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Thank you ladies.


I just got back from the hospital, as the doctor sent us back to the hospital for more bloodwork. He is now saying that he does think I have pre-eclampsia. They redid my platelets which increased to 101, so while still very low, it's an improvement. He's put me on bedrest until Friday because he wants to give me time to hopefully increase my platelets so that I can have the epidural vs being put to sleep, which makes me happy. I have to call in the morning because my c-section was rescheduled from Friday until tomorrow, so I need to make sure I am still on for Friday! What a mess this has been, but I think this will be a good thing.


It will be very hard being on bedrest with Mark, but my husband is staying home tomorrow and my parents will be here starting Wednesday so at least he will be cared for.

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Thanks everyone!! I went in for pre-op this morning and got a call saying my c-section had been changed from 2pm until 6am, so I'm REALLY pumped about that, I'd so rather do it in the morning and now I can ensure Mark can meet his little sister where as before I was thinking it'd probably be Saturday before he met her as it can take FOREVER to get a room and he goes to bed early.


I just have to finish packing my bag and lay Mark's "Big Brother" t shirt for tomorrow. He is having a lot of fun with my parents who dote on him (they are at the park now, actually, while I 'rest'), which is nice because it's always hard to leave him, especially overnight but at least he will be in his own home and bed. I went today and got Mark one of those talking interactive books, and Payton a "my first doll" and they will "exchange" the gifts when she is born. I know neither of them will remember it, but I just wanted to do something small for them.


As of right now I WILL be getting the epidural (yay!) so hopefully nothing will change with that. I'm unfortunately still sick, I think it's just a respiratory infection because they tested me for EVERYTHING, and it all came back clear. But, today is definitely the best I have felt so here's too hoping tomorrow will be better! It's all so surreal to think in less than 24 hours I will have 2 babies, it's crazy to me!

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My sweet baby girl was born a happy and healthy 8 lbs and 12 oz 20 inches long at 6:21am on Friday the 13th. We could not be more in love. I will update later, but thanks for all the warm wishes!!


I am so thrilled for you and your family. I knew everyone would do great! Yay and happy birthday!

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Haven't had much time to update, but thanks for all the kind words! So far Miss Payton has been a dream, she is far more "low maintenance" than Mr. Mark was as a newborn, and is very laid back. She is just too sweet, it's been amazing going from a family of 3 to a family of 4. It's definitely been an adjustment and I felt like Mark was pretty upset with me because I've been in and out of the hospital and at doctors etc, leaving him A LOT more than I ever have before and that really upset me. But, after a day or so of me being home and spending as much time as possible (that immediately recovering from a c-section allows!) with him, he seems to be adjusting just fine! He basically ignores her, but he's very interested in her things like her swing and baby bed. I keep looking at baby pictures of Mark when he was just born, and I cannot believe how much they look alike in some pictures-- they could be the same baby!


My c-section went well, other than they had a hard time putting the epidural in and my platelets were BARELY at epidural level, but I was able to have it and I am grateful for it. I split a stitch (from picking up Mark, I think) and got a portion borderline infected but the doctor looked at it and said it'll be fine. I'm definitely nervous for the future of 2 under 2 but I feel so blessed to have these 2 wonderful people in my life, I truly do. I will, however, be getting the IUD done in 5 weeks, because I cannot do 3 under 3!! Here are just a few pictures of my sweet girl.



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