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My ramblings


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Last night was good, but a bit lazy! We ended up getting Indian takeaway from the place next door because it was easy and watched Live at the Apollo then went to bed for, like, 2 hours before Tom went to work. So lazy! But it's nice just laying with him and talking.


Ah I have to go find a present for my niece's birthday today. It was a nightmare getting her a Christmas present. I have no idea what to get the 2 year old who has everything! But I'm going to look 2 weeks in advance so I'm not stressed when our birthday comes around (she was born on my 21st!)


Eurgh, have to go speak to my college tutor tomorrow about hopefully getting a bit more time to finish the bit of work I have. I really don't want to drop out till next year, I hope it won't come to that. I'm so nervous

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I know... and I'm saying it in real life. Slowly but surely.


Ah, toys for the nieces... yeah. I never go too expensive with my niece. She doesn't have everything but I know her mom's family will take care of the expensive stuff, I usually try to get her something sweet (for her 1st birthday last March I ordered one of those tings were they take your name and spell something out the letters). Her mom has it hanging in her room. I hate getting gifts that I know in 2 months time they will be discarded.

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Yeah, kids change their minds about things all the time! There's a really good toy shop by Tom's. It's got loads of wooden, old fashioned type toys. Must better than cheap looking plastic stuff! There's a gorgeous dogs house I really want to get her. It's the kind of thing she can keep for years then pass it on to her daughter (if she has one).

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I've been to speak to my college tutors this morning. They were so understanding. I can submit my work on the day that we're supposed to resubmit if we need to then if I need more time they can give me some extra time after that. I feel relieved. I didn't want to drop out, was panicking a bit. I didn't sleep well last night, I was worried.


Now I've sorted the college stuff I feel excited about today, Valentine's day! First Valentine's day we've been able to spend together because Tom's not working. I've just spoken to him on the phone, he's been working last night. I asked where he was and he said he couldn't tell me, it's a secret then he said he's going home for bed for a bit after he's done the "secret stuff". I'm going to see him at 5, he's cooking me dinner and we're having champagne. I'm excited to see what the secret stuff is haha.

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I had a fab Valentine's day! I was so excited that we could spend Valentine's day together (because he's been working other years, first time I've actually seen him on Valentine's day!)


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Table when I got there (and my crappy hand made card on the right haha)


Tom got me some lovely things. He had a picture of us done on an acrylic block thing, it's gorgeous. Last Valentine's day he put together a photo album of us together and all the things we'd done through the year in order. He did the same this year but with the things we've done together this year. The photo album is STUNNING. All the pictures are huge and actually printed professionally onto glossy paper. Then there's a cut out window on the front and a picture of us. Then he's written a message just on the inside. It's so lovely. He also made me rice crispy cakes with chocolate chips on and gave me a bunch of daffodils (flower of Wales!) Then I had dinner and breakfast made for me and I was allowed to watch a romcom (haha). I had a really good day!


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^^Valentine's dinner, candle lit!


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^^ Part of breakfast this morning (but the croissants got burnt because I wasn't keeping an eye on them, was drying my hair, oops!)


Was totally spoilt!


I swear something strange is going on in Tom's flat. He'd been working the night before last and hadn't had much sleep the day before so he was really tired last night. He went to bed while I was watching TV. There's 2 doors between the room I was in watching TV and the bedroom. So I shut the bedroom door and the other door so he couldn't watch TV. Then the door kept creaking but thought it was just a breeze. I went to bed not long after and shut both the doors again (with the latch, they were shut tight). When I got up a bit later to go to the bathroom the other door was wide open and I could hear tapping! So freaky. Then this morning I could feel like warm water on my arm but there was definitely nothing there. And when we were in bed we could hear what sounded like a phone ring tone coming from his living room (it was definitely coming from inside his flat) but my phone and his were off, it definitely wasn't from our phone and there's nowhere else it could be coming from. So strange! Maybe I'm just paranoid about things like that though haha.

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Ah I know, that's what I thought! Lol. I tried telling Tom but he was fast asleep and wouldn't budge, I was too scared to come out of the bathroom. I told him this morning and he didn't seem anywhere near as freaked out as I was, think I'm just a wimp lol.

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Tom's psychiatry interview is now! I'm so nervous for him, I've been awake since 5am panicking. I really hope they don't keep him waiting long till they let him know where he's going to be working and things. So nervous.


I'm going to go to Ikea today because we need some new mugs and things. Or maybe I'm just using that as an excuse because I just like going to Ikea haha. I really need to get something for my niece's birthday aswell. I really don't know what to get her! Might just get her some clothes.

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Thanks. I hope so too! Ah if he has to move could mean we have to be LD for a bit or I'd have to work out a way to move eventually too. So nervous. Hopefully it won't come to that though. I so hope they don't keep him waiting but it could be a month before he knows, eek! But if he gets the job, around here aswell then he's definitely here for 3 years, we can live together

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LMAO at Facebook. Convo between my friend and her friend.


T D- he was being a knob!! his uni placements and then he kept saying he was ill!! x

9 hours ago · Like

S C- Sounds like 1 of my exes lol. Wheres he from then?x

8 hours ago · Like

T D- that's because he is one of your ex's. lol

8 hours ago · Like

S C- Ben?x

8 hours ago · Like

T D- yep! x


I shouldn't laugh but this has tickled me... I'm horrible, I know!

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Thanks ah it would be hard but I'm sure we could. And it wouldn't be long anyway, I'd just have to sort out switched college's and some other things but there's not really much holding me here at the moment so wouldn't be that big a deal.

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Oh I know! I don't write much on Facebook, I use it to nose at other people really and Tom doesn't use Facebook so don't really say much to him on there other than tag him in some pictures of us. I don't mind it too much but some people just post wayyy too much like I had one friend who was posting EVERYTHING and I mean everything about her sex life, that was a bit much!

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