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Aprils fools day!


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My boyfriend got me good for Aprils fools and I want to get him back!


Well, I tried to, I got one of my pregnant friends old tests and left it laying out. And he didn't freak out at all LOL. His words "next time you try to prank me babe do something that will actually scare me, I don't want a kid but I wouldn't freak out if you were actually pregnant". So dang. I want to get him GOOD!


I was thinking of putting KoolAid behind the shower head, so when he turns it on the water will come out red and scare him. Ideas? Anyone else pranking there s/o for Aprils fools day?

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If there is still time for him to care, switch out the sugar and the salt shakers so when he sugars his coffee or tea, or salts his dinner, its opposite... I like the shower head idea!


At this point I just wanna get him good whether he cares or not lol. I'm a little evil. That's a good idea!


I got the shower head idea off of good old google

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