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Ex greed to get coffee!! I'm so confused.


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For all you know, the BF could show up to coffee instead of your ex. Since you didn't get the message to leave her alone the first time, maybe he intends to reiterate the message in person...perhaps with a restraining order in hand? Or with his fists?


My ex's current GF used to text me all the time pretending to be him. I actually bought it one time until she misspelled the name of a place he and I used to go many times a year...a place he would never, ever misspell. But up until that point I thought it was him.



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Wow that's crazy. That's a pretty ty thing to do. Maybe you're right though. Good lord could it be her BF...I just got a text from her saying "she might be going home sick today". Obviously I won't respond or anything and leave it there. I will never contact this human being again.

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I disagree, I think the setup is on.


OP, if you go forward with this coffee meetup (and I think you will based on the fact that in your last post you assured everyone you would NOT ask her out to coffee and we all see how that turned out), be prepared to be ambushed. I certainly hope it doesn't end up with you in legal trouble or with a broken nose.

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But you swore before you would NOT ask her out to coffee. I mean, you seriously swore you wouldn't.


Seems like your desire to get her back overrides all common sense.


So, I think you will go in the hopes it really is her.


And I really hope it doesn't end up badly for you, and I don't mean just hurt feelings. I mean a restraining order or a trip to the ER.

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Hahaha. No I'm not going. Screw this whole thing. Maybe she is a different person and is literally trying to set me up to see this guy. It actually makes more sense that way, than her just meeting me to chat. 4 weeks ago the guy answering and tells me to stop calling, then all of sudden 4 weeks later she agrees. Doesn't feel right AT ALL. Her number is deleted and I will not ever contact her again.

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I swear I'm not going! I'm legitimately worried about the situation. Instead of orchestrating a meetup where her BF would meet me, I'm surprised she didn't respond or block my number like everyone else. It does seem kind of extreme if that is the case. I'M NOT GOING, PROMISE.

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Because you will NOT get the message to leave her alone.


They told you to stop calling, so you texted. Then you invited her out. Clearly, you were not going to stop. Perhaps they felt they had to resort to extreme measures since simply telling you to stop and threatening you with calling the police didn't work.


I hope you mean it this time when you say you aren't going and you won't contact her again. But, based on past actions, I have my doubts...

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no, no. I haven't texted her for almost 3 1/2 weeks. I left her alone. I texted this past Thursday for the first time 'how are you'' in which she responded with 'I'm Okay, How are you?" we texted probably 4-5 message back in the last 4 days. So there is nothing to document unless me asking for a cup of coffee is a crime...

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Well, when my ex was continually messaging me and I tried ignoring him, I was told by my cousin who is in law enforcement that I needed to tell him to stop, otherwise there would be no record of me not wanting the contact. Then, if he continued to attempt to contact me after I asked him to stop, I would have a case for harassment.


So, they asked you to stop and you continued. Bad idea.

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So you obviously think it's ok to keep texting her, since they didn't use the word "text" when they told you to stop???


You're in for a world of pain if this continues.


I'm guessing a couple of weeks will go by and you'll text her to say "hi, how are you?" Because they didn't say "no texting".

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