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My girlfriend finds cunnilingus disgusting...


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Hi everyone,


I know it may sound unusual, by my current girlfriend finds me giving her oral sex (which I love to do) gross...but wants to give me oral sex. We both got checked and we're fine. Her family is semi-religious (catholic).


Any idea?

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I've known men who haven't enjoyed blow jobs and women that haven't enjoyed cunnilingus.


It's all down to personal choice and sexual preference. There doesn't need to be any deep rooted reason as to why she doesn't want it. She may genuinley just not like it that much. At least two of my female friends don't let their partners do it. They feel like it makes them too self conscious to enjoy. Like...they are worrying about it too much to enjoy.


If you have a healthy active sex life then I don't see an issue

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i dont think there's anything wrong with her. she doesn't like what she doesn't like. if you told her you love it and that you love her body, then just leave it at that and don't pressure her about it. if she ends up changing her mind, i think she'd let you know. my boyfriend doesn't like giving oral sex and i've just accepted that as his preference. you have to decide whether this is a dealbreaker for you or not. i decided that it wasn't bc everything else in my relationship was fine.

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At this point in my life, I kind of need to do it to get things going. She ain't complaining either.


I grew up catholic and noticed this kind of attitude too. She probably thinks she has to confess it and doesn't want to tell the priest?

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Thats tough...as I LOVE to give that to women I'm with...my ex-wife didn't like that at all....wouldn't even let me do it. I just shut it off. I'm glad it's back on the table for the future...as I love doing it.


that's a tough one

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It all boils down to personal preference. I enjoy doing it to women but only those I've been with a while (and the women have felt the same about receiving it). To me it's a pretty important part of sex and getting her engines started.


I won't do it on a ONS/FWB, even if the girl does it to me (though I won't ask that they give me oral, since that's not fair).

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  • 2 weeks later...

One girl I was with got really sensitive down there. She hated squirting though and that's what put her off.


I've also heard a woman say she doesn't like the taste of kissing her boyfriend after he's done it and most women I've had sex.with like a lot of kissing.

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