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Life as a Mommy


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Mark is now 9 months old, WOW. We started talking about his first birthday party today, crazy! He recently started clapping his hands and it is just too cute. He is crawling everywhere and cruising on furniture. He had his 9 month shots today and he is 85% percentile for weight, which is great since he was once off the charts! My little chub! He is harder in some ways but in other ways I feel like he's much easier (he's significantly happier now that he can move on his own), but maybe I'm just getting used to being a mom.


I am suffering majorly from sciatica and my doctor referred me to physical therapy, so hopefully that will help. I'm also getting annoying braxton hicks, which I didn't really get with Mark. I'm now 25 weeks and it's flying. I got a bunch of gift cards for Christmas so I went ahead and ordered the bedding I wanted for the baby tonight as well as a soother for Mark's crib as he'll be giving his mobile to her.


We have decided to move! We are moving to the house down the street, and it's MUCH bigger (4 bedrooms as opposed to 2) and we really need the space. We are going to make the dining room (kitchen is huge, plenty big enough for our table) into a play area for the toys and they will each have their own bedroom! I'm so happy because I really worried about them sharing because Mark is REALLY sensitive when it comes to his sleep and he sometimes likes to wake up and play at night for 20 minutes or so. I know they would get used to it, but this is really a better situation. Baby Payton will have the first bedroom upstairs (she'll be in our room for 3+ months, though) and next to it will be the office/guest room, then Mark will have the bedroom in the back which is the 2nd master of the house, and we will be downstairs. It's going to be weird having him upstairs, but we have the video monitor which is nice. It's another move at the end of my pregnancy, but I think it's going to be worth it. She is willing to sell it to us when we are ready and we definitely can see ourselves in that house for a long time.

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They are all too sweet and true. I know before I was ever pregnant I never considered having a boy, I always thought I'd have girls (NO clue why that is). I didn't think I'd have a clue how to raise a boy. Once I got pregnant I knew immediately I was having a son and I stopped worrying about it right then and there. I know a lot of my friends who have girls say they have the same fear and hope they have another girl. I always laugh because I remember that fear, but I don't know I guess it's jut not that much different when you think about it. I am raising Mark to be kind, compassionate, humble and strong, and I will raise my daughter to be the same.


Same here and I also knew right away it was a ball. I just don't know how to raise a teenager (of either gender) - guess I have about 10 years to learn how......

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Thanks everyone, we move in March 1st, so exciting!


Just had to share some pictures one of my sweet boy, and the rest of my project I just completed for baby P. I am not very crafty, but I thought I did a pretty good job, seeing as they were just plain wooden letters when I bought them!



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Yep, I used scrapbook paper, it was very easy.


The theme is kind of ballerina, but kind of just a mismash of things. I didn't get a crib bedding set instead I picked everything out piece by piece (was cheaper that way too) but the inspiration came from the crib skirt I got which is made of tulle and looks like a tutu, so I said ballerina would be the theme. Mark's is Curious George, we spent a a small fortune on his room, her room is MUCH MUCH more cost efficient and I think it's going to be really cute!

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I was going to do purple, but then all the stuff I loved only came in pink so pink it was! I loved doing Mark's room, I know I'll love setting it up in the new house again and then I'll do baby P's room.


I'm almost in 3rd trimester now and while I don't want to speed this pregnancy up (terrified of two tiny ones!) I am in so much pain daily, I'll be glad to be done.

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The second one is alittle too purple for me but I like the idea. My friend did her baby's room in butterfly theme and it looks really cute.


Yeah I don't want too much of one color... I'm thinking a dark purple wall with a yellow pattern around the top and bottom (think a pattern that looks like a ladder) and inside each square have a white butterfly. What I came up with one day off the top of my head. And then more butterfly themed stuff around the room (like a $10 white lamp I can literally paint the shade yellow and paint a purple butterfly on the base). I would really only want to use the purple for the wall colour and then as an accent colour the rest of the of room - I have thought of this way too much, lol!


For the boy's I fell in love with this when I saw it:

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but I have no idea how I would get a stencil THAT big!

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I've got some chocolate brown as well as green as accent colors. It's hard to tell the direction of the room because all the bedding hasn't arrived yet (some of it came today the rest was shipped separately, amazon is odd like that) and we haven't painted etc. I did go pick out some paint swatches today and brought them home. My SIL is going to help paint, she is very artistic and so isn't her husband. I got the soother for Mark's crib and took down his mobile as that is going to baby P, he really seems to like the soother which is good. The mobile wasn't good for him anyway because he's such a monkey and pulls on everything.


Speaking of monkey, I went to the bathroom and I come back out and he is sitting ON the fireplace and I notice he has all this black stuff on his face along with a huge smile! I freaked out, pulled the ashes out of his mouth and called poison control. They acted like I was nuts for calling and said he'd be fine. I don't care if I'm crazy mom though. Then at dinner he had some mashed potatoes and kept rubbing his eyes and getting potatoes in them and then crying because it hurt and finally I got it all cleaned up. I felt so bad. Then we put him down and he just wouldn't go to sleep so we let him play for a while and he was super happy which was fun.


I pulled Mark's baby carseat out tonight and I'm washing all the padding for the baby, because Mark pretty much destroyed it with all his spitting up as an infant. Hopefully it'll come out nice and clean though, I am told that it washes well so we'll see. I think this is nesting stage 1. Also tomorrow I get to watch my little 9 week old niece for a little while, so excited!


My monkey right after I had to call poison control:

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lol, I think every knew mom would have reacted the same way! As the aunt I'm a hard one on poor Tyler. He'll hit something and start screaming (like he's been stabbed or something) and I'll just calmly look at him and go 'you aren't maimed, you aren't bloody, you didn't amputate anything' and he just kind of stops crying and gives me this 'well' look. Of course the day he busted out his front tooth he WAS bleeding and I was a very loveable aunt that day.

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