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Could I have a slight alcohol allergy, or sensitivity?


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I always get a bad hangover even if I only drink like three beers.


I also get drunk easy, so I don't drink more than 5 beers or a few shots.


I always feel sick the next day no matter how little I drink! I don't even drink much, I'd say like six times a year or so, because it always makes me sick, so it's not worth it to me.


But I'm starting to wonder if I am just intolerant to alcohol? Anyone dealt with this?


Health info - I'm 5'1, 130 lbs, lactose intolerant but no allergies or anything of that sort. I have sensitive kidneys/bladder and have to drink a lot of water or I quickly get uti's and bladder infections.

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Maybe it's because I'm young and all my peers are going through the partying stage but five doesn't seem like a lot to me lol.


It could be your stage of life too, yes. But you also said that your mother is a raging alcoholic so maybe you do not know how to judge what is a lot from what is not a lot due to how you were raised. But believe me five beers a lot. And I would be surprised if you didn't have a raging hangover .

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If I drink too much sugary drinks, like pop or sugary juices, I get a uti.


This has nothing to do with kidneys and everything to do with your sugar levels. Too high sugar levels = uti when you have a lot of sugary beverages. Everyone is different in how their bodies are sensitive to this but it's not a kidney problem, I assure you.


Also, in my experience, clear spirits are the way to go if you want to avoid a hangover. Many people get hangovers from beer. I hate beer and drink hard liquor or wine. I don't drink in excess much anymore but I've been able to have 5 mixed drinks (tequila, vodka, gin) all in one night (over several hours) and have been fine while others have 2 beers and their head hurts.


I drank so much vodka a couple years ago and never had a hangover.


I am with Vic, 5 is a lot. Maybe not by early 20s binging standards but it's actually a lot. I actually think 3+ in one night is a lot. Most people, barring college students, frat boys, and alcoholics, will have 1-2 a weekend night if that.

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Depending on your ethnic heritage, you may have a physiological intolerance to alcohol: link removed


I'm half Filipino. I discovered my genetic make-up includes this intolerance. Initially thought I just needed to adapt to drinking alcohol, until I learned about this genetic trait in a health class.

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Five beers for someone your size is HUGE!!

Try 2 beers and then drink a large glass of water before go to bed.


You are not allergic. You are drinking far too much.


I always get a bad hangover even if I only drink like three beers.


I also get drunk easy, so I don't drink more than 5 beers or a few shots.


I always feel sick the next day no matter how little I drink! I don't even drink much, I'd say like six times a year or so, because it always makes me sick, so it's not worth it to me.


But I'm starting to wonder if I am just intolerant to alcohol? Anyone dealt with this?


Health info - I'm 5'1, 130 lbs, lactose intolerant but no allergies or anything of that sort. I have sensitive kidneys/bladder and have to drink a lot of water or I quickly get uti's and bladder infections.

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I think that you should just refrain from drinking or drink way less. its not normal to expect your body to handle that much beer. Your body is trying to tell you something. Listen now, not later to it. And if you are around people that encourage you to drink five beers - pick different friends or exercise self control and stop at two if you are somewhere safe to drink and maybe one if you have to drive home. Zero on an empty stomach.

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How are you with eating wheat? Do you get bloated, gassy? I ask because you may have a slight wheat intolerance/sensitivity which could be contributing to you getting drunk really fast. Can you experiment with just drinking beers without wheat for a bit? many German beers follow the "Reinheitsgebot", it's a purity law that stipulates that only barley, hops and water can be used in the brew. Maybe try some of these and see how you feel.


Also, sulphites. Beer and wine usually contain sulphites, there are some naturally occurring, but they are also purposely added as a preservative. MANY people have a sulphite sensitivity. If you do, you may find that you get drunk really fast, and have bad hangovers. Might want to look for organic beer.


I am sensitive to sulphites and discovered this when I started drinking wine, I would get drunk before the first glass was done. Now i drink organic wine and i can tolerate it much better as the sulphites in it are naturally occurring, and there is not any excess sulphites added in

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