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  1. Good Stuff Man. Hope your doing well. C
  2. Glad to see you have a nice new beginning Kid. Wish you the best, keep us updated man! C
  3. 26 days of no contact.... Kept it up since the break up, it has finally caught up with me. My emotions are all over the place because of this and I am feeling very weak...
  4. It's been almost a month since the break up and No Contact. It is true I love you, I miss you, I am a wreck. The calm before the storm is over and I am feeling it now. I thought about call you on your birthday coming up but I am not ready to for that. I've been keeping myself busy and meeting new people but it's just not the same right now. I am depressed over this break up. I never cut the cord with someone like this before it drives me insane. I would take you back if you wanted to come back but lets be honest here, you haven't tried to call me in the past month I haven't tried to call you as well and I guess that is just life. You know the moment when I said "I am falling in love with you" I truly ment it. 200% I did. No a month of you out of my life i am still alive, still working, still healing and still trying to get over you. I love you, I respect you, I will forgive myself one day.... C
  5. Out of the blue your best friend here in the states commented on my facebook status.... It was like a slow burn heading straight to my core. It made me think of you... I hope your doing well (I know you are)
  6. 2 weeks of NC since you wanted out and it if finally taking effect.... This is not easy one bit. I find myself questioning myself and my character . I cried alot after work today thinking about you. I tried my best and It hurts. I understand that we had a communication issues but the fact that you didn't want to try and fixs it bothers me the most. Good Night C
  7. You found me broken and bitter from a previous relationship, but you helped me heal and discover a different person inside me. I hate that you gave up on me without trying to fix our problem. I know I think more emotionally than I do Logical and when you said what you wanted to do all I could say is ok... I respect you decision to walk away. C
  8. lol, it's owned by ena now so you probably wont get a single cent
  9. Glad to see your doing well Man. Keep it up
  10. I've been gone for a month and your life made a 180, you know whats best... Be safe and be careful my friend, A tiger never loses it's stripes and I hope that this time around the relationship doesn't burn out. C
  11. lol, just keep walking the road you are traveling. You know what to do and yeah please don't revert back to what you were, I will knock the taste out of your mouth if you do. C
  12. Kid, Don't plan anything just live it with the new girl. I'm glad you found one that you can connect with Stop thinking about "after six months" just live it day by day. I'm happy and proud of you.
  13. Don't get lost with all the women you have man. Just sit back and be happy. Forget about the ex it takes time you know this.
  14. Your my role model.... That is all
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