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Post here instead of texting ex


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I have no more questions as to why you left, why you never mentioned any problems, why you didn't want to fix things. The answer is clear to me now and that is because you never actually loved me. Sure things were great in beginning because it was something new, something totally different then what you had before. But once the thrill wore off you were unhappy and you only stayed so you wouldn't be alone. You used me as a temporary fix until you could make it back to her. As soon as you heard she had "changed" you went running back. You were probably talking to her for a while and that's why it was so easy for you to leave, without a second thought, cause you had your back up plan all ready. I should've seen it coming because that's how we ended up together. I trusted you when I shouldn't have. I didn't judge you on your past actions when I should have. I was actually part of the problem, allowing myself to get involved with you before you were through with her. I really hope that I will be strong enough to say no if you come running back to me after you see that she hasn't changed her ways. For myself, my own dignity and sanity, I have to be strong. I hate that I still love you when you never loved me.

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i hate you right now. why do you give me hope when you're lying/have no intentions of following through? why can't you just not reply or not say those things! have you not hurt me enough? i get you dont want me anymore and you already seem happier without me. isnt it stupid that i still hope for you to come back? its been a few days and your already talking to girls. i guess i meant nothing to you. what a waste of 3 and a half years of my life. i hope you regret this and no one else compares to me but i doubt you would ever feel that way. i am devostated. i am barely getting through the days. i've lost my boyfriend, my best friend and my home while you've gained a great life. i miss you but you aren't the same person i loved right now.

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These have been the longest 24 hours of my life. It hasn't actually quite been 24 hours yet since you sealed my fate. I have barely slept or eaten, I force myself to drink water to make up for the fact that I have been crying nearly non-stop. I really wish you could see me now and feel how much this hurts. I can't believe that we went from planning holidays and talking constantly to you admitting that you have lost your feelings for me and don't know how to get them back. I am shattered. My chest hurts and my face is sore from crying. I hate how strong I was last night. I hate that I had to comfort you when you cried because you treated me so indifferently that I knew you were no longer in love with me before you even said it. I hate that I had to open that conversation and you were happy to drag this out until I was questioning everything about myself and walking on eggshells every time I was with you. I gave you my everything. I was the best damn girlfriend you could ever wish for. I stood by you when you were at your lowest low of depression and I cried for your sadness and let it affect my own life. I feel sick at the thought of you sharing my bed when you felt nothing for me anymore. I am so hurt and feel so betrayed by the fact that you didn't even try to work this out but instead pulled away until I felt like garbage, lucky to get crumbs of your attention. But mostly I just really miss you because even in that time when you no longer wanted me, you still tried your best to make me laugh and were still there for me every day of the week. I know it will only get worse from here and I know it has to get worse to get better. I just wish I understood how you could stop loving me when we were so perfect together. I don't get how everything happened so fast and yet it didn't... how did you have the heart to walk away from me?

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I can't cope with these feelings. I was being so strong. Now you've added me it just kills that you're still in my life and i cant just let go. And you know im too strong to just completely block you out. It kills me that you are so okay. Yes maybe it is a cover but why? Why tell me so excitedly about the tattoo you're covering up my name with? Why tell me you have been watching 'our' tv program? Why act like we are friends? We were buying a house next year... Starting a family. The past two weeks I was doing ok trying to be strong. Now I feel like i'm dying again.

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Thank you for this idea... I am going to respond here instead of texting my ex.


Sorry you are so upset with me for blocking your phone number, your facebook account and not answering my home phone. After the 23 cell phone calls, 43 texts and 9 home phone calls, I know you are never going to listen to reason. I made a mistake with you and should have never been involved with you. You were my friend years ago and I should have left it that way and never responded to your Facebook message. I don't blame you for your anger but I realized over the past few weeks that you will never let go of my past. You bring it up constantly and say that I do everything wrong and never listen to you. I now know that you have the issues and want to have total control. I allowed you to call me names, threaten me, and make me feel that I was the bad person in the relationship. This is day one of my NC and I am moving on and starting a new life.


Thanks again for this forum thread.... It felt good to get this off my chest. He will never understand what he did to me and how he ruined our relationship but I know it's definitely not me but him. I hope he gets help and does not do this to another woman.

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Hey - The longer it is, The more I realise things had to happen the way they happened. If we had never fallen out I wouldn't be working on myself right now & doing things I'd put off for years. I wouldn't have gone to therapy to break the patterns I've been doing for years without even realising it, I wouldn't be joining all these social clubs & repairing lost friendships. I've learnt an incredible amount about myself over the past two months.


I wish you could still be here with me tho - I still regret what happened massively & have struggled to forgive myself for some of the things I said at the end. I know I am largely responsible for messing up what we had (or at least, I still see it that way) & trying to deny that would be stupid. Yes, maybe we we're both immature & inexperienced but it's all a learning experience.

I miss you more than anyone else I've ever known & it's been incredibly hard without you, I've had some really dark times & some days I've barely functioned. My life isn't the same & not a day goes by I don't think about you & wonder how your getting on now. If you've finally found a job you enjoy, finally realised how good you really are at what you do & know where in the world you want to be.


I'm getting there & I think we can one day be good friends again like we were before all this but right now it's better for us to be apart.

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  • 1 month later...

I sat here today and tried my hardest to not think of you. I did a few times. One time was especially rough. I heard from a few friends and kept busy most of the day. I just listened for the phone to make the distinct digital noise only your contact makes. It never did. I thought of all the days that have past you could of at least reached out on my birthday. Thank you

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Great idea!!


It's been a week shy of three months since I last spoke to you. Yoyr 23 page letter that you mailed to me sent me into a frenzy and made me worse off than I already was. 23 pages of blame and anger. I asked you for answers and you still gave me nothing. I still don't know what really happened with that other girl because for two months you strung me along while you were running to her about our relationship. What am I supposed to think? I'm sorry that makes you angry that I question that but none of it makes since especially after I've caught you in so many lies. I still think about you everyday and pick up the phone to call you when something good happens only to remember I'm blocked on everything. Your letter seemed genuine as if you'd always love me but your actions prove you want nothing to do with me or to even remember what we had. I want to hate you and your mom for the emotional abuse you put me through because it's taken a huge toll on me. The name calling her telling me she wished you would date the other girl. Being called white trash and a and you sharing my personal health information and our sex life...it confuses and sickens me. I know you've been hanging out with this other girl a lot and I have trouble sleeping every night. The only thing I asked you for was closure. Answers to know if I had been cheated on and what really happened. You promised in your letter there was nothing between you guys and that you wanted to fix yourself before bringing anyone close but then I find out that you guys are always together. As if the two months of texting everyday while we were still together wasn't enough. It makes me sad that we made all these promises and you restarting your new journey at med school in two weeks without me. I wish you the best of luck and know that my feelings will never change about you. I never thought you'd be "that guy".

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It's been 5 weeks. You loved me more than anyone in this world. You wanted to give your all to me. We had the best sex, all the time, every time. Why couldn't I appreciate all this when I had it? Why did I let fear and anxiety overtake me? Why did I push you away again and again?

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I know you left the party with her. 3 weeks after dumping me after 18 years and you are out with her. I don't recognize you anymore, who you are now is not how you were before. You are not kind, not loving. You are messed up and unhappy. I feel like the past 18 years meant nothing to you. You have forced me from the house I have spent so much time and money on, forced me to move back into a house I do not feel safe in. You are forcing me to abandon a pet, and I feel worse over that than you felt leaving me. People have told me you get over the guy, but not the pet.

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It's been 5 weeks. You loved me more than anyone in this world. You wanted to give your all to me. We had the best sex, all the time, every time. Why couldn't I appreciate all this when I had it? Why did I let fear and anxiety overtake me? Why did I push you away again and again?


I relate to your posts so much. I had an amazing boyfriend and pushed him away because of my anxiety and depression I feel so embarrassed and regretful every day. I think we would be great support to each other. Feel free to message me. I hope we can both find true love once again, preferably with our exes!

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I literally cannot do anything without thinking about how wonderful it would be to do this with you. I feel like I rush through my weekends so I don't have to be alone. I feel like the joy in my life has been put on hold because I can't be there with you. I hold hope that you will wish me a happy birthday. If you do, that means I get to text you a sentence back right? I know what I'm going to say. "Thank you for your well wishes. I love you dearly, and I am patiently waiting for you". I wish I could go to the wedding with you. I wish I could be your +1. I wish I could slow dance with you, and be at your side. I am your biggest fan and supporter. I pray and cheer you on from a distance. Please come back.

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