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when did you know you were going to marry them?

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I know it's been asked before.... but there are always new people joining.


I was at my best friends wedding shower this past weekend, and they did a newlywed question type game. one of her questions was when did she know she was going to marry her fiance.... she said a month after dating. it got me to thinking.... when did you know you were going to marry your significant other? I am curious to what other people say... thanks

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We started talking to one another online after meeting when I was on vacation to Scotland. He got in touch with me when I got home via email, and we talked for a year before he came to visit me. I knew that there was something between us in our emails, but when he came to visit me, we discovered that there was equal physical chemistry as well.


When he told me he wanted me to meet his parents at the airport when I came to visit him in Scotland I knew I was going to marry him. I had told him I loved him which I had never said before, and he had never introduced anybody to his parents. We both sort of knew then because the nature of our relationship was so long distance we had to have an 'end game' in place.

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Oneday just seeing him play with his niece I thought this is the man I want to marry and have children with someday. The child came along a little sooner than expected but were getting married next month after 2 years together. Despite our ups and downs he is someone that 'gets' me and we have the same sense of humour. I can't imagine being with anyone else that would accept me for me flaws and all so happily.


The moment was about 5 months in to things.


He says he knew from our first date that I was 'the one' and knew he wanted to marry me about a month in.

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My bf told me that he wanted to marry me within 2 months of dating. We had gotten into an argument and he told me that he really loved me, and could see himself marrying me. I didn't realize it until about 9 months into dating him.


We've been dating for 5 years, and he is still the sweetest he's ever been since day one. I can't imagine being with anyone else. He knows me better than I know myself. We would've been married earlier, but things don't always work out the way you want them to. We're looking into early next year or so.

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My boyfriend and I dated for a bit in highschool. after he broke up with me I knew I had to get him back. I knew he was the one I would spend the rest of my life with. I tried dating many other guys to help me get over him...four years later and I never got over him. We are finally back together and he is head over heals for me. we are already planning our engagement

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hmmm... cute stories!


well... I've been with my boyfriend since feb. 19, and although it is early in, I just have a feeling he is the one.


we dated 8 years ago for one summer. I dumped him for my ex, and during the years I never stopped wondering about him. when my ex of 7 years and I broke up, I reconnected with my guy I am with now. the first meet up, we spent all night talking and it felt like 7 years never even passed. when I left his apartment, I just kept thinking how we were meant to be together. (he told me that when I walked up to his apartment that night, it felt like a ton of bricks had hit him in the face, and I was more beautiful then he had remembered me to be)


what made me realize I want him as my husband one day, was the past month. I have been taking care of my grandma and things got really hard and I had no one to turn to. he was there every second/minute/hour of the day for me. when i texted him telling him I thought my grandma was having a seizure, he called and stayed on the phone with me to make sure things were ok. he never got sick of hearing me talk about it, and every morning first thing would ask how my grandma was doing.


his generosity, kindness, beautiful heart has made me fall head over heels for him. I feel 100% I am going to marry this man, and I never ever felt that with the man I spent 7 years with and lived with.


We do not fight. We laugh and laugh. We like the same things. Have the same life experiences. had the same hard times at the same time..... and through 7 years, my ex relationship, and hundreds of miles we still ended up together in the end.


it was like, I just had to realize it for myself, that he was the one for me by going through all that crap! but I am so happy, I sometimes have to pinch myself.


he is an amazing man. I guess time will tell if we get married or not, I have no doubt though

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