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Email from her

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I received an email from my ex today after aroud 2 months NC. In my last topic I was asking about some gifts I'd got her that she had to leave behind when she moved back overseas and I was going to send to her (while we were still together). 2 months ago after we broke up she asked me to send them.


I kind of ignored it and was conflicted on what to do. The consensus was to not bother sending them and I stand by the decision it's the best thing to do. But now she's emailed me asking me if I've sent the gifts yet. I don't know how best to respond. To be honest, I thought she'd just got the hint by now and cut her losses. I don't know why she feels the need to email me this far down the line.


I could just ignore it but she'll probably just email me again and again. It's not really what I want to do but the quickest and easiest way I can see to get her of my back is to just say I sent them and they probably got lost or something. I don't feel right about lying but I really don't want to send the stuff (it's nothing irreplaceable to her) ;there's sentimentality attached to some of it for me as well as her. It's either that or telling her I don't want to send it which is just going to make her reply and I really really don't want to acknowledge her existence anymore, let alone talk to her.


So yeah, I guess I'm seeking moral guidance on if it's acceptable to lie here?

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I have blocked her on everything I thought was possible. is it possible to block emails? Also I don't really want to go through a headache of calling up my phone company to block her number.


Edit: Okay, blocked her on email. It slipped my mind that she'd find a way through the cracks to contact me again. She'll likely contact me by text though and I'm not finding anyway to block her on google, not without having to install dodgy apps or whatever though.

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Hollyj: I had to update my phone software to be able to block numbers. So I finally had to give in and get ioS 7 but I guess it's worth it.


Mhowe & HeartGoesOn: I understand that I probably am making it harder for myself. But the fact is she lives on the other side of the world; sending things there is expensive. I work long days and study/go to uni on the other days so it is actually really hard to have any time to go to a post office during working hours. Sure, I probably could fit it in if I really tried but I'd rather jump through hoops and keep the stuff rather than jump through hoops for her.

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I think you're making this more difficult that what it is. It would be easier to send her these items, rather than jumping through hoops and finding ways to avoid her,


Problem solved...[/quote


She's international and treated him very badly. Personally, I wouldn't lift a finger for someone like her.

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It is very petty and just keeps you connected in your mind.


If he blocks, then there's no connection.


There was serious betrayal in this relationship. Why would you do anything for someone that had hurt you?


Maybe, I'm petty, too. I prefer to not waste my time and money on people who have screwed me over.

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It hasn't been a year... We broke up in January. My relationship with her was off on because of a multitude of things that she refused to work on. I haven't been fixated on anything; I've been moving on and blocked her on everything that was, to my knowledge, possible.


I am moving past it quite well. I think there's a difference between sentimentality and not moving on. I'm not doing this to be petty, I'm doing it because I have no inclination to bend over backwards for her.

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That's why I mentioned that I think there is a difference between sentimentality and not moving on.


Would sending them away hurt? Yes. But I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Maybe it's true that I'm associating the gift intrinsically to her but I don't feel particularly held back by it either.

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Since it is your choice to make I guess the question is, is it morally acceptable to you to lie? Why not either toss it or send it and be done with it all? They are just material things...why not detach that sentimental value and get it and her out of your life? It's just gonna keep lingering until you remove it from your presence. Whether or not to lie is up to you...

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It was more like my arm was twisted into agreeing to it. She knew she had a hold on me and I acknowledge the fact I let her control me. I guess it I did set myself up for this because I loved her so much. But now I want to break away from that.


I appreciate the honesty in this topic by the way. I acknowledge that to people looking in it doesn't seem like such a big deal to either send or throw but to me it's more than that. I don't want to send them and that's that really, I really was asking about the best way to approach telling her that. I don't feel like I owe her anything really after what happened.

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This relationship is clearly over. So what you need to focus on is putting it firmly into the past and not your present, so that you can focus on looking for an finding a new partner. So don't lose focus on your task here, which is letting go and moving on. Anything that pulls you into the past needs to be jettisoned to set you free.


Regarding her stuff, i hope you see the irony of trying very hard to hang onto something that is 'sentimental' related to her, at the same time you are trying to avoid her and punish her for treating you badly. there is no logic there other than the logic of finding another way to not really let her go.


Whether you send her the stuff or not really doesn't matter. What matters is you obviously need to get rid of this stuff because she is no longer with you even as a friend, and the stuff is a source of a connection to the past that you don't need that is causing conflict. So send her the stuff or throw it out or sell it or give it away. then it's a simple task if she contacts you again. You tell her you no longer have the stuff so can't send it to her. End of problem, and you've freed yourself of your last connection to her and the past and can begin truly living in the present and focusing on finding a new partner and forgetting about her.

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I think your best bet is to just be point blank honest with her, something like "when I said I would send them we were still together as a couple. Since we are no longer together and no longer are really a part of each other's lives, I don't feel right about sending gifts that I bought for you while we were a couple. I wish you the all the best." leave it at that--don't apologize for not sending them b/c you have nothing to apologize for.

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