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Argh I've woken up and have such a bad pain in my neck... and still no letter from the hospital! Getting sick of worrying even though there's probably nothing wrong. I want to know why it hurts and I want to know why this lump is getting bigger every day

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My brother is getting married! I'm so excited. I went to see my niece and nephew this morning and they told me. Everyone's like "omg about time" lol. They've been together years, like, 12 years or something. They're aiming to get married around Christmas, ah I'm so excited.


My nephew is so funny. Me and Tom took him out a couple of weekends ago. He could see trains from the park so I promised him one day we'll go on the train and the bus to go to visit Tom. As soon as I came through the door today he goes "are we going to see Tom on the train today?" He's only 4, he has such a good memory lol.


I'm having such a lazy day today, I'm so tired. Going to watch some DVD's and catch up on some shows I've been missing I think.

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I'm not sure. They seem pretty excited about it and have been talking about dressed, cars and things. Think it's going to be, like, in between. Not too big but not too small either if that makes sense lol.

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I think theirs will be on a fairly low budget. But I think my SIL-to-be would like a nice dress, nice cars, flowers and a nice reception, that kind of thing but not overly expensive or anything. Ah I'm so excited lol.

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Oh I know, flowers (fake ones) are gorgeous these days. My brother has a vase with a huge lilly in it in his bathroom and every time I go in there I have to feel it because it looks and feels so real lol. Actually I think sometimes flowers look better fake. They last longer anyway lol. At Tom's brothers wedding all the close relatives had real button hole flowers. Mine had died by the time we got to the reception, it was turning brown and wilting. And there's so many gorgeous fairly cheap dresses and things which still look really nice.

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Ah I know! Tom's mum was a nervous wreck when we got there (obviously, her oldest was getting married) but then the button holes were late coming and she was just getting worse. Seems like a waste of money to me too tbh. They were really nice and everything but they were wilted by the time we got to the reception (and that was like 1:30-2pm-ish. I'm sure they weren't cheap either!

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That's what I want to do! My sister had fake flowers at her wedding which she gave to me. I have them in a vase.


I'm going back to the doctors this morning, not happy about my neck at all. The one side of my face is all tingly and weird and my shoulder and neck really hurt. I really want to know what's wrong, I'm going to see the doctor in a hour.


I had the strangest dream about my ex last night. I wouldn't even class him as an ex really because the man was just an arse, it wasn't a proper relationship. We weren't together all that long really but from the start I knew something was wrong, silly me put up with it though. Then he stopped seeing me, he wouldn't answer my calls or texts. I was so worried, I thought something had happened to him. Then he text saying his friend's mum had died (which turned out not to be true) and that's why he'd been ignoring me because he'd been helping him. Sick. Then on New Years day I found his Facebook (said he didn't have one) and it listed him as in a relationship with someone else. He'd met her at his brother's birthday party New Years eve and they'd got together then. Sad how he couldn't have just told me but hey ho. He was horrible anyway, I'm glad it ended.


Anyway, this dream was weird. This girl he cheated with, he's still with her. I've only ever seen her once. I saw her a few months ago in the supermarket, she doesn't know who I am. I hated her when he first did all this but I really do wish them all the best now. They've been together a long time and they seem happy. And I've got the most amazing boyfriend ever so who cares.


But in this dream I'd met his girlfriend at the airport I think, I think she was working there. And I told her who I was then somehow ended up back at his house with him, the girlfriend and some of his friends. And we were all getting along surprisingly well considering haha. Then everyone eventually went home and it was just me and him and it was all like weird and emotional We were just talking about things, us, the past, what he's doing now etc. then he tried to kiss me but I pushed him away and said I've got a boyfriend now and we're REALLY happy. So he backed off and seemed fine with that and we agreed to be friends then went back to playing computer games.


Really strange. I haven't seen him in, like, 2 years. I sobbed over him for weeks when he cheated but afterwards just felt relief because I knew things weren't right, we were never going to work and my Christmas was horrible because I thought something was wrong with him, I didn't know what had happened between us. Was horrible. But I really believe if I hadn't been with him and he didn't do what he did I wouldn't have met Tom. So bad I know but I think when I did meet Tom it was sort of on the rebound which I feel awful about now. We were a bit up and down for months before we finally got together (I met him very quickly after the ex) but I'm so grateful for it all now, I'm so glad I found him. When I met my ex we just got together by chance, I wasn't looking for anyone. And I think if I hadn't got together with him, at the point when I met Tom I still wouldn't have been so I probably wouldn't even know him now. I really believe everything happens for a reason.


Anyway I'm rambling. Super strange dream, hadn't even thought about him in a long time.


The wind is so bad here. Things INSIDE the house are moving because of it! My bedroom door kept shaking through the night. And our garden shed door has blown off. I don't like wind! Me and Tom were going to do some outdoor type stuff this weekend but doesn't seem like that's going to happen now if the weather keeps up the way it is

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OK, I'm so annoyed. I saw the doctor this morning who basically said I was lying and actually said I'm wasting their time. I asked how long it will be till I see someone at the hospital and he said could be 5 months, maybe longer! I'm so angry. I'm in so much pain today and my cheek is completely numb. I tried showing him where the lump was but he kept pushing my hand away and feeling the wrong place. Err hello so the doctors I saw last week were lying, Tom is lying and I'm lying? I said it's got a bit bigger since I first felt it and he goes "well how can it get bigger if it's not there?"


Now I don't know what to do, there's not much else I can do other than wait and hope there's nothing wrong. I'm so upset.

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Good idea about the journal, I'll do that!


OK it's a bit naughty and wrong but I'm just spoken to Tom who said if I come into A&E he'll try to get someone to take some blood and check my thyroid levels because I'm leaning towards it being an over or under active thyroid. I'll think about it at least. Not sure if it will do any good though because they can only check my blood and I'm not sure if if it is normal then I'll just drive myself more mad, might not do any good.

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Well we did voluntary work for a while. Well, not together. It's a bit strange. The place where the voluntary job was is like right next to the hospital he works at now. I worked there for a couple of years but never actually saw him lol just knew his name and we spoke on the phone a few times. Then my friends brother had a birthday party which was in a pub and Tom just happened to be there as well, so strange! Then we got talking about the voluntary work, exchanged numbers and things and... the rest is history! Lol.

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Hmm we're supposed to be going to this old mining museum today but the weather's so bad it's actually scary outside! And we were trying to find the place on the internet last night to see if you have to book but the website doesn't work. Probably not point just going along to see anyway (especially if we might just be blown away! Lol). But we're going out for an early Valentine's dinner tonight anyway

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Well we did voluntary work for a while. Well, not together. It's a bit strange. The place where the voluntary job was is like right next to the hospital he works at now. I worked there for a couple of years but never actually saw him lol just knew his name and we spoke on the phone a few times. Then my friends brother had a birthday party which was in a pub and Tom just happened to be there as well, so strange! Then we got talking about the voluntary work, exchanged numbers and things and... the rest is history! Lol.


Awwww. That's so sweet!

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Eurgh, my Saturday was a bit rubbish! I spent most of yesterday in A&E after cutting my hand pretty badly with a kitchen knife while washing the dishes. So annoying. Now I have stitches and a really, annoying, painful, bandaged hand which I can't use properly! I hate A&E, it was so busy. And I got seen before everyone else because they seemed to think I was bleeding to death (I've had paper cuts that have bled more tbh!) and got evil looks off people who had been waiting longer. Not a fun day!


Today was much better though. We got to go to the mining museum even though the weather was horrible, it's so cold, wet and windy. It was really interesting. And we got some lunch and coffee while we were out too. Then we ate cold, left over pizza and made cakes, so fun! And yay Tom isn't working Valentine's day (he's swapped with someone else) so I'm being made dinner and we're going to have champagne, should be a good day!

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