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Have I vented lately about how much I hate dating?


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If not, I've been remiss. I simply cannot stand getting to know even one more man who is either unavailable for practical reasons, is trying to decide which woman in his life he likes best, or thinks he needs to play some "wait between contacts and make sure initiating is going according to some schedule".




If you are a perfectly nice man, kind, honest, responsible, and fun-loving then don't keep the woman you are interested in waiting because if she's anything like me she finds the entire process ultimately frustrating!

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I wouldnt wait!!


Arg don't kill my hopes for dating...so many horror stories


I'm sure you will have more ardent suitors than I do.


(((HUGE HUGS))) waveseer, (((HUGE HUGS))).


Hope things pick up for you soon!


It's not so much the lack of attention, it's the general lack of enthusiasm!




I think though if I ever had to date again I would just rather become a nun.......LOL.


I tried that, believe me, it only lasts so long. lol


BTW, happy birthday.


dating is a pain.


In a way, I'm glad my anxiety meds have killed my sex drive. I have less of a desire now to date and end up getting my hopes dashed.


I finally have my sex drive under control, thank god, but it still exists!


Dating might suck but it's better than the alternative...





Arranged marriage.


I'm talking about dating, marriage is from a previous lifetime and I have serious doubts about it coming around again in any form!


Honestly, I'd go to the arranged marriage.


What if you ended up with a sadistic, misogynist, chauvinist?

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I haven't actively tried it full on, I don't get it. Makes no sense the little I experienced..making huge efforts to get my number or see me and then nothing. I prefer my ignorant bliss, believing without seeing.


I'm not sure I understood the believing without seeing part...

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Much more detail needed. Sometimes it's not gamey waiting or indifference, just a measured pace brought about by much experience or a busy life. I'm gonna go sloooooow the next goround after the last one turned out to be a total nutcase.


Or maybe you would prefer the ten call a day, ILY in the first month type?

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Kinda like believing in love without actively trying to get into a relationship or go on dates or in general pursue it (so my dreams don't get dashed) hope this makes sense now


I understand now. I'm in no hurry either, but when a good man comes along I do get just a teeny bit excited!



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Much more detail needed. Sometimes it's not gamey waiting or indifference, just a measured pace brought about by much experience or a busy life. I'm gonna go sloooooow the next goround after the last one turned out to be a total nutcase.


Or maybe you would prefer the ten call a day, ILY in the first month type?


I'm sure it's a busy (and unpredictable) life. I have one too to a certain degree. And no, for the record, ten calls a day would be HORRIBLE! haha

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Why are you getting so wrapped up in it right off the bat? I have gone on lots of dates and got many different women's numbers. Sometimes they will sound super excited on the phone and then cancel last minute, only to ignore my follow up call. I honestly could not care less, I just move right on to the next girl. Some girl just did it to me this weekend and I just filled the slot with someone else, no big deal.

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I bet you are a challenging date, surfer girly and all, you may be scaring these geezers that they can't keep up with you, on the board, in the bedroom or in the boardroom, ever think about that?


Yes, it has been known to happen that way. Although, I don't believe me slowing down and becoming less motivated is a good solution, do you?

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Why are you getting so wrapped up in it right off the bat? I have gone on lots of dates and got many different women's numbers. Sometimes they will sound super excited on the phone and then cancel last minute, only to ignore my follow up call. I honestly could not care less, I just move right on to the next girl. Some girl just did it to me this weekend and I just filled the slot with someone else, no big deal.


It's not about needing to fill the time, I am fairly good at self-entertainment. At my stage of life all available men have not matured equally, not by a long shot. It definitely becomes more difficult to find a gem, once found, it's nice to be able to get to know him and see it through.

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Yes, it has been known to happen that way. Although, I don't believe me slowing down and becoming less motivated is a good solution, do you?


Start bringing a cane or walker on your dates, better yet, get one of those Rascal scooters off the TV and ride up on that with a surfboard strapped to your back.


Seriously, from someone you may surmise has similar problems from time to time, don't change a thing. You will ring the right guy's bell well and good eventually, and he will rise to your tempo.

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Start bringing a cane or walker on your dates, better yet, get one of those Rascal scooters off the TV and ride up on that with a surfboard strapped to your back.


Seriously, from someone you may surmise has similar problems from time to time, don't change a thing. You will ring the right guy's bell well and good eventually, and he will rise to your tempo.


Haha, I do believe I'll be a geriatric surfer someday! lol


If life has taught me anything it's to be myself so whether my knight in shining neoprene ever comes along or not I will still be paddling into the sunset.


Seriously, I have no problem being alert, alive, lively, active, enjoyable, happy, adventuresome, relaxed, courageous, responsible, open, honest, flexible, imaginative, and able. I fully agree that sooner or later I am bound to meet my match and my match will be delighted to meet me.

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