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My best friend has GD when she had my niece, my niece has no sugar levels or anything like that. I know that little hat thing your talking about Tink - see them all the time at the hospital I work at, lol


Yeah, I mean really as long as you check your blood sugar, follow the rules the baby should be fine. Mark had no issues and mine went away immediately after birth. Let me tell you how good carbs and sugar taste afterwards!


The hat is funny, but definitely makes it easier, I don't know how I'd get the pee in the jug without it!

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Yeah, I mean really as long as you check your blood sugar, follow the rules the baby should be fine. Mark had no issues and mine went away immediately after birth. Let me tell you how good carbs and sugar taste afterwards!


The hat is funny, but definitely makes it easier, I don't know how I'd get the pee in the jug without it!


hahaha - yeah. That's one of the reasons we want me at a much healthier weight when we concieve - the more over weight you are the more of a chance of GD.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When it rains, it pours! My BP situation is not improving at all. I had an appointment yesterday and my BP was 146/90 (which honestly, isn't that bad for what it's been) now I have to go back on Friday because he wants to see 2x a week. On Thursday I have to do the 3 hour glucose test as well as some blood work for my BP. He said I'll probably need to do another 24 hour urine sample as well, but we'd wait for the blood work first. My bloodwork was normal at the hospital, other than my platelets being low, so they are going to compare the two. I also have to monitor it at home daily. He said basically they need to rule out preclampsia at this point and then go from there.


He said he would probably want to take me out of work (was even talking about doing it NOW, but I convinced him not to) and possible bed rest and that I probably would NOT go to 39 weeks and she'd be delivered early. He said medication is POSSIBLY an option but if it's preclampsia then it's just masking the issue. Ugh, all this and we are in the middle of moving too. What a mess.

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I'm sorry things aren't improving Tink!



If it makes your mind any easier, my best friend was diagnosed with preclampsia when she was 7 months. She had gone to the doctor that morning and went to work, when they got the results back the doctor called her IMMEDIATELY she was to leave work and not go back until after my niece's birth. She was diagnosed on that Friday and that Sunday night it sent her into early labour (she was 35 weeks). My niece was born the following day (normal birth, never spent a second in the NICU even though she was born wearing 5 lbs. 1 oz) and she's a healthy and vibrant almost 3 year old now. my best friend DID have some high blood pressure problems during the birth (she had her naturally) and they had to monitor her closely and no family was allowed in after her blood pressure started to go up but with you having a planned C-section, even if it IS preclampsia, I'm sure everythiing will be okay *hugs*

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a quick update, things have been crazy between the move and all. But, we are in the house and are in pretty good shape unpacking wise, pretty much things need to go on the walls etc. The kids bedrooms are both painted and Mark's is done completely including art on his walls etc. Baby P's crib should be here tomorrow and I'll started really working on her room. I love having all the space, however, carrying my 26 pound 11 month old and my 34 week huge belly up the stairs is not fun. But, he is really taking some steps and we went to Stride Rite and got him his first pair of shoes! He does so well with them on too.


I have been going weekly for non stress tests to monitor the baby (she is great, the doctor says that every time) but my BP spiked again at the office so now I'm back to twice weekly appointments and he said I will need to do that until delivery. He said given my BP situation and that baby is doing well, if I go into labor at any time between now and 39 weeks he is not stopping labor. If my BP does not go down (or at least stabilize) we will be discussing an earlier delivery after 37 weeks. I am freaked out now, I mean I NEVER worried about Mark coming before my c-section for some reason, but this time I swear I wake up every morning thinking today could be the day! I have constant Braxton Hicks and started really cramping yesterday, but I know it probably means nothing. Regardless the latest this lady will be born is 5 weeks from today, which is NUTS--- this has FLOWN by and I am so nervous to have 2 under 2 but I will be glad to not be pregnant anymore. I've been basically pregnant almost Mark's entire life and it's really taking a toll on my body.


In GOOD news, I do NOT have gestational diabetes! That is definitely a relief and my doctor thinks I was possibly misdiagnosed with Mark, but better safe than sorry, I say.

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Yes, I will post the kids rooms and the playroom, as soon as I take some pictures (and set her room up!)


I know the first few years will be ROUGH, I'm definitely scared, but at least I won't be pregnant anymore. My body dwindling. I mean I have never in my life had high blood pressure, etc. I am just in pain all the time, I remember after I recovered from my c-section how amazing it was not to get up and pee 6 times a night, to be able to roll over in bed without yelping in pain, so I am definitely looking forward to that.

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He says no more because financially it's best and because of the toll it's taking on my body. I am not ready at all to say yay or nay because hastily I'd say "no, I'm done" but honestly I could see myself wanting another baby in 4 years or so. He is still open to that but right now, after 2 babies in 2 years I think he's just scared so I will be getting an IUD as soon as I am able to.

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35 weeks tomorrow, it's flying. I've been having contractions for the last few days (real ones, not the Braxton Hicks that I normally do) and I had them timed to 7 to 10 minutes apart tonight, but they stopped. She's doing really well, though, she's getting excellent scores on her 2x weekly non stress tests and Monday I have a special type of ultrasound to check her out and make sure my BP is not affecting her. It did spike to 158/94 at the office today, so they are really keeping an eye on it at this point, though I am still hoping to make it to 39 weeks-- 4 weeks away!


Mark is growing too much, taking lots of steps and I've had to go buy him bigger shorts in the last week because everything is too small! His birthday party is a week from Sunday, I can't believe my tiny baby boy is going to be 1 year old, it's definitely bittersweet. I spend a lot of time looking at baby pictures of him and I wonder how it all went by so fast. When they say, "don't blink" it's really true.


Here is a new picture of my big guy:


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Today I was typing an email for work when Mark crawled out of his play area and into the kitchen, which he does a lot. I heard a thump and figured he got into the mixing bowls because enjoys playing with them. I called him name and he was quiet so I finished the email and not a minute later went into the kitchen to find he has somehow knocked over the chocolate chip cookies from the counter and was shoving them in his mouth!! I could not BELIEVE IT! I was on the phone with my husband who had just called and I just hung up on him because I needed a picture, I called him back to tell him what happened and we just laughed and laughed!! He is TOO much!


Had another appointment today, and at just over 35 weeks baby P is huge at 7 lbs and 9 oz! All her limbs etc are measuring over 38 weeks. My BP is still higher than they would like, so my c-section has been moved to April 13th. So basically 2 weeks from Friday I will have 2 under 2!! WOW.


Few pictures of Mark:


Play room and Baby room:


I'll do more of the babies room when I take some more pictures.

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lol, oh my God the cookie shot is ADORABLE!!!!


I love the play room! I gave my niece a ball pit like that for her 2nd birthday except it was Princess themed.


The ball pit is my most love/hate toy. My grandma got it for him for as part of an early birthday gift. It only came with 20 balls so I went and got a big pack of 150 balls. He LOVES it, but he seriously knocks it over daily and every last ball ends up on the floor! It takes forever to clean up (so I don't do it but every 2 days) but it really amuses him, so it's worth it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This pregnancy has been one thing after another.


On Saturday I was not feeling well, sore throat, headache the works my husband had to work and so when around 2pm my MIL asked to take Mark out for a while I happily agreed. I rested for a while and then when he got home fed him dinner and put him to bed. I started to feel even worse as the night went on and by the time my husband got home at 7:30 I was a wreck. I took my temperature and it showed a fever of 101.4 so called the after hours and was advised to go to Labor and Delivery. My FIL came over and watched Mark and off we went.


My fever had broken (thanks mostly to Tylonal, I'm sure) by the time I got there so we joked that we should just sneak out since there was no reason to be there. They hook me up to the fetal monitor and do blood work. The doctor comes in and says I am probably dehydrated (and I drink TONS, a gallon or more of water a day) and give me IV fluids. The fetal monitoring is NOT looking good and her heart rate is going into the 200's, and my blood work is not good either. They said my liver enyzmes, and uric acid are slightly abnormal, but my blood platelets should be 150 at the minimum, are at 99. So at that point they admit me to the hospital. I have an ultrasound, more blood work, and am hooked up to the monitor and cannot take it off at all until 9pm the next night, so I was basically on the monitor for 24 hours.


Baby P had one more drop in her heartrate around 5:45am on Sunday morning and 3 nurses came running in and put me on oxygen. It stabilized and stayed stable throughout my stay which was good. They drew my platelets again and they dropped now to 88. So they decide to keep me another night but refuse to draw them again until the morning. I was so upset at that point because I didn't see why it couldn't be done on outpatient level. My husband came and spoke to the doctor who then agreed to let me leave if I got my platelets checked at the hospital in the morning and saw my doctor today. She warned us that depending on results that I could be readmitted today. We gladly agreed to that and I went and had my blood drawn this morning and I'll see my doctor in about a half hour for results (hopefully!).


I am really nervous because anything under 100 (for a platelet count) you cannot have an epidural, and since I am having a c-section, I'd have to be put to sleep, which is the LAST thing I want. So praying that they increase and that I do not have to go back to the hospital, because my husband said Mark was really upset crawling around the house peeking around corners looking for me and eventually he just started to cry. It breaks my heart my baby boy needs his mommy too!


I am so ready to have this baby!!

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