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Yay walks! My husband is on the board of our homeowner's association. One of the responsibilities of his particular position is to walk around the community and assess the landscape for possible concerns to report (e.g. are there any dead trees in common spaces.) So we had to walk around for an hour to do that this evening. I counted that as my exercise for today!


I think the more you can make movement apart of your life and your activities the better. Keep up the good work!

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What a great thing to do together, Mrs Darcy! I really enjoyed my walk today. I got in some vitamin D (that's the sun, right? Lol), which I can really tell the difference when I have some and when I've been inside for too long; I passed dozens of people playing the same game as me and we all got the same goofy grins on our faces each time we made eye contact; I appreciated my community more than I ever have because of the beauty of it. It was good.

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It really does. When I go to the beach or the pool for a little bit of time, After my shower I feel so loose and relaxed. I can definitely tell there is an improvement to my mood. I just don't get out into the sun too much because of how harmful the rays are here. I'm very careful with sunblock and not being in the direct sun too much. Even on my walk yesterday, I was keeping to the shade of the business awnings.

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Gotta pop some Aleve today.... felt a headache brewing already on the way to work. It's my teeth, I already know. I'm sort of afraid to make another appointment, though - I've already made two in the first two weeks of August. I don't want to take off early too many days; not sure what my boss will think. Should I maybe give her a heads up that I need to make quite a few appointments this month and ask if she minds? I've already made 2, and need to make at least 2 more.

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I went walking on my lunch! I feel good for doing it. It was only, like 5 blocks - I was out of gum and wanted more for after lunch - but it's still better than sitting on my duff! Gotta hatch those eggs somehow!


I saw the pictures you posted last page. I'm jealous of where you live; it's so beautiful!


I can't get my head around the hype with Pokemon Go. Just ain't my thing!

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Honestly, I'm not too much a fan of it - didn't get into it growing up - but it's a great excuse to get outside. I like finding all the cute critters and hatching them from eggs. In case you like Harry Potter.... there's evidently a HP GO thing coming soon.

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Trying an experiment tonight. Sleeping without the tv on. Have done it before and it didn't improve my sleep nor did it stop my dreams. But that was over a year ago. Gonna see what happens. I took a melatonin and normally it doesn't really effect me. We'll see.

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I was able to fall asleep in a decent amount of time, but I remember waking up 3 or 4 times, despite the melatonin. Still dreamed as well. I don't know what to do. I'm going to talk to my doctor about it.


Guys, I officially have health insurance again!!! And my PCP appointment is today. My mom is going with me. There's lots to talk about.

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Yep, I have a sticky note.


However, I talked with my manager about all the appointments I need to make. They would require me to leave early or come in late. I need to schedule, like, 4 at least, and I don't want to oversteps my boundaries. She referred me to the company policy, which only says something like, taking more than one PTO day per month would be considered excessive. So I asked her for more clarification, since I'm not taking a full day, and I technically would not be using any PTO. I would be making up the time by skipping lunches or coming in early. So, it could mean that I can only request to leave early once per month; or if could mean I can leave early however many times it takes until I reach 8 hours (with advance notice).

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My appt went well. My doctor was really pleased with my weight loss and we talked about the last time I saw him, which was when I ended the topimax due to the bad side effects. He said that most weight loss meds have those side effects and that's why he's reluctant to prescribe them. He did warn me about it but I guess I just didn't think I'd be one of the ones to get the side effects normally in the "severe" category. Anyway, I asked him not to put me on any more and he agreed that he thinks I can do this on my own.


We talked about my venlifaxine increase from January and I told him I was happy with the current dosage. My mom told him that she notices I have more days where I feel better than average or low than I used to. I also told him about the bad thoughts I had some weeks ago. He asked me more about them and told me that it sounded like I experience some periods of "nothingness", where even things that are perceived as "bad" don't really touch me. He said that medication dosage can be tricky because if someone feels low and depressed all the time and has bad thoughts, then the dosage is too low; but if a person is feeling good most of the time and still often has bad thoughts, then the dosage is too high. He thinks I had a moment of that, but that since those thoughts almost never happen, it could be an isolated thing and that he will leave my dosage at what it is.


He did give me a referral to psychology. He thinks I should think about getting a therapist for "maintenance", that I seem to feel like I'm operating at a "contentment" capacity of around 70-80% normally, and seeing a therapist a couple times a month might help me extend that capacity to even more.


I forgot to talk about my sleeping issues, but honestly, I'm hoping they are weight related and will fade in time. He wants to see me back in 6 months, so if I can focus on my weight during this time, my sleeping issues might resolve by then.

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I was able to fall asleep in a decent amount of time, but I remember waking up 3 or 4 times, despite the melatonin. Still dreamed as well. I don't know what to do. I'm going to talk to my doctor about it.


Guys, I officially have health insurance again!!! And my PCP appointment is today. My mom is going with me. There's lots to talk about.



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