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Haha I know! I only post status's like at Christmas and New Year etc. I have been counting down to our holiday but I just can't think of anything to say on there, just use it to nosey at other people and keep in touch with friends mainly.

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I want to have a go but it seems to addictive lol.


I've just spoken to Tom. He doesn't sound too positive about the job, he sounds quite upset. He said it was really difficult and came out thinking he could have said a lot more or different things than he did. I tried to tell him that it would probably be the same with any interview (and exams) you always come out thinking you could have said something different, added more or been better. I REALLY hope they get back to him soon. I have a good feeling about it, hate to see him down. He's been waiting for this for ages and he really wants it. There's 11 positions in the area around where we live. So that doesn't sound too bad. We were reading medical journals a couple of weeks ago and they said there's not many positions for psychiatry but there's even less people applying. So I hope it works out for him.

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I've had a very unproductive day. I went to Ikea and bought hand wash, sweets, a cushion and a glass (very random!) then went to Toys 'r' Us and had fun looking at the toys... but still haven't got anything for my niece... Plenty of time though I suppose!


Eurgh, I'm supposed to be paying for our travel insurance but it's so confusing! When I was younger and we just used travel agents seemed a lot easier. Really should have sorted these things out sooner probably.

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One of my old school friends is in Australia for a year. He's been there about... 6 months now. I've just been looking at some pictures he added last night on Facebook of Christmas day (at the beach). It's so weird, there's so many people and so sunny. Not sure that would feel right having sun at Christmas. Anyway. The pictures look amazing. Another friend went to Australia last summer and toured around with a bunch of people. They also stayed in Singapore on the way, it looked so good. I really want to go to Australia one day.


I'm going to go spend some time with my niece and nephew today. The little man isn't well, he has an infection somewhere in his face but they don't know what's causing it. He's always so cheerful though, even when he's not well.


Eurgh my throat feels all scratchy, I hope I'm not getting ill. This happens all the time though. It stings for a bit then nothing happens

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Argh I'm sort of worried about Tom. I text him earlier but no reply then text him a bit later about something he'd asked me to let him know about but still no reply so called him and he didn't answer but called straight back and sounds really down I don't know if it's just work stuff and interviews getting on top of him. He was in a rush to get ready for work, he starts in a bit so we didn't get to talk for long, I hope he's OK

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Eurgh, I over react.


Tom just called back and said he's sorry that he gets upset but that he cares about me so much and he doesn't like me to be upset. I'd spoken to him earlier about college. I'd spoken to some of my tutors and all the work we've done is wrong, the course is probably going to be cancelled till next year. I'd just started getting back into my work after having a few set backs, this is really disappointing. So I told Tom because he told me to let him know about what's going on. He says he worries about me so much because everything seems to go wrong for me and he can't relax because he worries that I'm not OK. I love how he cares about me so much and he'd do anything for me (and he knows I'd do the same for him). But I've just explained to him that when I get upset I tend to act like the world's coming to an end but then calm down not long after which he doesn't usually get to see because when I am upset it's usually when I've phoned him before I've had time to calm down. Then I cry on the phone, get off the phone and I've calmed down quite a bit. But then he gets off the phone and believes that I'm still really upset and wishes he could be here with me. So he worries more about things that go wrong than I do. I tried to tell him that if I cry I calm down and there's no need to worry because I'm usually then not worrying as much as he is. But I know that must be hard for him.


I don't know, the last few months have been tough because of one thing or another and I know that's hard for him. He's supported me though so much, with college, things that's happened with my mum and some other things that have gone wrong. It's hard. I try to calm down and not tell him till I have calmed down but he can see through it, he knows when I'm upset and will get it out of me, even if I'd rather it all calm down and not make him upset aswell. He has his own things going on too, he doesn't need to worry about my things. I love him so much and appreciate that he cares for me. But I hate seeing him upset because he's worried about me. I hope he's OK.

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Lol aww you're definitely not a fat cow!


I definitely over reacted I think! Got all upset because he hadn't replied then was upset because he sounded upset. He worries so much, he's a bit like a woman haha. It's nice having guys who care!

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Oh yeah same with me! I'm not huge but it's a total nightmare trying to lose any weight from round my stomach area. So annoying!


Hmm I worry too but Tom's as sensitive as most women lol. It's sweet but aww I worry about him worrying.


Eurgh I've just woken up, broken out in spots (I've never had spots) and I think I have an infection in my mouth too. Lovely. My throats all sore and it hurts to brush my teeth. Trip to the dentists I think, eurgh. And I'm so tired

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I have just found the most AMAZING thing ever! About a hour away from me there's a indoor play area (children's) that allows adults to play there after 8pm every over Friday for £8. I'm so getting a bunch of my friends together and going there to play some time!


I'm a bit too excited about this haha.

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My sister can be so annoying! Hadn't spoken to her since like Christmas eve or something. Every time she phones or texts she asks "are you still with HIM?" I'm like huh? She hasn't even met Tom so Then when I said yeah of course she invites us both to come stay after we come back from our holiday. They haven't met yet (she lives about 5 hours away) ah, not looking forward to that really haha.

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