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I'm going to sort out some stuff for our holiday next week with Tom today. Not leaving the rest till last minute like we did last year. The morning before we went on holiday last year was so chaotic. Tom's usually pretty organised but when it comes to getting ready for holidays, packing, having passports ready and things, he just doesn't seem that bothered! We've just found out that we can't take their currency into or out of the country so we've had to change our money back to sterling. So we have to get hold of the owner of the apartment to find out how he wants us to pay. And Tom has lost the email address! He's been emailed the guy for the last few days but has now realised it's the wrong email address *bangs head*. I really don't know how he managed to go travelling when he was a teenager!


I'm so tired today. I kept waking up during the night, like every hour/hour and a half. So annoying!

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Eurgh, I'm so tired. Insomnia has started again, so annoying. Don't even know why, I'm not stressed about anything.


We went to the park last night which usually shuts about 5 but was open later because one of the polling stations for the referendum was in the park. The park is really long and it was getting late. They'd locked most of the gates and we thought we were locking in but luckily the main gate at the end was still open. Then when we got back we cooked dinner and found some shows on TV about Morocco. It looks awesome. Only 3 more days to go! I'm so excited. We managed to get hold of the owner of the apartment. When we emailed the right address the guy replied almost instantly. So everything seems like it's sorted, just need to pack before I go!


I've finally made an appointment with the opticians after putting it off for ages. My eyes are getting so bad. And I can see dots all the time. I know floaters (or whatever they're called) are normal but I've had these for years now and there just seems to be more all the time. There's definitely more than when I first asked the optician about them (who said everything seems fine). Should get them looked at though and could definitely do with some stronger lenses!


The weather's so nice today. I should be out doing something. But I have so much work to do and I can't can't be bothered really. I'm tired and already looking forward to bed time.

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LOL me and Tom have the stupidest disagreements, they're not even proper arguments. This morning we were late getting up. The walls in his flat are really thin so instead of getting up when we should have we were laying in bed laughing at his neighbours arguing over something stupid (we could hear everything they were saying). Then when we did get up Tom decided he wants to ride his bike home from work tonight. This was at like 9:30, he started work at 12. He had to go to the post office to change money into Euros (post office is only at the end of the road though), get showered, get his bike stuff ready, load them into the car then I had to shower and we both had to eat. Anyway. It takes him a hour to drive to the hospital. So by the time we sat down to eat breakfast it was 11:45 and he hadn't even put his bike in the car because he was doing other things.


Anyway. While I was washing the dishes quickly while he was making food to take to the hospital I was trying to move cutlery from last night out of the way so I could put the breakfast stuff there. Stupidly we were then having a bit of an argument over where the cutlery was going, if it was staying there till he got home or if he was putting it away so I could put the breakfast stuff there. So so stupid! So the dirty dishes were left in the end because we were both stropping a bit. He's just text saying "sorry about the cutlery incident. Am I forgiven because I'll have to eat off dirty plates tonight?" Hah, I love how we argue like an old married couple. So silly!

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Haha it's funny afterwards. But it was so silly at the time because we were properly arguing about some spoons!


Two dayyyyys till Morocco! I'm so so excited. After getting a better sleep last night I'm feeling even more excited today. And hopefully I should be able to get everything else I need to do done today so I can relax tomorrow. Tom said last night that our flight is earlier than I thought so will be a long day Tuesday. I can't wait. Will be nice to spend a week together, just us without either of us having to go anywhere.


Ah excitedddd!

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Argh why is it when I'm going somewhere I try to get everything done, everything packed early-ish so I don't have to panic. Then I wake up the morning before and there's still, like, a million things I need to do. And I'm sure tomorrow when we're on the plane I'll spent the 3 and a half hours panicking that I've left important stuff behind! I'll be so glad to be there and not stressing anymore! Haha.

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I did a list on Saturday... so pretty good for me lol. But I thought I'd got most of the stuff done but there was still lots to do. I'm finally done now though, just need to pack last minute things in the morning (toothbrush etc). Not going to be able to fit much more in anyway lol.

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So, Morocco was so good. It was lovely to spend the week with Tom and really nice to be somewhere warm for a change!


We had so many problems with the apartment though. We booked the apartment privately. When we got there no one understood English, Tom can only speak some French. So we weren't sure if we were in the right place even. Then the owner finally turned up but said there was a problem with the water in the apartment, there was no water at all. So she moved us to another apartment and then said the problem was actually there, we could either leave and she wouldn't charge us or we could stay the night and decide. We had to choice but to stay because it was getting late and we were tired. Luckily the water came back on as soon as she left but there was a leak which we decided to put up with because the apartment was really nice otherwise. But then she decided we'd have to leave and move to the original apartment on Friday because someone else was coming to stay in our apartment. On Friday we moved and the water still wasn't on, we had to use bottled water and the electric or gas didn't work. Luckily we were only there till yesterday morning so it wasn't too bad, just one night.


Otherwise it was amazing. But definitely not somewhere I would like to have gone to for longer than five days. The people are so poor, it's really depressing. We bought some local things, tried to give them some money at least. But it's difficult because there's not much you can do to help them. But the place is amazing. We went to the Atlas mountains which was incredible. Oukaimeden, the ski resort that we went to on the second day, was so bizarre! Just an hour before we'd been sitting in our shorts outside the apartment eating our breakfast then we were out in the mountains and it was snowing heavy! A lot different to the UK.


I so want to go back again. We're going to try to go to Casablanca for a weekend at the end of the year, early next year hopefully!

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I don't think the time of when you take them correlates to anything. I know they say to take it at the exact same time but I never have - and no pregnacies! lol


The vacation looks amazing - in some parts. L and i had a siutation when we went NY and we rented a apartment privately. Apparenlty it was being shown around to potential renters - as in, to live in - and they kept bringing them when we were there and we weren't there. Very annoying.

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It was really good! Just after we found out there was no water we had to rush to the supermarket to get loads of bottled water. Was a bit upset and was rushing and bumped my head and nose on the car door so was bleeding really badly everywhere which added to being upset, spent the next hour crying saying I wanted to go home and didn't want to stay till the end lol but when I'd managed to wash my hair I was a lot happier. Was fantastic. Just hard because I can't speak any French, they can't speak English so was really hard just sitting outside on my own when Tom was swimming/at the shops etc. because the locals would come and try to talk to me and just explaining that I couldn't understand was so hard lol.


Ah I don't know lol. I've been taking them an hour late/early and have had like a 2 and a half week long period or something. And I caused the stupidest argument with Tom at the airport last night just because I wanted to get a trolley to push the suitcases on and he said it was fine to carry them. So I didn't talk to him all the way home Not good lol.

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I've switched the the mini-pill (progestrogen only) so, yeah, it is normal for this kind of pill. But when I had the Depo Provera injection they were sort of stopping. Probably just the change in hormones and something I should just put up with for a bit. Makes me horrible though lol.

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Eurgh, back to work. I miss being on holiday and I miss Tom. Feels weird sleeping on my own in my single bed again. Ah well, more trips at the end of the year.


So annoying. I was bitten by mosquitoes on holiday. I have a bite on each eye lid. This morning they're all weepy and sore looking and my eye lids look all fat and are drooping over my eyes Hope they're not infected. My fault for not wearing insect repellent though I suppose!

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I'm so excited. I've just been a bit naughty and treated myself to a Blackberry which I've wanted for absolute ages. Was getting sick of using a rubbish phone which didn't have a spacebar that worked properly. I love the Blackberry although it's confusing me a little bit at the moment! First decent phone I've had though, woohoo.

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Gah. Have to get my eyes tested today. About time too, haven't had them tested in like two years. Quite nervous about it though, sure my eyes are just getting worse all the time


Aww and it's my little cousins birthday today, she's 4. So cute. I missed her party on Saturday because I was on holidays, the pictures look like it was so much fun!

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