her) the messages were like "what time are you coming", " I'm about to leave ", and " I'm sorry I'm going home, I feel awful ") I did not to reply to anything. I was dead to this girl 5 weeks ago, and now she is texting as if she is concerned about me coming...how ing weird. I wanted to text back " who the is this?" Ha. But I didn't. I do have to say ALL these text messages are during her normal work hours. So, unless her BF is at her work, I'd think it would be her. Either way I had a bad gut feeling. So yeah never responded and of course didn't show.

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This thread is absurd and OP does need to really stick to his guns this time and keep away from this person and implement proper NC. Why haven't you blocked her number OP?



That said, Boltnrun and mhowe need to chill out as well. You two are sounding borderline bi tchy in your mockery of him. Cut that out. There is being direct with someone for their own benefit but you two are approaching nasty now.

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