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Life as a Mommy


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So far I have to say that caring for Mark and Payton is much easier than it was caring for Mark when I was heavily pregnant. I'm definitely tired, but at least I can move without feeling like I'm going to roll away!


Payton is truly a dream baby, she is just so content and relaxed. Mark is definitely getting easier (except from about 4:30-6:00pm, that is meltdown central) and is starting to play with you or independently. He really enjoys playing with my husband who crawls around behind him through the house and Mark just screams and laughs and tries to run away from him. It is so cute! Mark gets really jealous (of the bottle, he LOVES his bottle) if I have to feed Payton so I have been giving him 2 oz of milk in his own bottle while I feed her and it makes him SO happy and I am able to feed Payton while he happily walks around holding his bottle.


I know you're "supposed to" wean them off the bottle at 12 months but with Payton having one I'm not ready to do it just yet. He does use a sippy cup for water with no problem, but he LOVES his bottle. Even his doctor said not to push it due to having the baby. I will say that lately he has been snuggling with his stuffed dog at night vs clinging to his bottle so I'm thinking he may be starting to have less dependance on his bottle. We shall see!

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I am glad that Payton is so chill and that things are actually easier for you now, even with two. She is just so adorable and chubby! I bet you see a ton of difference between Mark and Payton. In terms of growth and abilities, Mark must seem like a little man already.

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I am glad that Payton is so chill and that things are actually easier for you now, even with two. She is just so adorable and chubby! I bet you see a ton of difference between Mark and Payton. In terms of growth and abilities, Mark must seem like a little man already.


Oh, he DOES! He looks like a little boy vs a baby. I used to get really sad when I'd think about him growing up but since I had Payton and I see her as a tiny baby I remember Mark was a tiny baby and now I feel the pride of helping him grow up into a happy (most of the time ;-) ) and healthy little boy.


But, man, I didn't change his diaper for 2 weeks because I couldn't lift him (I still struggle) and I had my mom here and when I changed him for the first time I was like WOW! He looked so huge to me, I mean his diaper is 4x her size!


Payton (like Mark) does not really look like a newborn, the doctor said today "oh she has the face of a 2 month old", and Mark was exactly the same. I used to say Mark was a "TV baby" because you know on TV when someone gives birth to a baby the baby is actually like 6 months old, and that's what Mark looked like!

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Yes, I agree with the bottle, Vic. I mean if he wants to go to college with it, we may have an issue ;-) . But right now he is still a baby and he likes it a lot. I'm really happy that he takes a sippy for water and I know he'll wean when he is ready, and I can't imagine taking it from him while his sister still has one, I think he'd be too distressed which would cause me to be stressed and just trickle down, so the bottle is here to stay for a while.

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I agree. Let them be babies while they are. My son does not have a bottle anymore and he is toilet trained (although he was VERY hard to train because he wanted to remain a baby) we used to co sleep and he now sleeps alone and has for years. All this BS about they will grow up sucky and abnormal is just that BS.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Had a nice Mother's Day, very low key, just spent it at home and then went to my in laws house for a bbq. We also took Mark for his first hair cut, he did so well!! We took him to a place that had a car for the kids to sit in while they get their hair cut, and while it was sad to cut his curls his hair was getting out of control. The stylist basically just cleaned it up and kept some of the curls.


Payton is doing great, she's still very low maintenance and I think she's starting to learn the difference between night and day because her normal 1 am 'fussy time' is changing to about 9:30 10:00pm. I can't believe she is a month old today, the time just flies.



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Had my IUD put in today, not bad at all. MUCH better than everyone said.


Things may be starting to look up, I haven't written about it, but my husband lost his job 2 weeks ago. Luckily he was in the interview process for an AWESOME job, and his friend who works there said that he should be getting a call with an offer by the end of the week. I PRAY that is true.

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Im sorry to hear about the loss of his job but will be keeping you in my thoughts about the new awesome job!


Thank you, OG! We are pretty confident he has it, but I never believe ANYTHING until it's signed and sealed. We hoped they would call today, but it appears they may be calling his references (a friend he used to work with called and said they called) so hopefully tomorrow.


I go back to work the beginning of June, I'm excited and nervous. I'm glad I work from home so I can still be with the kids, but I'm also thankful for my field days for a break! I think it'll be getting back to normal, but I'm just nervous because it's another thing to juggle. If all goes well with this job his income will be enough that in about 9-12 months I can quit and go back to school.


OG- I saw in your journal (was going to reply but got distracted) that you are thinking of being an ultrasound tech? I have been toying with that for years...

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It'll take some adjustment with 2 babies now but you'll get into the swing of things.


I have, especially since L is moving here and we eventually want to move to Myrtle Beach. I've been told the schooling is ubber hard (as in they only accept a few people into the program) and I hate to admit it but that thought alone has stalled me. I'm still researching and looking into it but the school aspect does scare me.

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Yeah, I do know that it's ubber competitive, it seems like all those medical (nursing especially) fields are very selective. I have my masters in social work, it has done NOTHING for me, and I am so burnt out on the field, so I need to do something. I would like to do real estate, which I know is a dying field, and I can't survive on it, but with my husbands income, I might be able to do it. Because I can always fall back on social work.


I am NOT very good at sciences which is why I have also put off ultrasound, AND I don't want to commit to another 2 years or more of school and take out more loans (I owe ENOUGH!). But, the job is very interesting to me and the money is VERY good. The hours are normally pretty good too especially with the kids. I'm horrible, I'm so scared of committing to anything career wise I think because right now I just want to focus on my kids, but I KNOW before I know it they'll be in school and then I really will want to be more focused on something...

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Yeah, I understand.


My husband is in business sales, and he can make really good money, but he's in school now (for his BA) because he doesn't want to do this forever. He always says a salesman should always make more than his manager, but his manager should have less stress. He really wants to get into management and the pay cut will be worth it because sales is very stressful because your income can go up and down so fast.

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Well, my husband got the job! We are so thrilled!! He starts on June 4th, and it can't come soon enough.


Payton went to the doctor because we suspected reflux and she was prescribed medication (the same stuff Mark was on) and hopefully it'll help her. The doctor said that one of her eyes appears to be weaker than the other, but she'll re-evaluate her at her 2 month appointment and send her to an eye doctor if needed. She didn't seem concerned (per my husband, as I didn't go to the appointment) so I am trying not be either. She is working on smiling, it is so cute.


Mark is as mobile as ever, I swear the kid is going to be a football player, he is too funny! We went camping (in my IL's brand new RV, so I don't know if that even counts as camping, definitely wasn't like how I camped as a kid!) and one of our friends have a boy and girl who are 3 and 4 and 11 months apart. They are so close and it makes me excited for the future of my little ones.


I got myself some new clothes, I was desperate for them. I haven't bought anything in forever as I've been pregnant for what seems like ever, and since I had so many maternity things from Mark I didn't buy anything when I was pregnant with Payton. Once upon a time I used to buy clothes for myself all the time, because I LOVE fashion but I really only buy stuff for the kids now, so it was nice to get a few new things especially since I'm still not thrilled with my body after 2 pregnancies.


Oh, and I finally started Shades of Grey--- very excited!!


Mark and his batman cape:

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  • 2 months later...

I haven't abandoned ship, though it seems like it. Life has been insane, 2 under 2 is insane, 2 under 2 and a full time job, a husband with a job that requires traveling out of state, AND a babysitter who announced she's going back to teaching (less than a week before the job started) is uber-insane! But, I am preparing to quit my job (less than a month actually) and staying home completely with the kids. I have serious mixed feelings but I know it's the best thing right now. Things will be a little tight financially until November, but I'm meal planning and budgeting and it's really helping.


My little pumpkins are getting bigger and bigger, I can hardly believe it. Mark is now 16 months and his tantrums are in full swing, I really don't know what to do and no one seems to have any suggestions, either. He knows what 'no' means and he HATES it, so it normally ends in a huge tantrum, I've tried the time-out (where I hold him in the corner for 1 minute, he HATES that) but I haven't seen any real change. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. He's a very high needs child, he is sooooo hot and cold, but that's just his personality, he has been like that since day 1! My mom said I was like that too, though she definitely admits Mark is a little more 'spirited' ;-)


Payton, is just so sweet. She really is. She is a little bump on a log and just wants to be held etc so I really have to encourage her to play on the playmat etc. But she is just a sensitive sweet little girl. She gave my husband a dirty kind of look and he gave her a pretend 'mean' look back and her little lip quivered and she cried. Oh he felt SO bad, he hugged and kissed her and she was fine. It was so sad but it was funny too and kind of insightful because I kind of worried about her because she's not progressing as quickly physically as Mark did, but she is clearly aware of facial expressions etc. She coos alll the time, smiles and laughs when she gets excited or if you are washing under her chunky little neck. She and Mark were laughing at each other it was the sweetest thing ever. He really loves her and is definitely getting more gentle with her. I love to watch them interact.


Well coming up here we will be married for 2 years. Yikes! We have been through a lot in these 2 years: 3 moves, several jobs, unemployment, TWO pregnancies and babies, and just acclimating to marriage in general. Things are finally just now settling down. We need it! We rarely have any alone time, but tomorrow the kids are sleeping at my IL's house (Payton's first time, Mark's first time in over 10 months) so we can go to a Memorial thing for my husbands friend who sadly took his own life last week.


Mark is on her 3rd hour of a nap, which is like unheard of for this child, and since it's going on 5:00 PM I'm a little nervous for him when he wakes up! He often wakes up on 'the wrong side of the bed' when he sleeps too late, but he's been waking up early/going to bed late/not taking good naps recently, so he just might need the sleep so I'm not going to wake him I'll deal with the possible meltdowns as needed! Usually from 4:00pm-6:00pm is meltdown city in this house (from both kids) but they are BOTH sleeping, so it's probably the calm before the storm! ;-) And of course my husband is going out after work, so it's all mommy! But, my MIL took them out for 3 hours today to go an indoor playground, so I really can't complain!


My loves:



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Wow, mark is so big and looks like a little boy now, not a baby! Both of your children are very cute. I have a sister who is less than a year and a half older than me, and when we were young we were incredibly close. I'm glad to hear that P and M are getting along.


Best wishes for full-time motherhood. I hope it will give you a bit of breathing room. You are taking on so much right now!

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  • 5 months later...

Don't blink. That's the advice I have been given, and it's so true. My kids are nearly 1 and 2 years old, and it's so surreal to me.


Payton is now 9 months old and crawling. She is very busy and nosey, yet slightly cautious. She loves her brother and will just laugh and laugh at him. She is definitely a mommys girl and is constantly looking for me and becomes anxious and upset when I am out of sight. She is such a sweet little girl with a smile for everyone. She is able to feed herself now and that seems to really make her happy.


Mark is now a little boy at 21 months old. He is doing a lot of talking his favorite words/phrases being: oh no, stuck, car, outside, COOKIE, and mommy. He will basically repeat anything you ask him to and will complete basic tasks. He is very rough and tumble, climbing on tables, hiding in cabinets, wrestling with people. He is a sweet boy though under his toughness, blowing kisses, giving his sister endless hugs. Just the other day he gave me a big hug and said "happy mommy".


I am home now full time, and it has it's ups and downs. I have huge bouts of boredom and loneliness mixed in with huge bouts of joy and relief. I've joined a play group and put myself out there more with friends and I've felt a lot better. I've been working hard on trying to recover/improve my body and take my kids on countless walks and just trying to eat much "cleaner". We are planning to buy a treadmill next month and I vow to use it. Life is still crazy and people look at me with a mixture of wonder and pity LOL pushing my double stroller with 2 kids so young and close in age, but it's much less about just survival as it was the first 6 or so months.

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