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Uni goings on else there will be a LOT of threads...


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So many long words to remember.. I'm breaking my rule of not revising on the day of the exam so I can try and get it deeper into my memory.. Recorded one of the essays, had to spell most of the words (which are spelt wrong already oops) because I cant pronounce them - actyolcholine (or something like that haha) for example..

I am so looking forward to today being over. Going to have a few pints of cider after me thinks.. and drinkies tomorrow with another friend who's flying home on weds.. Going to miss uni so much..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wonder what life is going to throw at me after I finish uni? where will it take me? what will I be doing? All I know about what is happening in my life is up until August.. after that, nothing, no plans.. I guess it depends on what results I get when I finish..

I know what I want to be, but no plans on how to get it... life...


5 hours sleep mehhh

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Well I wasn't expecting that outcome last night! Very happy though..

My sunburn/tan is pealing, even though I'm putting on my aleo after sun bah.. Gotta remember to put my factor 50 suncream on every 30mins so as not to burn more..

I like bein pale..


Arghh, my aftersun has tanning lotion in it, so I have really odd tan lines all over my arms haha... oops ah well.. not gonna tan the rest of my body to match, don't like being tan.. well i like my legs being tan but thats it.. but who wants milk coloured legs? haha...

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Life is not pointless, it is a challenge. You have to fight, learn, expand, grow, enlighten and strengthen. Our planet needs us, we need to nurture it, treat it with respect..

Not all lives are helping us as people grow, and not all people are helping our planet..

But we need to do what we can.

Everyone has something to offer. The jack****s teach us strength, forgiveness, although it takes time to reach such a point in our lives. Some don't get there for decades, others get there after a few years, and some cannot cope at all. But we have to fight as long as we can. Life can getbetter, with patience and perseverance.. Life is tough, but the way you live your life can be worth the pain, the stress, and everything else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's just to do with relationships and silly stuff.. so annoying.. I already know what advice I will get..


but onto bigger and better news! I got a 2.2 (so far) for university hells yeah! Find it odd how I did better in the harder modules of psychopharmacology and mental health, vs developmental modules.. Even though I've preferred the developmental ones... oh well, I am very happy with how I've done all considered!

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My bike is having a hissy fit.. I need to do uni work, but want to ride bike.. I'll stick myself in a psychology lab all day tomorrow and catch up.. Although I've done hardly anything all weekend../week I've done some but not enough.. D: ugh! stressed! and once I've got peace of mind regarding bike, I will be able to concentrate better..

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so, my eligability to date is a BSc degree, just not a BSc Psychology degree, as I've not finished yet.. But feeling pretty happy. just gotta crack on and hope for the best.. I have less time than most of my friends did for the whole write up, but I also don't have anything else to do during july, I have one day of volunteering at the beginning well thats an hour at uni, so I can sit in the library after.. then I've got a birthday in the middle and at the end.. So I have plenty of time, whereas many of my friends had 8 hours a week of lectures, exams to revise for, other courseworks to do and some had work.. I can get this done and I am going to PUSH myself and aim for a 2.1/1st. Don't care if I still end up with a 2.2 but I would love a 2.1...

so now back to experiments xD.. then a paperwork day sunday and monday morning...

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must stay awake until 2am.. must.. only about 3 hours to go, 2 experiments to do with my insomnia participants then I can sleep... Busy day tomorrow on only 4 hours sleep if I can get that much D:

neck still aches from headbanging friday night, have random cuts and bruises but well worth it, well aside from the lack of work done for my project D: but I have loads of stuff which should be able to determine how much sleep deprivation affects students

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