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Ah ex's are annoying! I'm glad we could speak to eachother for once without getting angry at arguing. There's a first time for everything lol. And I genuinely felt pleased that he's happy with this girl and seems to have his work things sorted out. But my God I realised we should never have been together lol.


Gah, my best friend has been ignoring me for 3 weeks. Really starting to wonder why I bother. She's argued with her FWB. This guy is an idiot. Every time she argues with him she ignores me because (and I quote her words) she's jealous of me and Tom. I sent her a few texts and a message on FB but she's been online and hasn't replied. I've asked if she's OK but nothing. And she's supposed to be coming here in a few weeks but she hasn't planned anything. Can't see it happening somehow

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It's always funny when you can look back and realize how wrong you were but in that moment you thought you were so right. I truly don't wish my ex any ill will -financially I do simply because of the mess he left ME in - but other wise no. He was a horrible person to ME but I truly hope he learned and grew from our relationship and doesn't make the same mistakes.


Wow. that sucks. I mean, my bestie and I go a week or so without communicating simply because I work all the time and what time I do have I usually use it to talk to CS and she works and has my 2 year old niece to raise but we at least try. I know jealousy is a dangerous thing though.

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Yep! We were so wrong for eachother, I can see it now. He treated me so badly. I don't think he's a bad person. Of course cheating was bad, saying he was helping a friend who's mum had just been diagnosed with cancer when he was with her was bad but, I don't know, they're moving in together this weekend, seem very happy together so I'm glad. And I really do believe everything happens for a reason. I'm super happy now so it all worked out OK in the end. And I realise now me and Tom have so much fun together, even if we're just sitting around watching rubbish TV and eating junk food, it's so fun. I can't remember doing anything fun with my ex. Just felt like it was constant stress. The whole time we were together I was worried and feeling insecure. If he didn't answer my calls or texts I'd be going insane with worry. And I can tell now that that's probably because my mind was telling me something wasn't right. I can completely see the difference. Tom's the worst person for answering calls and texts straight away lol but I don't go mad with worry because I know everything is OK, I know he's usually just out riding his bike, with friends, is busy. With my ex I never had any idea where he was, who he was with. Was all a bit secret. I really hope things work out well for them though.


Eurgh yeah it is. We're argued so much because she's jealous. She hasn't even met Tom yet because she said she's jealous of us. She's been with this guy (although she's admitted they're just FWB really) for over a year now and they're just not getting anywhere. He's still married (but they're not living together anymore) and doesn't seem to be able to make up his mind who he wants. She's met some really nice guys over the year too but she just hangs around waiting for him. I know it must be hard but argh frustrating! She just keeps saying that for a long time all her friends were in relationships, were getting married, having children and I was the only one who was still single. Then when I got together with Tom everything just changed because she said she hated the fact that we were happy and that she didn't have a single friend anymore. I really wanted her to come in a few weeks but don't see how it's going to happen now. I'm not even sure if she booked the hotel. So frustrating!

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It was the same for my ex and me. Certain things he did some would think he was a bad person - and I suppose he was in that moment - but the main thing he did wrong was cheat on me. Looking back I can see he wanted out very early but cared about me enough not to want to break my heart but cheated as his outlet - still broke my heart but still. The fact he lowered himself to that level is what makes him a bad person in that instance. I was very insecure in our relationship and now with CS... I still have moments, simply because I have been hurt so much in my life but it's never becaue of somehting he did to challenge that trust - it's all on my end.


She needs to have more security in herself. People are always going to have what you want in life and she isn't making a move to change the situation and find a better guy she has no one to blame but herself.

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Yes, exactly! I don't think he was a bad person. But towards the end he was. And I'm not sure he really wanted to be with me either really. Like, just before we broke up, he started getting really strange. I don't know if it was because he was with this girl, still not sure how long they were together before I found out. But it's one of my close friend's birthday just before Christmas. I was supposed to be going to her party but was really ill and the weather was bad, I told her I wouldn't be able to make it. And she understood but I felt bad because it was her 21st. But I said we'd go for dinner somewhere after Christmas with a few friends to make up for it. My ex, when I told him I wasn't going, got insanely mad at me and wouldn't talk to me. It was ridiculous. Then he'd just get mad over nothing. Then from Christmas on I hardly heard a thing from him which was when I knew something wasn't right.


Oh yeah, I still get insecure sometimes too. Like, at the start of our relationship we had a bit of an iffy patch. It's all sorted now but Tom hated his job when we got together, was so depressed and didn't want to be there. Then one night, not long after we'd got together he wasn't replying to me. Then he called late in the night saying he didn't think things were going to work because he was so unsure about work and didn't want to be around here anymore. He said he wanted to tell me early on because he didn't want to lead me on and hurt me later on if he was going to up and leave. At the time I was angry at him, we didn't talk for a few weeks. Then he called and we went out for dinner and talked. He said he was sorry, he'd had a bad day that day and was just about ready to pack his bags and go back to where he went to uni. And I understand now but at the time it was heartbreaking because, even though we'd only been on a handful of dates, I still really thought there was something there and was mad at him for not giving it a try. But anyway, it wasn't brought up again until a few months later where we spent like 4 hours talking about it. He said he was sorry for it and still felt bad, that if things were bad again he would talk to me and wouldn't ignore me (he didn't really ignore me, he called back a few hours later but we didn't talk for a few weeks because we thought it wasn't going to work and we'd "broken up"). Anyway. He ended up getting a job he enjoyed and everything's been great. But very rarely, like once every 5 months, I worry that something's going to happen again. And I think it's because my ex really did just disappear and didn't talk to me again really for 3 years. And when things went a bit funny with Tom's job and things it reminded me of that. So, yeah, long story to say I still get a bit insecure sometimes LOL.


Yes, exactly! Like, this guy a few months ago was so sweet. They went out once and he offered to do so much for her but she was so mean for him, I don't think they've seen eachother since. She just seems to want to be with the guys who treat her badly. It was sad at first but she just takes it out on people and doesn't do much to change it so it's hard to have sympathy then!

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Ah I'm having a good birthday (even though it's early lol).


Me and Tom went out for dinner last night. We hadn't booked anywhere so it was a bit of a nightmare finding an Italian place that had room at, like, 8pm. But it was good. Tom had decorated his flat! And we had birthday cake at like midnight lol. Aww and he got me amazing presents, there's still one to open when he comes for dinner tonight.


Good birthday!

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Aww my day was good yesterday! I spent lots of time with my family, especially my niece who was so cute. She had loads of nice presents but was more interested in a balloon! I can't believe she's 2 already.


Tom's boss let him leave the hospital a hour early for my birthday which was really nice. We cooked dinner together, ate cake and watched DVD's. Was good! Tom gave me a digital photo frame for my birthday, I'm so pleased with it. But now I'm driving myself mad trying to get photos on it lol.


I also heard from my best friend. Grr she text half way through the day saying "I've just been on Facebook which reminded me it's your birthday. Happy birthday..." Wow, nice. No card or nothing though and no reply after I text back saying thanks. So annoying, I make sure I get her a nice gift and card every single year but I've only ever had 1 card of her. I feel stupid.

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Ah I know! So annoying. She's not back in contact but complaining about the FWB guy. Apparently he told her friend something that she'd told him in confidence. He's been so... strange since the beginning so I don't know why she'd tell him personal stuff. Anyway she has an important exam on Wednesday and she said she's going to be even more mad at him after that... rah!


But, yeah, my day was good thanks!

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Just a week to go to Morocco! (Well, a week and a day but I'm ignoring the extra day lol). Argh we're having issues with the car parking at the airport though. The website just doesn't work. It gets as far as the payment page then won't go any further. And we can't find any other way to pay. So hopefully it will start working soon. I can't wait to get away from here!

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The guy we've rented the apartment off for next weekend emailed Tom a link with pictures of the apartment and building. It looks gorgeous and we seem to be getting quite a bit for what we paid for it. There also seems to be a lot more around the apartment than we first thought so hopefully we won't start (and won't be forced to eat sheep's heads lol). I'm very excited now!


Ah it's so cold. I really wish the weather would start getting a bit warmer. It's just cold all the time! I really wanted to go to the beach today but it's just colder there so didn't bother. Might go tomorrow instead though.

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Aww my cousin is 29 weeks pregnant and was taken into hospital last night because they thought she was in labour. They're going to give the baby (or her?) steroids today, I guess to help baby's lungs (?) incase she does go into labour early. She's having to stay in hospital for now just incase, which is the best place for her at the moment I guess. She has an almost 4 year old daughter already who's a bit confused about where her mum is because she hasn't been left before Going to go see her later. Hopefully her and baby will be OK!

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Aww I know! I think baby is going to hang on a bit longer though. They've been giving her steroid injections and some other things and things seem to have calmed down. I've just been to see her and she's fine, just bored (she'd read like 500 pages in a book since 9 this morning, 9 hours lol). She has another injection this evening then she can go home later tonight and stay home unless things change again. She's almost 30 weeks so I guess even if baby does decide to come early there's so much they can do these days, baby should be born early. I was born at 30 weeks and I'm fine lol.


The hospital is so annoying though! The antenatal ward and postnatal wards are together. They have two intercoms outside for each ward but it doesn't say which intercom is for each. Obviously, you can't just walk in because there's babies, security and things. So we tried both intercoms but the nurses said my cousin isn't there! It took us 5 times, walking up and down the stairs between reception and the wards to find out where she was. She was actually on the ward where we were at the first time we tried the intercom. They just had no idea where she was


Anyway, I'm glad her and baby are OK!

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