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Is it manly to let a 20 yr old girl screw with you?

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If you have followed my story you know that my entire situation is very painful and annoying. It's been over two months since that evil witch finally decided to end it for good and I'M the one who is still dealing with the pain. I'm the one who went back to lonely Oklahoma to find out that she had already had someone else. I'm the one who can't concentrate in his senior year. I'm the one who loses his appetite for weeks and drinks like a fish to ease the pain for a night or two. I'm the one with no one from the opposite sex just to talk to and I'm the one who has really bad dreams at night. I am also the emotional fool who contacted her and her lover and got an evil text message sent to me that still doesnt sit well with my stomach.


I replay the events from April-July in my head ALL the time trying to figure out what went wrong, if she really cheated and how i can fix my mistakes. Every time I come closed to acceptance, something happens. Like last night i saw that she's been using my nextflix account. ALOT. The nerve of this chick. How much more can you screw with a person. I'm finally trying to get her outta my system and she finds a small way to screw it up.


I'm 22, I'm learning how to be a man. No one told me that while learning how to be a man, you'll have to deal with that one cruel ex gf whom you had your first "serious" relationship. I need her out of my head like yesterday. She is extremely toxic. She disrespected the hell out of me during the end of our relationship and now she's doing it while we're apart. I really wish she didn't exist. I pray to God that my next girlfriend is a complete upgrade. I've been getting better, but this is too much. Now i see why people stay single.

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Who cares about being manly? You're hurting and you're trying to move on like the rest of us.


Change the password to your Netflix account and if you share passwords with any other website, change those, too. Delete her phone number, block her on fb (if you have one), do not contact her nor the lover even if you want to.


I'm going through my first break up and it's hard as hell, especially with an ex who moved on quickly, so I understand. You'll get through this. Just please try and focus on you. I've actually been leaning on my mother while going through my break-up and like she said, "You're probably going to be knocked down, 2, 3, or even 4 more times in the dating world but right now you are learning what you want and do not want in a relationship. And each time you will walk away stronger for it."

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"You're probably going to be knocked down, 2, 3, or even 4 more times in the dating world but right now you are learning what you want and do not want in a relationship. And each time you will walk away stronger for it."


She has given you a very good take on it , and believe me ,it doesn't always get easier to cope with if you fail to learn these lessons. Time is a finite resource

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I'm 40 and girls are just as much a pain in the arse now as they were when 20 years ago. I wish I could say it gets easier but each time they find another way to stab you in the back and piss all over you. But remember that anyone can only hurt you as long as you allow them to. She knows that your feelings for her are your weakness, your Achilles heel, and it gives her pleasure to torment you because she's a *****. If you want to hurt her, don't give her the satisfaction. Show her that you're a better and stronger man than she gave you credit for. This is your life to live, not someone else's to play with then destroy.


The best revenge is living well (and scorpions in her knickers, but that's another day).

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Hey T5...you don't need to be mAnly to get over heartbreak. You are human above all...and no one here is judging you for needing to talk it out.


As for your ex, screw her. Seriously. She 's a nasty crotch for continuing to use your Netflix acct. Only a total user would think its ok to do that!!! Just keep thinking of her nasty side, trust me her insides are repulsive. I don't care HOW beautiful her outsides are.


You are an amazing, deep feeling caring guy...and you look pretty damn good in a suit!!!

Hang in there!!

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Hey T5...you don't need to be mAnly to get over heartbreak. You are human above all...and no one here is judging you for needing to talk it out.


As for your ex, screw her. Seriously. She 's a nasty crotch for continuing to use your Netflix acct. Only a total user would think its ok to do that!!! Just keep thinking of her nasty side, trust me her insides are repulsive. I don't care HOW beautiful her outsides are.


You are an amazing, deep feeling caring guy...and you look pretty damn good in a suit!!!

Hang in there!!


Haha thank you!!! That just put a much needed smile on my face.

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Hey Top, you ARE a man. Just look at you - kind, compassionate, intelligent, well spoken, educated, focused on your future, and like JA0371 said "you look pretty damn good in a suit!" Those are qualities that in a few years will propel you beyond many of your peers. Trust me.


Unfortunately, many people like your ex never ever learn the value treating people right and they continue leave a trail of bitter broken hearts as a legacy to their self centered behavior. Nothing can prepare you for experiences like this. The very nature of love requires us to let down our guard and put our hearts on the chopping block. No matter what you've been told, no matter what you've experienced, no matter how old you are, a broken heart always hurts.


As for your ex using your netfllix - change the password. Say nothing. If you grapple with pigs, you're going to get dirty!

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When I first read your post heading, I thought you were going to be an old(er) guy.


Top5, what you're feeling is rejection and its worse because in lonely Oklahoma you've got nothing else to think about. Yes, she's moved on, yes she seems happy. Some people would tell you you don't know her situation. What I'm going to is "yes, you lost". Now what are you going to do? Keep crying about the loss?


You got suckered, you got fooled, accept that she "won". If a football team suffered an humiliating defeat, and didn't want to leave the locker room or play another game, what would you tell them?


The lesson here is not to be anyone else's fool. Everyone's got their own agenda. Don't stop paying attention just because you want to believe that they only have your best interests at heart. The only person who only has your best interest at heart is you.


And stop saying there's no one in Oklahoma for you. Start smiling at every girl who looks at you. Do you really think there are no girls in Okl who'd want to sleep with you? Find your confidence and stop letting this girl continue to beat you.

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*Thanks! That really made me feel good. I just feel like some of those good qualities is what gets me hurt. I see all of these terrible guys with good girls and it makes me sick. I'm not saying im a pushover or i'm "too nice" ,but I obviously was too nice to my ex because she hardly had respect for me. IDK what to do. I don't think i'll be dating for awhile. I've never had a chick treat me right or appreciate anything i do.

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